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Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN


UNITED NATIONS - A group of political and human rights activists protested New Delhi’s reign of repression in the Indian-held Kashmir as they demonstrated outside the United Nations while Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed the General Assembly
Carrying placards and banners, people from both sides of Kashmir living in the United States, raised slogans for the inalienable rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir as pledged under the UN Security Council resolutions.
The demonstrators included men, women and children as they chanted slogans “We Want Freedom From India” and condemned the Indian forces’ violation of human rights in the Kashmir valley and other parts of the region, where some 100,000 people have died in the uprising for freedom from New Delhi’s rule in the UN-recognized disputed area.
Sardar Sawar M Khan, a former member of the Kashmir Council, and Sardar Zahid Khan, a political activist from Azad Kashmir, said in their speeches that the unresolved Kashmir dispute demands immediate attention of the world body.
“This dispute has made South Asia a nuclear flashpoint and we are reminding the UN of its obligation towards fulfillment of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination,” Sardar Sawar said.
Speakers rejected Indian prime minister’s claim that Kashmir is an integral part of India and said the relevant UN resolutions explicitly state that it is a disputed area and that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be given the long-denied right to determine their future.
The demonstrators also submitted a resolution to the UN Secretary General’s office, expressing appreciation for Ban ki-Moon's offer, during a visit to Pakistan in August 2013, that he was ready to take steps to resolve the decades-old Jammu and Kashmir dispute should India and Pakistan agree to your mediation.
“As always, it fell on deaf ears in India, which claims that Kashmir is its 'integral part'. In this context, we are of the firm view that your responsibility to secure for the Kashmiri people their inalienable right to self-determination, as mandated by Security Council resolutions, does not end by making a conditional offer to settle the dispute.”

Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

Who cares what these people think. I have heard them on debates, mostly full of religious bias. They care only about Muslims, not even once anyone made a serious attempt to get the Pundits back in valley. These people themselves did all kind of gross violations, like killing, looting and rape with Pundits. Nobody cares for them and like Palestine nobody will care.

First these communities send the signal to rest of the world that they are intolerable, religious driven and support terrorist, than wonder why world does not support them.

Kashmiri's are responsible for the state of Kashmir, they started the violence and terrorism, Army came later.

UNITED NATIONS - A group of political and human rights activists protested New Delhi’s reign of repression in the Indian-held Kashmir as they demonstrated outside the United Nations while Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed the General Assembly
Carrying placards and banners, people from both sides of Kashmir living in the United States, raised slogans for the inalienable rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir as pledged under the UN Security Council resolutions.
The demonstrators included men, women and children as they chanted slogans “We Want Freedom From India” and condemned the Indian forces’ violation of human rights in the Kashmir valley and other parts of the region, where some 100,000 people have died in the uprising for freedom from New Delhi’s rule in the UN-recognized disputed area.
Sardar Sawar M Khan, a former member of the Kashmir Council, and Sardar Zahid Khan, a political activist from Azad Kashmir, said in their speeches that the unresolved Kashmir dispute demands immediate attention of the world body.
“This dispute has made South Asia a nuclear flashpoint and we are reminding the UN of its obligation towards fulfillment of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination,” Sardar Sawar said.
Speakers rejected Indian prime minister’s claim that Kashmir is an integral part of India and said the relevant UN resolutions explicitly state that it is a disputed area and that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be given the long-denied right to determine their future.
The demonstrators also submitted a resolution to the UN Secretary General’s office, expressing appreciation for Ban ki-Moon's offer, during a visit to Pakistan in August 2013, that he was ready to take steps to resolve the decades-old Jammu and Kashmir dispute should India and Pakistan agree to your mediation.
“As always, it fell on deaf ears in India, which claims that Kashmir is its 'integral part'. In this context, we are of the firm view that your responsibility to secure for the Kashmiri people their inalienable right to self-determination, as mandated by Security Council resolutions, does not end by making a conditional offer to settle the dispute.”

Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

Cry all you want, you are never getting an inch of Kashmir, PA ARMY vacate *** first to look at possibilities for a resolution. till then keep crying **hands tissues**

huh we kashmiri's are not that black like endians...lol :omghaha:

well that picture u won't find anywhere on internet cause i personnaly took it...if that satisfy u:azn:

yes when dog's sh** dries up it becomes white like your kasmiri's face.
Recent DAWN group survey shows that almost 64% just demand for more autonomy but wanna live with Federation, 35% are happy with current status & rest less than 1% are terrorists who are playing in the hands of RAW group. What happen to Waziristan? And Sindhu Desh? I'm from Sindh myself...lol, What happen to FATA?
Nice for you to dance about with gay abandon at the results of the so called survey. But here's another survey (conducted by the London-based think tank, Chatham House), on Kashmir for your info:
A survey carried out across both Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan Administered Kashmir, that its author claims is the first ever of its kind, shows that only 2% of the respondents on the Indian side favour joining Pakistan and most such views were confined to Srinagar and Budgam districts. In six of the districts surveyed late last year by researchers from the London-based thinktank Chatham House, not a single person favoured annexation with Pakistan, a notion that remains the bedrock for the hardline separate campaign in Kashmir. 74% favored 'independence'.

Just 2% of people in J&K want to join Pak: Survey - Times Of India

So those who think that the Kashmiris are desperate to join Pakistan are barking up the wrong tree! If a plebiscite is held tomorrow, Pakistan and its pet poodle, the lame duck Hurriyat Conference will land up with a lot of egg on the face! :azn:
huh we kashmiri's are not that black like endians...lol :omghaha:

well that picture u won't find anywhere on internet cause i personnaly took it...if that satisfy u:azn:

I too am fair...like Kashmiri :lol: , and I can too post a picture in Kashmir that you will not find anywhere on net. :coffee:
huh we kashmiri's are not that black like Indians...lol :omghaha:

well that picture u won't find anywhere on internet cause i personnaly took it...if that satisfy u:azn:

First group Human on earth were black.. The Homosapians were dark skinned evolved in Africa. Same time in europe Neanderthals were roaming. Cromanan killed neanderthals and spread all over world...

U don't like black???

Nice for you to dance about with gay abandon at the results of the so called survey. But here's another survey (conducted by the London-based think tank, Chatham House), on Kashmir for your info:

Just 2% of people in J&K want to join Pak: Survey - Times Of India

So those who think that the Kashmiris are desperate to join Pakistan are barking up the wrong tree! If a plebiscite is held tomorrow, Pakistan and its pet poodle, the lame duck Hurriyat Conference will land up with a lot of egg on the face! :azn:

No one in Pakistan demands to annex Kashmir with Pakistan. Pakistan has clear stance on Kashmir issue & that is to give the Kashmiris their due right of self determination. A country that claim to be biggest democracy of the world is just proving to be a biggest hypocrisy of the world by forcefully annexing several states after British exit Subcontinent in 1947, fortunately Kashmir shared the border with Pakistan & hence it's fight is still going on.
No one in Pakistan demands to annex Kashmir with Pakistan. Pakistan has clear stance on Kashmir issue & that is to give the Kashmiris their due right of self determination. A country that claim to be biggest democracy of the world is just proving to be a biggest hypocrisy of the world by forcefully annexing several states after British exit Subcontinent in 1947, fortunately Kashmir shared the border with Pakistan & hence it's fight is still going on.
And what, pray, are you guys going to get in return? Will there be more food on the table for the poor in Pakistan? Are you going to become the fastest growing economy in the world? Will you become a super power? Nope!
No one in Pakistan demands to annex Kashmir with Pakistan. Pakistan has clear stance on Kashmir issue & that is to give the Kashmiris their due right of self determination. A country that claim to be biggest democracy of the world is just proving to be a biggest hypocrisy of the world by forcefully annexing several states after British exit Subcontinent in 1947, fortunately Kashmir shared the border with Pakistan & hence it's fight is still going on.

if Pakistan recognised independent Kashmir then it wouldn't have attacked Kashmir in the first place..Pakistan didn't recognised peoples will as a deciding factor in partition instead it took the legally correct line that rulers of the state can decide whether to join either of the unions or stay independent.
if Pakistan recognised independent Kashmir then it wouldn't have attacked Kashmir in the first place..Pakistan didn't recognised peoples will as a deciding factor in partition instead it took the legally correct line that rulers of the state can decide whether to join either of the unions or stay independent.

1947 was different story, people of Kashmir look towards Pakistan for help in 1947...Pakistani military was ordered to enter Kashmir but the head of Pakistani military refused & hence the tribals from FATA launch their offensive against the brutal dogra ruler. Did you ever wonder why so many Kashmiris are in Pakistan? All of them came from IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir in 1947. If you wanna know the truth then i must tell you that Kashmir is comparable to Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar states, both of which joined Pakistan but majority people of those states were Hindu who want to be with india, Kashmir was opposite where the ruler decided to join india but people wanted to be part of Pakistan.

And what, pray, are you guys going to get in return? Will there be more food on the table for the poor in Pakistan? Are you going to become the fastest growing economy in the world? Will you become a super power? Nope!

Who knows... i can say may be yes to all your guess & wondering. If Kashmir issue solved Pakistan will not have to spend massive resources on military all that money will be diverted to education & development of the country.
1947 was different story, people of Kashmir look towards Pakistan for help in 1947...Pakistani military was ordered to enter Kashmir but the head of Pakistani military refused & hence the tribals from FATA launch their offensive against the brutal dogra ruler. Did you ever wonder why so many Kashmiris are in Pakistan? All of them came from IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir in 1947. If you wanna know the truth then i must tell you that Kashmir is comparable to Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh/Manvadar states, both of which joined Pakistan but majority people of those states were Hindu who want to be with india, Kashmir was opposite where the ruler decided to join india but people wanted to be part of Pakistan.

Who knows... i can say may be yes to all your guess & wondering. If Kashmir issue solved Pakistan will not have to spend massive resources on military all that money will be diverted to education & development of the country.

1947 was an attack to capture Kashmir involving guerillas and pak troops..that means the same Pakistan which was singing the song of " freedom of rulers to decide " and acceded junagadh to Pakistan against the will of brute majority of Hindus and supported the nizam of Hydrabad to stay independent in the middle of India against the will of the Hindu population there suddenly found sympathy for Kashmiri people and broke the standstill agreement.

if I use the same logic you explained then let me say that Hindus as well as others were attacked by insurgents from Pakistan, ruler of the state also requested help to India also intervened and saved half of the Kashmir..now what ?
1947 was an attack to capture Kashmir involving guerillas and pak troops..that means the same Pakistan which was singing the song of " freedom of rulers to decide " and acceded junagadh to Pakistan against the will of brute majority of Hindus and supported the nizam of Hydrabad to stay independent in the middle of India against the will of the Hindu population there suddenly found sympathy for Kashmiri people and broke the standstill agreement.

if I use the same logic you explained then let me say that Hindus as well as others were attacked by insurgents from Pakistan, ruler of the state also requested help to India also intervened and saved half of the Kashmir..now what ?

1947 a call from Kashmiri people were made as dogra was terrorizing people who were cheering for Pakistan, Pakistani general who was a british refused to launch an offense against dogra but tribals from FATA were very furious & they launch their own offense, the local Kashmiris welcome it with open arms & Gilgit & Skardu scouts even fought along with tribals against dogra army & later indian army. Pakistan army only proceed when indian army tried to enter the liberated part of Kashmir. Pakistan was not singing any song but following the rules of partition, if india had occupied those states that had announced their annexation with Pakistan on the logic of being majority Hindus then it had no right on Kashmir at all.
1947 a call from Kashmiri people were made as dogra was terrorizing people who were cheering for Pakistan, *
even if I believe it's true then also Pakistan had no business in interfering the internal matters of princely state of Kashmir, especially when jinnaha had taken the line that people had no say in it and rulers can decide what ever he wants to do, including staying independent, that's why Pakistan accepted the accession of junagadh and supported independence of Hydrabad against the wishes of people in those states..were those Hindus any lesser humen beings ? to not to recognise and respect their wishes ? only Muslims in Kashmir has the right of self determination ? why did Pakistan refused to take back accession of junagadh and agree to co operate with joint plebiscite in all three disputed state ? it was just greed and hypocrisy nothing else.
Pakistani general who was a british refused to launch an offense against dogra
not against dogra army but against Indian army which is headed by his masters in England.
but tribals from FATA were very furious & they launch their own offense, the local Kashmiris welcome it with open arms & Gilgit & Skardu scouts even fought along with tribals against dogra army & later indian army. Pakistan army only proceed when indian army tried to enter the liberated part of Kashmir.
it was supported and facilitated by pak, there were guerillas as well as regular pak soldiers under the pretext of guerilla..who are you kidding, since then Pakistan has been following this strategy of mujahidin and non state actors in Kashmir as well as in afghan against soviet forces.even UN Recognised that fact during laying down *Kashmir plebiscite conditions.
*Pakistan was not singing any song but following the rules of partition,
yes Pakistan took a legally correct stand, India took a politically, morally, geographically *and practically correct stand..India followed what it committed but Pakistan didn't follow neither of the stands..it applied both approachs whenever the situation suited them..that hypocritical nature of jinnaha and league caused all the troubles of partition.
if india had occupied those states that had announced their annexation with Pakistan on the logic of being majority Hindus then it had no right on Kashmir at all.
check the dates before you speak non sense, India did not occupy Hydrabad or jumagadh which was disputed between India and Pakistan until Pakistan attacked Kashmir and thereby starting the chain reaction.
India was ready to give up Kashmir if Pakistan was willing to take back the accession of junagadh and stop support nizam of Hydrabad..but for jinaha Hydrabad was too dear to lose.
even if I believe it's true then also Pakistan had no business in interfering the internal matters of princely state of Kashmir, especially when jinnaha had taken the line that people had no say in it and rulers can decide what ever he wants to do, including staying independent, that's why Pakistan accepted the accession of junagadh and supported independence of Hydrabad against the wishes of people in those states..were those Hindus any lesser humen beings ? to not to recognise and respect their wishes ? only Muslims in Kashmir has the right of self determination ? why did Pakistan refused to take back accession of junagadh and agree to co operate with joint plebiscite in all three disputed state ? it was just greed and hypocrisy nothing else.

Are you dumb or something? How many times i've told you Pakistan never interfered in internal matter of independent Kashmir until india try to occupy it. Even when Kashmiris look towards Pakistan for help, the Pakistani general who was a british refused to follow orders. Yes Pakistan took a stance of not involving itself against the wish of any ruler of princely states but if a ruler start terrorizing people then? Did ruler of Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan terrorize the Hindu people? dogra army was brutally killing & terrorizing people of Kashmir still Pakistani army didn't attack it.

not against dogra army but against Indian army which is headed by his masters in England.

He refused to fight dogra army too otherwise Kashmir would have become part of Pakistan with in a month...indian army occupy Kashmir much later.

it was supported and facilitated by pak, there were guerillas as well as regular pak soldiers under the pretext of guerilla..who are you kidding, since then Pakistan has been following this strategy of mujahidin and non state actors in Kashmir as well as in afghan against soviet forces.even UN Recognised that fact during laying down

What proof do you have that it was supported by Pakistani Army? Tribals were fighting on their own & were helped by local Kashmiris. Gilgitis & Baltistanis even fought openly along with Tribals. Stop your indian army & media sponsored propaganda.

*Kashmir plebiscite conditions. yes Pakistan took a legally correct stand, India took a politically, morally, geographically *and practically correct stand..India followed what it committed but Pakistan didn't follow neither of the stands..it applied both approachs whenever the situation suited them..that hypocritical nature of jinnaha and league caused all the troubles of partition.

lol...india took morally correct stand...who are you fooling, son. Morally if india thought it have a right to occupy Hyderabad Deccan & Jungadh/Manvadar states then it should not have occupied Kashmir & even return Kolkata to Pakistan. india only took hypocritically & greedily rite decision.

check the dates before you speak non sense, India did not occupy Hydrabad or jumagadh which was disputed between India and Pakistan until Pakistan attacked Kashmir and thereby starting the chain reaction.
India was ready to give up Kashmir if Pakistan was willing to take back the accession of junagadh and stop support nizam of Hydrabad..but for jinaha Hydrabad was too dear to lose.

Your post make no sense & sounds foolish because Pakistan had never attacked Kashmir until indian enter to occupy it. Pakistan had to finally force itself to defend those parts which were liberated by Tribals & Gilgit/Baltistanis.

that hypocritical nature of jinnaha and league caused all the troubles of partition.

I can say nehara & gullanai pateel(or whatever was his name) a hypocrite too but i won't say this, instead i would request Mods @Aeronaut @WebMaster to take care of your highly offensive post.
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