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Saudi Arabia loans Pakistan $1.5 billion On a personal guarantee of the PM Nawaz Shahrief

It has to be a good reason why Saudis like throwing away their money. I suspect they are interested in Pakistan's agriculture land and arms and ammunition for Syria.

Anyways, in the point of view of Pakistani Rupee, its good news.
What a beggar politicians .....PM personal guarantee .....what a shame, means PM will make sure money should be returned to KSA. Otherwise even KSA administration don't trust Pak govt officials.
Why not take it this way, Saudis trust Nawaz more than entire Pakistan................Should be a food for thought rather than making a great yell. Lets hope we don't hear Turkey,China and UAE also requiring Nawaz's personal guarantee.....
I meant no offense , mate . There's no denial of continued Saudi Assistance to my country . It just happens that I do not believe in any free lunch . This is something else , not displeasure , after all , you would have requested something in return . What I am interested is " What is that ? " .
Many times they have not taken anything back we did nuclear blasts and we got free oil for many years and also lot of money but this time yes its different this time its Syria and our weapons going to syrian fighters
B'akistan goes from the clutches Amreeka to wahabi KSA :yahoo:

Many times they have not taken anything back we did nuclear blasts and we got free oil for many years and also lot of money but this time yes its different this time its Syria and our weapons going to syrian fighters

only jamaati parrots think that providing weapons to FSA terrorists and other wahabi nutcases in Syria is a good idea.

Pakistan will dig it's own grave if it gives weapons to those animals as it will come to bite the PA in the a*s

Anyway, why would you care? you openly support the TTP

Anyways, in the point of view of Pakistani Rupee, its good news.

this is short term benefit in return for long term disaster
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Well in past we have received billions of dollars aid for supporting their so called war on terror but we havent seen such a rise in rupee value,how come this $1.5 billion loan from saudi arabia is strenghting rupee so fast ? Can anyone here please explain ?
Just another top-up of the famous kashkaul that somebody claimed had been broken, nothing else. :)

Nothing in life is for free. This money will prove to be very expensive for Pakistan in the long run.

Only time will tell.....it could be an advance on the potential 99 year lease of 100,000 acres of agricultural land that SA was looking to acquire or the services of PakMil that SA looks set to request, as per media, officially.

The question is " In exchange of what ? " . @Yzd Khalifa Do you have so much free money lying around to fund corrupt Pakistani politicians , mate ? :what:

Yes....they do have free money lying around which they can throw at anyone for their vested interests. I just wish that some of those interests are aligned with Pakistan's interest as well.

yayyyyyy t129 :):)

Sorry, it is going to be Z-10.

What do the Ayatullah's have to do with this?
Or is this a game, that Iran has to keep paying Pakistan or Saudi Arabia wins Pakistan's allegiance because Pakistan cannot take care of its own finances?


Now run along, sit in a dark corner and cry us a river!
Just another top-up of the famous kashkaul that somebody claimed had been broken, nothing else. :)

Nothing in life is for free. This money will prove to be very expensive for Pakistan in the long run.

Surrender To terrorist is paying off but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its a secret dont tell any one.
So this is now Nawaz would like to run his roshan Pakistan......by taking loans on personal guarantees. No Tax reforms have been introduced, expect that only salaried people are burden more.
So i believe next time a Saudi tells any Pakistani "Haza Maskeen", he should bow down and kiss his hand after all he is a citizen of a country who's head gives personal insurances to get money.:tdown:
Well in past we have received billions of dollars aid for supporting their so called war on terror but we havent seen such a rise in rupee value,how come this $1.5 billion loan from saudi arabia is strenghting rupee so fast ? Can anyone here please explain ?

Other factors have contributed to easing pressure on the SBP reserves that grew to $3.9bn at the end of the last month and thus to the reversal in the rupee’s slide. Major debt payments due this fiscal have already been made. Oil imports are being paid through commercial loans rather than through dollar purchases from the market. Remittances and exports are up. The import bill is shrinking. The next IMF loan tranche is expected by the end of this month. Washington is likely to release CSF arrears over the next several weeks. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank will shortly start releasing funds. The government is planning to sell mobile spectrums and float Eurobonds.“These factors have driven the sentiment, flushing the Forex market with liquidity. But the unexpected PDF money has done the real trick,” said a banker on the condition of anonymity.
no problemman.get the best one for your country. why not z-10 if they offer good price and quality..hell yeaahh cheaper better:)
If they are really going for z-10 I won't have anything to say. So much for brothership they chant about.
If they are really going for z-10 I won't have anything to say. So much for brothership they chant about.
bro you are wrong. it is not about brothership.. business and brothership are different. they have to pick best for their country..all we can do respect their decisions.
I suspect they are interested in Pakistan's agriculture land and arms and ammunition for Syria.

Its a free market, if we don't lease them than they can lease Africa, as China is doing.
Syria need to be liberated and i wish Pak army bring down murderer Asad. He is worst than hitler and modi.
How rich is the PM, to give a personal guarantee for $1.5 bill?
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