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Kashmiris protest against Indian repression as Singh speaks at UN

Why is the Indian Government such a hypocrite? They argue that the invasion of the state of Hyderabad was justified because it was hindu majority, yet refuse to even budge on the Kashmiri issue.

Someone explain this double standard please?
I don't give a Dam what happened Before, You and Me where not even Born when those things happened,
We can Argue for a Whole Day on it and it would be like going in Circles,
All I want to say is, If you Believe it belongs to you then you should have the Strength to Win it from Us
I think even you would agree to this.

Just take the Example of your Good Friend China,
They Believed Tibet belonged to them, So they took it...That's how Respect is Earned.

Any Talk other than this is Pure BullShit.
firstly i dont beileve in dis picture...its photoshoped.....
the banner dey are holding have khalisthan khanda on it...
a khanda is sign of believe and its from sikhism has nothin to do wid kasmir..
so there is something fishy wid the news
Why is the Indian Government such a hypocrite? They argue that the invasion of the state of Hyderabad was justified because it was hindu majority, yet refuse to even budge on the Kashmiri issue.

Someone explain this double standard please?

Here is why - muslim league was voted to victory in provincial/central elections by majority muslims when it stood on a plank of partition in 1945/46 and the partition was guaranteed. Yet half of muslim population stayed back. We embraced them as our own and allowed them their own laws and guaranteed their rights thereby demonstrating our secular credentials . So it is fair that we annex the Kashmir once Maharaja acceded to us.
Not only Kashmiris... Bangladeshis also doing protest against Haseena Wajid slogan

"Haseena jaoo jaoo dehli jaoo" "hindustani phitoo ko nikaaloo bangladesh say"

another protest against Indian puppet govt in Bangladesh.

Anybody can shout and cry all they want, J&K was,is and will be part of India.
A few people standing outside the UN is not going to make any difference and who cares a dam.

LOL@ Part of India

One side MMS said "Its internal part of India"

After this statement said "We will resolve kashmir issue with PAkistan Bi-L LOLZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What do you mean by Show it belongs to Us, I can visit Kashmir without any Passport or Visa, Voting happens there under Indian Government Rules what more one needs to Prove it's under our Rule.

Now the Second part, If Kashmiris has some Problem with Us, then that's an Internal Matter between those Kashmiri People and Us,
Pakistan don't has a Say in it, Unless they see Kashmir as there's.

Bold is not in the line of my post.

Pakistan owns Kashmir as per Pakistan's position and Kashmir is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. I wonder if you are unaware.
Kashmiris call for freedom in front of UN

NEW YORK - scores of freedom-seeking Kashmiris staged a demonstration in front of the United Nations building on Saturday as Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed the 68h session of the UN General Assembly.
The demonstrators raised vociferous slogans, urging the international community to raise its voice against human rights abuse by Indian security forces in Kashmir.
The demonstrators carried placards calling on the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to implement the resolutions that provided for the exercise of right of self-determination by the Kashmiri people. They also called for an end to the atrocities being committed by Indian occupation forces in Kashmir.
The demonstrators, including men, women and children, chanted slogans, “we want freedom from India”, and condemned the Indian forces violation of human rights in the Kashmir valley and other parts of the region, where some 100,000 people had died in the uprising for freedom from New Delhi’s rule in the UN-recognized disputed area.
Sardar Sawar M Khan, a former member of the Kashmir Council, and Sardar Zahid Khan, a political activist from Azad Kashmir, in their speeches, said that the unresolved Kashmir dispute demanded immediate attention of the world body.
“This dispute has made South Asia a nuclear flashpoint and we are reminding the UN of its obligation toward fulfillment of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination,” Sardar Sawar said.
The speakers rejected Indian prime minister’s claim that Kashmir was an integral part of India, saying the relevant UN resolutions explicitly stated that it was a disputed area and that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be given the long-denied right to determine their future.
The demonstrators also submitted a resolution to the UN secretary general’s office, expressing appreciation for Ban ki-Moon's offer, during a visit to Pakistan in August 2013, that he was ready to take steps to resolve the decades-old Jammu and Kashmir dispute should India and Pakistan agreed to its mediation.
“As always, it fell on deaf ears in India, which claims that Kashmir is its 'integral part'. In this context, we are of the firm view that your responsibility to secure for the Kashmiri people their inalienable right to self-determination, as mandated by Security Council resolutions, does not end by making a conditional offer to settle the dispute.”
“The document points out that for more than three decades, the people in Indian occupied Kashmir have suffered from brutal military oppression, in complete violation of international law and norms.”
Tens of thousands have perished, many more wounded and maimed, while struggling for their cherished right to freedom.
“How long should we wait for the United Nations to implement its mandatory resolutions on Jummu and Kashmir? When will this long night of terror end? Time has come for the United Nations to take urgent steps to end the Indian occupation so that the Kashmiri people can breathe in freedom,” it said.
“A peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute will help promote peace between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan. Without resolving this core issue, there will never be lasting peace and stability in the region.”
The resolution said the people gathered outside the United Nations were also “protesting against the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech in the General Assembly in which he tried to project an image of India which has nothing to do with reality on the ground.”
As a guarantor of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the resolution asked the secretary general to initiate the Security Council-mandated process for a UN plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
“As a first step, we reiterate our demand that you immediately appoint a special representative on Kashmir to set in motion the process that would lead to the exercise of the cherished right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir. We earnestly hope that you will move decisively to promote a just settlement of the Kashmir dispute that would end the misery of the suffering Kashmiri people.”

Kashmiris call for freedom in front of UN
Kashmiris call for freedom in front of UN

NEW YORK - scores of freedom-seeking Kashmiris staged a demonstration in front of the United Nations building on Saturday as Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed the 68h session of the UN General Assembly.
The demonstrators raised vociferous slogans, urging the international community to raise its voice against human rights abuse by Indian security forces in Kashmir.
The demonstrators carried placards calling on the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to implement the resolutions that provided for the exercise of right of self-determination by the Kashmiri people. They also called for an end to the atrocities being committed by Indian occupation forces in Kashmir.
The demonstrators, including men, women and children, chanted slogans, “we want freedom from India”, and condemned the Indian forces violation of human rights in the Kashmir valley and other parts of the region, where some 100,000 people had died in the uprising for freedom from New Delhi’s rule in the UN-recognized disputed area.
Sardar Sawar M Khan, a former member of the Kashmir Council, and Sardar Zahid Khan, a political activist from Azad Kashmir, in their speeches, said that the unresolved Kashmir dispute demanded immediate attention of the world body.
“This dispute has made South Asia a nuclear flashpoint and we are reminding the UN of its obligation toward fulfillment of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination,” Sardar Sawar said.
The speakers rejected Indian prime minister’s claim that Kashmir was an integral part of India, saying the relevant UN resolutions explicitly stated that it was a disputed area and that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be given the long-denied right to determine their future.
The demonstrators also submitted a resolution to the UN secretary general’s office, expressing appreciation for Ban ki-Moon's offer, during a visit to Pakistan in August 2013, that he was ready to take steps to resolve the decades-old Jammu and Kashmir dispute should India and Pakistan agreed to its mediation.
“As always, it fell on deaf ears in India, which claims that Kashmir is its 'integral part'. In this context, we are of the firm view that your responsibility to secure for the Kashmiri people their inalienable right to self-determination, as mandated by Security Council resolutions, does not end by making a conditional offer to settle the dispute.”
“The document points out that for more than three decades, the people in Indian occupied Kashmir have suffered from brutal military oppression, in complete violation of international law and norms.”
Tens of thousands have perished, many more wounded and maimed, while struggling for their cherished right to freedom.
“How long should we wait for the United Nations to implement its mandatory resolutions on Jummu and Kashmir? When will this long night of terror end? Time has come for the United Nations to take urgent steps to end the Indian occupation so that the Kashmiri people can breathe in freedom,” it said.
“A peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute will help promote peace between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan. Without resolving this core issue, there will never be lasting peace and stability in the region.”
The resolution said the people gathered outside the United Nations were also “protesting against the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech in the General Assembly in which he tried to project an image of India which has nothing to do with reality on the ground.”
As a guarantor of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the resolution asked the secretary general to initiate the Security Council-mandated process for a UN plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
“As a first step, we reiterate our demand that you immediately appoint a special representative on Kashmir to set in motion the process that would lead to the exercise of the cherished right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir. We earnestly hope that you will move decisively to promote a just settlement of the Kashmir dispute that would end the misery of the suffering Kashmiri people.”

Kashmiris call for freedom in front of UN

Great going.. Keep on demanding for the next 500 years.
This is the voice all Kashmiris ... India must understand manifest destiny ...............

The destiny of Kashmir is India, few people are free to live the country and pick up citizenship of their choice.
China has issued Kashmiris a different passport from the Indian ones.

I'm not sure, but I think they give Kashmiris visa upon arrival.

Yes China does recognize Indian Occupied Kashmir as an Independence country !
The destiny of Kashmir is India, few people are free to live the country and pick up citizenship of their choice.

I think you mean 'few people have to live in the country rest of people have choice to get other citizenship' :P :lol:
What about Baluchistan, Waziristan, Sidhu Desh , FATA ETC... ?????

Same here ....India recognize Baluchistan, Waziristan, Sidhu Desh , FATA, pashtunistan as an Independence country.. :victory:

People my dear friend ... Its all depends on people ... If the masses start to raise voice to get independence then their right become legitimate ... Give single proof by the people of said areas that they want to get independence from Pakistan ... India just created some militants on those areas to raise voice in response of Kashmir but couldn't fueled to them by people :lol:
What about Baluchistan, Waziristan, Sidhu Desh , FATA ETC... ?????

Same here ....India recognize Baluchistan, Waziristan, Sidhu Desh , FATA, pashtunistan as an Independence country.. :victory:

Then how come India does not issue separate visa or passport for these area like China issues separate visa for Indian OCCUPIED Kashmir ? LOL
Then how come India does not issue separate visa or passport for these area like China issues separate visa for Indian OCCUPIED Kashmir ? LOL

Old story. China was pinning Chinese visas on passports of people from Kashmir. After the Indian government simply stopped all such visa holders from proceeding, China stopped the practice. You obviously aren't in on the latest news, preferring to stick to whatever is convenient for your story, however dated.
Then how come India does not issue separate visa or passport for these area like China issues separate visa for Indian OCCUPIED Kashmir ? LOL

Sorry to say Chicha ... In INDIA not welcome at all.
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