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Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN

free the Kashmiris!!!!!!!

China should host the Kashmiris government in exile, if they have one, just for fun.

You dont get it do you? India does not entertain the Tibetan government in exile, You are free to settle the Tibetan issue with the Dalai lama and take them all back.

When we gave them home he was a spiritual leader "a living god" not a politician. People mistake the intent of why India sheltered Dalai lama. Things only changed with time where religion became politics and then 1962 and then a downward spiral of India China relations.
Inshallah we will get freedom very söon .indians on this forum are ignoring the fact that we r fighting since 1947 against illegal indian occupation we will not quit untill we attain freedom from illegal indian occupation
Inshallah we will get freedom very söon .indians on this forum are ignoring the fact that we r fighting since 1947 against illegal indian occupation we will not quit untill we attain freedom from illegal indian occupation
Best of luck, sadly the allmighty has stood with the non-believers. "Inshallah"
Less than 1% of Kashmiris are protesting and you guys are getting orgasms!! :omghaha: Jeeeez!
Indians are a sad people. They feel that threatening an oppressed minority of people is honorable. India must realize it can not colonize Muslims. There's just no way of that happening.
A scene ...

"Hey we are fine with this", said the Kashmiri in his accent while he perfects his turban.
"You think you are, but you are not" cried the Pakistani General, standing tall in his uniform.
"I dont understand. What you mean?"
"We will allow you to profess your-sorry- our religion freely"
"We have that with India too!" Said Kashmiri.
"Okay, but we will allow you to recite the Quran whole day long"
"We take care of that too"
"But you see, you are ruled by Kafirs. Dont you think you should rule yourself?"
"What? We rule ourselves General. Our CM is Kashmiri, chosen by none other than us! "
"What do you mean?"
"I mean the democracy?"
"What's that brother? "
"Are you sure you dont know what democracy is?
"To tell you the truth, NO. Though I had heard Mujbir Rehman, that Bengali traitor, talking something about demo-whatever, but I never understood what it was!" claimed the general. "Then we killed some 10 million of those as we could not understand what the hell they were saying!"
"Oh!", The Kashmiri was perplexed.
"Yeah! They were traitors. We are trying to understand Baloch people for so long but I think we are having a hard time understanding them too!", now his forefingers touching the moustache.
"Well, I wanna pass your offer!"
"How about 2 lakhs rupees in hour bank account?" Inquired the General.
"Okay, kindly arrange my tickets to NY, while I get my boys ready"
Sardar Sawar M Khan, a former member of the Kashmir Council, and Sardar Zahid Khan, a political activist from Azad Kashmir

Let us count 2 political activist from Azad Kashmir and their family a total of 7-8 attention seeking people :omghaha::omghaha:
Everywhere, remember, Indian constitute 20% of our planets population. You will find them everywhere - in US, Europe, Australia, Asia - except may be in Pakistan and Antarctica .

I asked you about Kashmiris as India lover :sarcastic:
Inshallah we will get freedom very söon .indians on this forum are ignoring the fact that we r fighting since 1947 against illegal indian occupation we will not quit untill we attain freedom from illegal indian occupation

Kashmir is a part of India and we intend to keep it that way :D. You can keep fighting for eternity, no one gives a damn
If Pakistani's Believes Kashmir belongs to them, then why don't they take it by using their Armed Forces, that's what the force are for Right.
Even we Indian will Respect you and your Forces if they manage to Win Kashmir from Us.
By using Proxy and Shouting in UN you will never get it.

This Quote Explains it ;
" Sihasan uskaa, jismain ussparr Baithanee ka Sahas Ho" ( Throne belongs to the One Who has the Will(Strength) to Be on it )
Even Indian in this forum fail to hide their insecurity when it comes to Kashmir.. if it is yours.. show some calm but how can you. Obviously it was never part of India. Even the Indian Stooge has just mentioned that Kashmir never became Part of India.

After 60 years, India fails to convince 3rd generation of Kashmiris that they belong to India or India belong to them and this is epic failure of an occupying state.
Why is the Indian Government such a hypocrite? They argue that the invasion of the state of Hyderabad was justified because it was hindu majority, yet refuse to even budge on the Kashmiri issue.

Someone explain this double standard please?
Even Indian in this forum fail to hide their insecurity when it comes to Kashmir.. if it is yours.. show some calm how can you. Obviously it was never part of India. Even the Indian Stooge has just mentioned that Kashmir never became Part of India.

After 60 years, India fails to convince 3rd generation of Kashmiris that they belong to India or India belong to them and this is epic failure of an occupying state.

What do you mean by Show it belongs to Us, I can visit Kashmir without any Passport or Visa, Voting happens there under Indian Government Rules what more one needs to Prove it's under our Rule.

Now the Second part, If Kashmiris has some Problem with Us, then that's an Internal Matter between those Kashmiri People and Us,
Pakistan don't has a Say in it, Unless they see Kashmir as there's.
Why is the Indian Government such a hypocrite? They argue that the invasion of the state of Hyderabad was justified because it was hindu majority, yet refuse to even budge on the Kashmiri issue.

Someone explain this double standard please?

There is no double standard. Kashmir's Maharaja acceded to India. The Nizam never acceded to Pakistan.

Loss of Kashmir is the Punishment given to Muslims for dividing India so that there is always a sense of incompleteness and they are not able to gloat.
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