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27th OCT | Indian occupied Kashmir observes 'Black Day'.

Since Hyderabad didn't accede to Pakistan so none your problem. But we still have documents from Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan to claim Hyderabad and he announced on Radio disassociating himself from Rezakars, his second son Imdad Jah who lived in Hyderabad died few months back here. But in case Kashmir, you don't have no valid documents to claim Kashmir.

Why not Pakistan's problem? If you can poke nose in other countries matters everyone has right to do the same. And as Pakistan(Punjab & Sind) was forced to be part of india for 1000 years so it has a say in areas which too were part of that empire. BTW your propaganda is total hilarious & it seems you love to live with it.:D
Yaar i dont understand why Pakistan keeps harping about Kashmir. at the moment they are not able to manage their own provinces well , there are militant attacks every day , Pakistan is buried in debt and need IMF to bail them out on a regular basis. How will they manage Kashmir if we were to ever give it to them ? (which we never will). sort out your own country , bring stability to it. then talk of kashmir.

refute me if you must with facts.
We have our foot on the jugular vein and we ain't gonna let it off. Cry us a river so that we can build another Kishan Ganga on it and block the flow of it !!!
If you start making up facts such as "Pakistan was historically not part of bharat ", I too can make up facts that "Baluchistan was historically not part of Pakistan". So let us give rest to the conspiracy theories.



I hope you won't post offtopic propaganda now. Thanks

As far as UN resolutions are considered, they lapsed, and the only issue that remain between India and Pakistan is when is Pakistan going to return GB and other part of Kashmir under its occupation.

See, ball is in your court, give us back the part Kashmir you hold and enjoy friendly relations with India.

Are you having wet dreams? You mean you need settled areas to infect them with your terrorism & r@***. Read what you post again & see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Nehru cannot make promises unilaterally unless he has passed such a bill in Parliament about conducting such poll in Kashmir. What Nehru said was unconstitutional.

Mr you need to come out of the propaganda that your army had brainwashed you with. By nehru we mean the Nehru administration of india i.e indian govt.

Read this

Making the Case for the Kashmiri Right to Self-determination.8

A. United Nations Action on Kashmiri Self-determination

The United Nations interest in the situation of Kashmir began in 1947-1948 during the de-colonization process of the British Empire in south Asia.9 The leaders of what became Pakistan and India reached an agreement with the British that the people of Kashmir would decide their own disposition. Prime Minister Nehru (India) had gone on record publicly saying that the disposition of the Kashmir people would be up to them.10 Due to a great deal of turmoil in the area, including a full-fledged revolt in Kashmir against the British-imposed maharajah, the United Nations began formally to address Kashmir in 1948. That year, the by Fast Free Converter">Security Council established the United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan, which, in addition to the Security Council itself, adopted resolutions declaring that the final disposition of Kashmir was to be via a plebiscite of the Kashmiri people carried out under the auspices of the United Nations.11 To carry out the plebiscite, the by Fast Free Converter">Security Council appointed a Plebiscite Administrator.12

The Indian government initially backed up its promises that the Kashmiri people would decide the future of Kashmir by indicating to the United Nations that it supported the above-cited United Nations resolutions providing for the plan for a plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations. For example, on January 5, 1949, India agreed to a Commission resolution stating:

The question of the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite.13
Most people in India barring a few Aman ka Tamasha ret*rds who make up a very small minority are happy that Pakistan was separated. It is true, Hindus and Muslims have very little in common, so it makes sense that we went our separate ways.

But when you make ret*rded claims like Pakistan was historically not a part of India, you look stupid and lose your credibility. Pakistan (especially Sindh and Punjab) historically have been a part of India. You forget that the people in Pakistan for majority of its history have been Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists/Jains. The history of the land goes back 7000 years, and barring the last hew hundred years when Muslims became a majority there, the mainland of India and the lands of Sindh and Punjab in Pakistan have shared cultural, linguistic, ethnic, religious values.

So yes, Pakistan definitely was needed in 1947, as we Hindus share very little with Muslims. I am one of the biggest supporters of creation of Pak and TNT. But the land of Pakistan did have a lot to do with India historically. We were the same people with the lands you currently occupy when they were inhabited with Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists/Jains.

Please don't go offtopic...instead of advising your country man to stop posting offtopics you came up with your own. Please check out the maps of IVC & several other empires in history which proves Pakistani land was never part of india historically. Yes i agree that our ancestors may be Hindus & the religion Hinduism, the language, culture & even the name of india was born in present day Pakistan & we are proud of it.

I hope there won't be more offtopics from you.
How long you want to go in the history?

As much as you trolls want. The first map is almost 5k to 7.5k old.

BTW how much do you want to derail the thread more? How many thread will your type derail?


I hope you won't post offtopic propaganda now. Thanks

Are you having wet dreams? You mean you need settled areas to infect them with your terrorism & r@***. Read what you post again & see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Mr you need to come out of the propaganda that your army had brainwashed you with. By nehru we mean the Nehru administration of india i.e indian govt.

Read this

Are you reading Zaid Hamid or what. o_O

If Pakistan was not part of India, whose partition happened in 1947? Why were millions of people killed in 1947? Who is the guy in your avatar? What did he fought for?

Confused Pakistani :eek:
Are you reading Zaid Hamid or what. o_O

If Pakistan was not part of India, whose partition happened in 1947? Why were millions of people killed in 1947? Who is the guy in your avatar? What did he fought for?

Confused Pakistani :eek:

Yes those maps are drawn by me or ZH...as per you the supporter of that bharat verma joker.;)

Pakistan was part of some empires who merge Pakistan with bharat i.e Mughal Empire, British Empire, etc. As i said you are totally brainwashed by indian army propaganda & clowns like bharat verma{who many people doubt of being a man}.:D

Quaid e Azam M Ali Jinnah (R.A) fought for all Muslims of Subcontinent & i respect him for it. NOW DON'T DERAIL THE THREAD FURTHER BY YOUR TROLLING CAPABILITIES.
As much as you trolls want. The first map is almost 5k to 7.5k old.

BTW how much do you want to derail the thread more? How many thread will your type derail?
The thread was derailed when the biased reporting started from the OP
The thread was derailed when the biased reporting started from the OP

OP has started the thread on BLACK DAY observed by Kashmiris & you guys started trolling & posting comments like "Happy Black Day" would you want anyone to say "Happy bhagat sing day"? Or "Happy British Colony Day"? Later on other trolls joined & start posting on Pakistan, it's history, Zaid Hamid, etc.
The thread was derailed when the biased reporting started from the OP

OP has started the thread on BLACK DAY observed by Kashmiris & you guys started trolling & posting comments like "Happy Black Day" would you want anyone to say "Happy bhagat sing day"? Or "Happy British Colony Day"? Later on other trolls joined & start posting on Pakistan, it's history, Zaid Hamid, etc.
OP has started the thread on BLACK DAY observed by Kashmiris & you guys started trolling & posting comments like "Happy Black Day" would you want anyone to say "Happy bhagat sing day"? Or "Happy British Colony Day"? Later on other trolls joined & start posting on Pakistan, it's history, Zaid Hamid, etc.
So you are trying to say that tribal lashkars from Pakistan didn't indulge into rioting, looting and raping of kashmiris?
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