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Saudi prince sends threat to the West after Biden warns of consequences for kingdom

Rizq [provision] is from Allah. They have no right to imprison and murder people because they cannot tolerate criticism. Rule by fear and persecution [injustice] should have no place in the world. It is against the universal declaration of human rights and against the Prophet's Sunnah. In contrast, they are happily loosening public morals to accept partying, semi-nudity, alcohol, and other vices [same like Saddam and other Arab dictators].

On ome hand u want freedom and rights and then u complain about partying and nudity? Why dont u implement Islam in ur country, heck just do it in ur home and then talk abt others. Provision is from Allah but that doesn't mean u sit home and Allah will bring food to ur mouth. The lives of citizens is the main duty of a regime and they have done excellent job. Ask a homeless in US if he wants to live under authoritarian govt but will have all facilities. There r no himan rights anywhere, just a show off and used to blame others.
On ome hand u want freedom and rights and then u complain about partying and nudity? Why dont u implement Islam in ur country, heck just do it in ur home and then talk abt others. Provision is from Allah but that doesn't mean u sit home and Allah will bring food to ur mouth. The lives of citizens is the main duty of a regime and they have done excellent job. Ask a homeless in US if he wants to live under authoritarian govt but will have all facilities. There r no himan rights anywhere, just a show off and used to blame others.
Alcohol is illegal in the state of Bihar, most Biharis do not culturally accept it, and consider it a vice since ancient times. Anyway, in an interview MBS said the Saudi 'Constitution' is the Quran. That would mean their stance regarding vices should reflect Quranic standard. So, for example, a general sale of alcohol should be unconstitutional and illegal. This does not mean someone should be jailed or punished for suggesting to make alcohol legal which is a political right. It should also be a right to ask for change of rulers. All of the Prophets of God tolerated criticism which is very clear in the Quran. However, by what you said, the status of human beings is like that of captured slaves owned by the ruler of a land, as long as he feeds them. The ruler is free to persecute and kill them and they have no rights.
and the Brits.

Can anyone point out what, if any, good the Saudis have done for the wider Muslim world as leaders of the Ummah, using the vast bounties they have received from Allah? and if they are neutered like Saddam was, by the big Satan, whether the Muslim world is going to feel their loss? (aside from oil prices, which affect the whole world, not just muslims, so that doesn't count )
Come on now, this basic fact of history has been relayed so many times that it should be visceral in nature by now. British aided the Sharifs of Mecca in overthrowing Ottoman, the Sauds then defeated and overthrew the Sharifs later in the 1920's and founded their Saudi empire...
Alcohol is illegal in the state of Bihar, most Biharis do not culturally accept it, and consider it a vice since ancient times. Anyway, in an interview MBS said the Saudi 'Constitution' is the Quran. That would mean their stance regarding vices should reflect Quranic standard. So, for example, a general sale of alcohol should be unconstitutional and illegal. This does not mean someone should be jailed or punished for suggesting to make alcohol legal which is a political right. It should also be a right to ask for change of rulers. All of the Prophets of God tolerated criticism which is very clear in the Quran. However, by what you said, the status of human beings is like that of captured slaves owned by the ruler of a land, as long as he feeds them. The ruler is free to persecute and kill them and they have no rights.

Still not banned, alcohol is sold in india and Pakistan, so why double standards? Pakistan also claims to have a constitution that does not go against Quran.
What im saying is the duty of govt is to its citizens and if a regime is doing that good, i can tolerate the rest. Plus justice system is saudi is very good. I know poor labourers who won cases against local arabs. So its upto u, live a miserable life with a mirage of freedom or live well off under rules.
Still not banned, alcohol is sold in india and Pakistan, so why double standards? Pakistan also claims to have a constitution that does not go against Quran.
What im saying is the duty of govt is to its citizens and if a regime is doing that good, i can tolerate the rest. Plus justice system is saudi is very good. I know poor labourers who won cases against local arabs. So its upto u, live a miserable life with a mirage of freedom or live well off under rules.
No one has the right to persecute me if I criticize the government and that is the way it should be.
No one has the right to persecute me if I criticize the government and that is the way it should be.

Persecution for having a specific faith is even worse, u should take up this issue in india where muslims can be killed for eating beef.
and the Brits.

Can anyone point out what, if any, good the Saudis have done for the wider Muslim world as leaders of the Ummah, using the vast bounties they have received from Allah? and if they are neutered like Saddam was, by the big Satan, whether the Muslim world is going to feel their loss? (aside from oil prices, which affect the whole world, not just muslims, so that doesn't count )
At least they take care of their own countrymen - Pakistan cannot even do that.
Persecution for having a specific faith is even worse, u should take up this issue in india where muslims can be killed for eating beef.
Yes injustice exists in India too. Injustice is not confined only to one country. Pointing out injustice is beyond politics.
It's funny that when Iran Deal happened in 2015, Saudi Arabia didnt complain.

It's funny that when Iran Hormuz Strait tensions happened in 2011/2012, Saudi Arabia didn't complain.

So maybe this time they are staging, and the previous times they were really upset, but they didnt give a public show to international press.

Cut oil production will damage Russia, that needs money now more than never.
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