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King Salman of Saudi Arabia: "Everybody is free to sue me to a court in KSA"

He did say that, the reason being that the constitution is based on the Quran and Sunna, and that it had precedent with his father King Abdulaziz getting sued by a tribal leader and going to court.

He's trying to break the barrier of the "Family" and the "people," to block any attempts to cause some rifts in the upcoming days.
When we will listen such thing from Mighty Ayatullah ??? that will be good for Irani people

Good or bad the mighty Ayutuallah has held elections in his country for more than 3 decades by high turns-out of Iranians ,the fact that Iranian constitution was written by people who had been chosen by people during an direct election, a constiution that was voted by people later on ..... surly our democracy needs a lot of modifications and time as every nation needs and it isn't complete, honestly we do have many problems but in comparasion by Saudis it's galaxy away ... what about Saudi? do they have constitution?
Good or bad the mighty Ayutuallah has held elections in his country for more than 3 decades by high turns-out of Iranians ,the fact that Iranian constitution was written by people who had been chosen by people during an direct election, a constiution that was voted by people later on ..... surly our democracy needs a lot of modifications and time as every nation needs and it isn't complete, honestly we do have many problems but in comparasion by Saudis it's galaxy away ... what about Saudi? do they have constitution?

Tell me which constitution you are talking about ??? The constitution of SA is Quran and no man made constitution can equal to that
Good or bad the mighty Ayutuallah has held elections in his country for more than 3 decades by high turns-out of Iranians ,the fact that Iranian constitution was written by people who had been chosen by people during an direct election, a constiution that was voted by people later on ..... surly our democracy needs a lot of modifications and time as every nation needs and it isn't complete, honestly we do have many problems but in comparasion by Saudis it's galaxy away ... what about Saudi? do they have constitution?

You're right, I hope everyone does better and always strive for the best.

Tell me which constitution you are talking about ??? The constitution of SA is Quran and no man made constitution can equal to that

Yes, but even the Qur'an can be misinterpreted. So the human conclusions and understandings of the Qur'an are not infallible or immune from error. They are as good as the men who practice them.
He did say that, the reason being that the constitution is based on the Quran and Sunna, and that it had precedent with his father King Abdulaziz getting sued by a tribal leader and going to court.

He's trying to break the barrier of the "Family" and the "people," to block any attempts to cause some rifts in the upcoming days.

King Saud was already removed from power and House of Saud family members have been executed, jailed, banished, removed from their official positions and now most House of Saud family members are ordinary citizens with no royal appanage. The only difference being that their family is the royal family.

In reality only around 100-150 House of Saud members have any real power (true power and decision making ability) in the country.

Anyway I really hope that KSA will turn into a constitutional monarchy in the not so distant future and that the current shura (parliament) will be reformed further and expand.

A dream would be to have a constitutional monarchy and a Islamic democracy.

Although I would like a strong centralized system to not turn into another Kuwait were no decision can ever be taken (almost) due to the boycotting of opposing parties.

Politics of Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also good that women can vote in this year's municipal elections. Also that most of the ministers are not from the House of Saud.

Outsiders also tend to forget the very important role of local majlis in KSA. Not only the one in Riyadh but those in every province and major city. Even villages.

Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Opinions please brothers @Full Moon @JUBA @azzo etc.

Oh, funny another Farsi obsessed with Arab affairs. The same guy flooded our section yesterday with a nonsense link. Sorry, we won't ever repay the interest so don't bother. :lol:
I just hope that the right people are put in the right places.

Saudi Arabia is progressing nicely, I have no complaints.

Is the King ready to stand trial in Pakistan? At least here we can guarantee him a fair trial for crimes against Pakistani nationals!

Crimes like what?

And King Salman just assumed the position.
I just hope that the right people are put in the right places.

Saudi Arabia is progressing nicely, I have no complaints.

Well, I could do with a queen or another Queen of Sheba (one of the first recorded Queens in history). Arabia after all.

King Salman had swag too in his younger days.

We definitely need to empower the role of women. Our women are second to none in the region. Kicking *** despite all of the obstacles. In KSA or abroad at leading universities in the US.

Any hater of women in KSA that wants to prevent women from progressing further should be hanged by his balls. Remove the few idiotic laws too immediately that has nothing to do with our culture or religion. Look at the other GCC countries nearby! Look at Kuwait. 70% of Kuwait's citizen's are of Najdi origin and have you seen the role of women there?

Look at the women form the Al-ash-Sheikh family on Twitter and Facebook? Do I need to say more?

We all know that the vast majority of our women are not content with those idiotic laws. A few brave souls are speaking out about this openly and instead of support they face criticism from a few neanderthals.

It's the obligation of every citizen to stand up for women in the light of such idiotic laws and for the empowerment of women which Islam openly calls for too.

Within the scope of sanity, religion and culture of course.

Our women are a flower if you do not care for it, it may slowly die but when you do it will shine and be beautiful.

Women are one of the most precious things. As a son, brother to 3 sisters, uncle and hopefully soon to be husband I know this to be correct. It pains me when our women suffer/are in difficulty/face unnecessary hardship.

I am no feminist and will likely remain a conservative/traditionalist but being that does not hamper women from reclaiming their rightful position in a modern society with everything that entails.

Let's hope for an awakening.

Thankfully most of the youth are like me and that means only one thing. Progress.
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Yes, but even the Qur'an can be misinterpreted. So the human conclusions and understandings of the Qur'an are not infallible or immune from error. They are as good as the men who practice them.

very nice post. dude you solved it.

this is nature inside your heart and in heart of every human being.

By heart all know that Infallibles are needed to understand Holy Quran without any misinterpretation or human error.

Lets find Infallibles to Learn Quran [3:7] without any error or misinterpretation.
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