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King Salman of Saudi Arabia: "Everybody is free to sue me to a court in KSA"

Good or bad the mighty Ayutuallah has held elections in his country for more than 3 decades by high turns-out of Iranians ,the fact that Iranian constitution was written by people who had been chosen by people during an direct election, a constiution that was voted by people later on ..... surly our democracy needs a lot of modifications and time as every nation needs and it isn't complete, honestly we do have many problems but in comparasion by Saudis it's galaxy away ... what about Saudi? do they have constitution?
You need to limit the power of the walyiat al faqih

You need to transformation from absolute walyiat al faqih to the limited walyiat al faqih
Is the King ready to stand trial in Pakistan? At least here we can guarantee him a fair trial for crimes against Pakistani nationals!

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar

I think there may be fine print



Non- KSA Nationals and those nationals not of Saudi Decent.
King Saud was already removed from power and House of Saud family members have been executed, jailed, banished, removed from their official positions and now most House of Saud family members are ordinary citizens with no royal appanage. The only difference being that their family is the royal family.

In reality only around 100-150 House of Saud members have any real power (true power and decision making ability) in the country.

Anyway I really hope that KSA will turn into a constitutional monarchy in the not so distant future and that the current shura (parliament) will be reformed further and expand.

A dream would be to have a constitutional monarchy and a Islamic democracy.

Although I would like a strong centralized system to not turn into another Kuwait were no decision can ever be taken (almost) due to the boycotting of opposing parties.

Politics of Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's also good that women can vote in this year's municipal elections. Also that most of the ministers are not from the House of Saud.

Outsiders also tend to forget the very important role of local majlis in KSA. Not only the one in Riyadh but those in every province and major city. Even villages.

Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Opinions please brothers @Full Moon @JUBA @azzo etc.

Oh, funny another Farsi obsessed with Arab affairs. The same guy flooded our section yesterday with a nonsense link. Sorry, we won't ever repay the interest so don't bother. :lol:
You can't have constitutional monarchy while you rule in Quran and sunnah because you give baiy'ah to the king but if there is constitutional monarchy who you will give baiy'ah to??
Good move....Slow change but still a change!
Tell me which constitution you are talking about ??? The constitution of SA is Quran and no man made constitution can equal to that

Surly the holly Quran is the best constitution and should be the only source of any constitution in Islamic countries but as it was mentioned by @azzo there are different interpretations of Quran ... Even if we overlook this fact again we need to explain every Quranic law in details ...
By the way Iranian constitution was written base upon Quran and Islamic law.

and somebody tell me in a court that is gonna judge against the King Salman,,, who appointed the judge?

You reminds me this:

You can't have constitutional monarchy while you rule in Quran and sunnah because you give baiy'ah to the king but if there is constitutional monarchy who you will give baiy'ah to??

The monarch is still the head of state in every constitutional monarchy. It will have no barring on giving bay'ah or not.

Surly the holly Quran is the best constitution and should be the only source of any constitution in Islamic countries but as it was mentioned by @azzo there are different interpretations of Quran ... Even if we overlook this fact again we need to explain every Quranic law in details ...
By the way Iranian constitution was written base upon Quran and Islamic law.

You reminds me this:

Great video. Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) was one of the best men that lived.


This 7-8 year old documentary that gave unique access to the form of governance in KSA might interest you and others.

I highly recommend it. It was once uploaded on Youtube and had 10 million views before it was removed due to copyright demands from BCC.

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