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Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN

Your statement is an example of LIVING IN DENIAL And LIVING IN ALIF-LAILA world....Nothing more to say....Just Google it you will get n number of result.
Hahahaha ........ You are living in just credulity my dear friend that people of Pakistan want to get separated from the state :lol: Did you ever google about it ;)
Yes China does recognize Indian Occupied Kashmir as an Independence country !

Oye pakistani Tundae ... how many countries are there in this world, ask any chinese?

Now get lost. :rofl:
There is no double standard. Kashmir's Maharaja acceded to India. The Nizam never acceded to Pakistan.

Loss of Kashmir is the Punishment given to Muslims for dividing India so that there is always a sense of incompleteness and they are not able to gloat.

Some say the Nizam was about to accede to Pakistan which is exactly why the Indian army invaded.

India was never united. Not in a thousand years. It was always made up of independent state with no binding authority, except maybe once or twice more than a millennia ago. Lol. (except of course the british)

I don't give a Dam what happened Before, You and Me where not even Born when those things happened,
We can Argue for a Whole Day on it and it would be like going in Circles,
All I want to say is, If you Believe it belongs to you then you should have the Strength to Win it from Us
I think even you would agree to this.

Just take the Example of your Good Friend China,
They Believed Tibet belonged to them, So they took it...That's how Respect is Earned.

Any Talk other than this is Pure BullShit.

When I talk about Kashmir I do not talk as a nationalistic Pakistani, I speak as someone with family ties to Kashmir. I do not want Kashmir to be with India or Pakistan. You with your comment sound like a nationalistic indian who believes might is right, I have nothing more to argue with you. Your whole argument is based on might is right, so basically tomorrow any country will takeover another country and claim it as its own because it has the power to. Maybe you like a world with conflicts and the powerful ruling the weak.

But that will only cause bloodshed and you will never have peace in Kashmir this way.
Here is why - muslim league was voted to victory in provincial/central elections by majority muslims when it stood on a plank of partition in 1945/46 and the partition was guaranteed. Yet half of muslim population stayed back. We embraced them as our own and allowed them their own laws and guaranteed their rights thereby demonstrating our secular credentials . So it is fair that we annex the Kashmir once Maharaja acceded to us.

What? Did you read what you wrote? I don't care what the muslim did league or did not do. I am talking about Jammu and Kashmir, which was a semi independent state which should have gotten the right to choose either India or Pakistan or as I want it to be, an independent and sovereign nation free from both of these corrupt nations.

You can't even make a good argument, you just want to defend India because you were born there, if you had been born in Pakistan you would be defending Pakistan.

Can't argue with historical or ground realities.
What? Did you read what you wrote? I don't care what the muslim did or did not do. I am talking about Jammu and Kashmir, which was a semi independent state which should have gotten the right to choose either India or Pakistan or as I want it to be, an independent and sovereign nation free from both of these corrupt nations.

I raise the question again which I had raised atleast 2 times in the past 1 week. What is so special about Kashmir that it should be an independent country while 500 odd princely states and British governed provinces got aligned into Pakistan(and later part of it Bangladesh) and India? For most part if these states and provinces never had issue why should Kashmir have an issue?

To answer your question - whether a territory is a muslim majority or hindu majority or other religious majority region it does not matter. We have our proven secular credentials and as long as the ruler of that princely state or kingdom accedes to us, it is our right to annex it.
I raise the question again which I had raised atleast 2 times in the past 1 week. What is so special about Kashmir that it should be an independent country while 500 odd princely states and British governed provinces got aligned into Pakistan(and later part of it Bangladesh) and India? For most part if these states and provinces never had issue why should Kashmir have an issue?

To answer your question - whether a territory is a muslim majority or hindu majority or other religious majority region it does not matter. We have our proven secular credentials and as long as the ruler of that princely state or kingdom accedes to us, it is our right to annex it.

Then why did you not wait for the nizam of Hyderabad? why did your government cite crimes committed against hindus only as a justification for the invasion? Didn't you say India was secular? Why this favouritism them?

What is so special about Kashmir? ....
I'll ask...what is so special about Ireland? Basque areas? Chechnya? Tibet? hell what is so special about India? Why should anyone be forced to become Indian?
Then why did you not wait for the nizam of Hyderabad? why did your government cite crimes committed against hindus only as a justification for the invasion? Didn't you say India was secular? Why this favouritism them?

What is so special about Kashmir? ....
I'll ask...what is so special about Ireland? Basque areas? Chechnya? Tibet? hell what is so special about India? Why should anyone be forced to become Indian?

Accession by the ruler is one aspect for annexing a territory post-partition. It does not mean not exercising the Moral fiber. Hyderabad is a result of that.

On the second part - your question is not the answer to my question I raised above. Come up with a more appropriate one and I will respond.
At last an Indian prime Minister has declared UN resolution to be out dated on UN podium and any dialogue with Pakistan will be based on Shimla agreement.

Kashmir are Indians, they love India

I am Kashmiri ...And i don't ... actually i hate india... like all other kashmiri's

Such a powerful hillucination u r in...

Just a pic from my village school...i took it last month while visiting my home ...hope it'll give u some relief ... :woot:

What about Baluchistan, Waziristan, Sidhu Desh , FATA ETC... ?????

Recent DAWN group survey shows that almost 64% just demand for more autonomy but wanna live with Federation, 35% are happy with current status & rest less than 1% are terrorists who are playing in the hands of RAW group. What happen to Waziristan? And Sindhu Desh? I'm from Sindh myself...lol, What happen to FATA?

P.S Now if i want i can question you about freedom struggles of Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Tamil addu, Maharatra, Muzzaffarnagar, Muslim country splitting Gujarat, etc etc but don't worry i won't go offtopic & i will instead request Mods @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar @Zakii @Manticore to take care of your offtopic, troll post.
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Well you can try being naive as much as you can...won't change the fact that you know who is terrorizing Kashmiris since 1947 by occupying their lands.

And it all began with great pretext of imitating like ancient invaders thinking outcome would turn out to be walk in the park, rather ended up on the path of self newest destructing Nation on the planet. Ex Indian PM Vajpayee once wrote a great poem about the current state of pakistan 14 years ago.
And it all began with great pretext of imitating like ancient invaders thinking outcome would turn out to be walk in the park, rather ended up on the path of self newest destructing Nation on the planet. Ex Indian PM Vajpayee once wrote a great poem about the current state of pakistan 14 years ago.

Talk about your ancestors who were dreaming about akhand bharat after partition, it took indians atleast 40 years to realize that it is not gonna happen.
I am Kashmiri ...And i don't ... actually i hate india... like all other kashmiri's

Such a powerful hillucination u r in...

Just a pic from my village school...i took it last month while visiting my home ...hope it'll give u some relief ... :woot:


You flying Pakistan flag say that you are a Pakistani.

Anyway behind keyboard everyone can be a Kashmiri. I too am a Kashmiri :lol:
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