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Saudi Arabia loans Pakistan $1.5 billion On a personal guarantee of the PM Nawaz Shahrief

Don't You worry about these PDF so called Armchairs intelectuals......they are in tiny minority......Saudi Arabian gestures are welcomed by mainstream public thunderously throughout Pakistan.

Its " intellectuals " , mate . Of course , there is no need to worry about " me " , All I am saying or have said in this thread is what every T.V. anchorperson , sensible politicians and a common rational person is saying . A very basic question , what are the terms and conditions for this money ? What are we giving in return ? What is this money for and in exchange for what ? Can you answer these questions to solve the mystery of these $ 1.5 BN present now with the State bank of Pakistan ?

Or do you wish to shut your eyes , stop thinking critically and conveniently accept the Finance Minister's sorry excuse of an explanation that this money was " gifted " by the friends of Pakistan who had expressed confidence over the Prime minister , on his personal guarantee and strange enough , who wish not to be named ? I mean seriously !

The people accepting this irrational and in violation of common sense explanation are only fooling themselves here , because the rest of us know well that there is no free lunch in the world . There are no friends or enemies too , merely interests . The people stuck in the " Ummah " and " brotherly love " should make an effort to understand this little thing .

It has to be a good reason why Saudis like throwing away their money. I suspect they are interested in Pakistan's agriculture land and arms and ammunition for Syria.

Anyways, in the point of view of Pakistani Rupee, its good news.

What about the national interests and the long term implications of this apparently " free money " ? What about them ? Or have we like our great politicians have started to think short term and looking for quick fixes and benefits ?
Its " intellectuals " , mate . Of course , there is no need to worry about " me " , All I am saying or have said in this thread is what every T.V. anchorperson , sensible politicians and a common rational person is saying . A very basic question , what are the terms and conditions for this money ? What are we giving in return ? What is this money for and in exchange for what ? Can you answer these questions to solve the mystery of these $ 1.5 BN present now with the State bank of Pakistan ?

Or do you wish to shut your eyes , stop thinking critically and conveniently accept the Finance Minister's sorry excuse of an explanation that this money was " gifted " by the friends of Pakistan who had expressed confidence over the Prime minister , on his personal guarantee and strange enough , who wish not to be named ? I mean seriously !

The people accepting this irrational and in violation of common sense explanation are only fooling themselves here , because the rest of us know well that there is no free lunch in the world . There are no friends or enemies too , merely interests . The people stuck in the " Ummah " and " brotherly love " should make an effort to understand this little thing .

What about the national interests and the long term implications of this apparently " free money " ? What about them ? Or have we like our great politicians have started to think short term and looking for quick fixes and benefits ?

If the payment is good, does it matter who the john is and what he may want done?
It has been confirmed by Dar that this is not a loan but donation, more like a gift from friends.
So, A friendly nation gave Pakistani people gift of 1.5 billion ( khiraat)......lolzz..what a shame....Now these billionaire accept others khiraat....
So, A friendly nation gave Pakistani people gift of 1.5 billion ( khiraat)......lolzz..what a shame....Now these billionaire accept others khiraat....

Do you know how much Israel receives from US? Or how much Europe received as part of marshal plan?
Do you know how much Israel receives from US? Or how much Europe received as part of marshal plan?
Should we proud of it ?.

Marshal plan was debt or soft loan by US treasury .
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It has to be a good reason why Saudis like throwing away their money. I suspect they are interested in Pakistan's agriculture land and arms and ammunition for Syria.

Anyways, in the point of view of Pakistani Rupee, its good news.

Like most countries on the planet, Pakistan is an ally state of KSA. Helping Pakistan has never been more imperative than what it is today. There are two more packages on their way, the biggest one the 16-billion-dollar energy package is amid to help the people of Pakistan rather than the Nawaz's regime.
If our nation and leader pay the tax , then world won't see us beggar nation. Pakistani politicians and ruling janta , rules as number one in hold highest amounts in Swiss banks.( like in middle eastern countries Pakistani are called " miskeen" and in west ........we know that.....
Please my Pakistani friends, don't take khairat from Saudi Arabia. Their interest is your weapon for the terror they are planning to do against Syria otherwise they won't give it on 'personal' guarantee of Nawaz. Nawaz recently lifted ban on Child marriage and you know it very well, how much Saudi sheikhs are in love with child marriages. Statistics say it all . Don't let them to spread Saudi virus in your country. Ask them to give financial credits but Khairat.
Please my Pakistani friends, don't take khairat from Saudi Arabia. Their interest is your weapon for the terror they are planning to do against Syria otherwise they won't give it on 'personal' guarantee of Nawaz. Nawaz recently lifted ban on Child marriage and you know it very well, how much Saudi sheikhs are in love with child marriages. Statistics say it all . Don't let them to spread Saudi virus on your country. Ask them to give financial credits at low interest rate but Khairat.

The Awami loyalist blood is boiling :lol: ...

Pakistan never asked for a damn thing, while your leaders come crawling on their knees to us:
Bangladesh seeks stronger trade ties with Kingdom | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more. ...

As for the underage marriage, I guess the BD comes to the second of none:

Battling Bangladesh's child marriage curse ucanews.com

While us and the Pakistanis condemn it, vey to fight it.

You have no dignity to speak to the Pakistanis about what they should do and what they shouldn't.
Its all because Pakistni leaders are habitual beggars and nation don't want to pay tax. Love short cuts an corruption.
Please my Pakistani friends, don't take khairat from Saudi Arabia. Their interest is your weapon for the terror they are planning to do against Syria otherwise they won't give it on 'personal' guarantee of Nawaz. Nawaz recently lifted ban on Child marriage and you know it very well, how much Saudi sheikhs are in love with child marriages. Statistics say it all . Don't let them to spread Saudi virus in your country. Ask them to give financial credits but Khairat.

Mind your business, we know very well how much of a "friend" you are...
If our nation and leader pay the tax , then world won't see us beggar nation. Pakistani politicians and ruling janta , rules as number one in hold highest amounts in Swiss banks.( like in middle eastern countries Pakistani are called " miskeen" and in west ........we know that.....

I couldn't agree more. Saudi Arabia treats Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans as Miskeen (Beggars). It is one country which is the most racist barbaric nation in whole world. Don't take Khairat. Take loan but not Khairat because you know how much damage these sheikhs can do to your country by spreading Saudi viruses on your country and will always treat you as Miskeen (beggars) if you take Khairat from them. Take loan.
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Like most countries on the planet, Pakistan is an ally state of KSA. Helping Pakistan has never been more imperative than what it is today. There are two more packages on their way, the biggest one the 16-billion-dollar energy package is amid to help the people of Pakistan rather than the Nawaz's regime.
Again its all back to square one. All investment will be gas powered plant to generate electricty . Which Pakistani nation can not afford. All Pakistani energy spcialist are in favor or hydo plants . If KSA govt invest in energy sector in Pakistan, then they have right to set terms and conditions, so they will protect their investment first.......but, unfortunatley our leader works for other nation interest rather then Pakistani national interest.
Most probably KSA govt has interest in Pakistan, no free launch in the world.
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