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Kashmiri Leaders visit Pakistan

LOL sorry to burst yr bubble but im Basically a Azad Kashmiri myself.
Im from Bagh City in Azad Kashmir and have relatives in Baramula, the 4th largest city in the Valley.

I'm sorry but your political views do not represent the entirity of Kashmir and are simply restricted to yourself, your peers and perhaps political affiliation. As of UN, Pakistani, Chinese and Indian recognition, Jammu and Kashmir is:


Any dispute to divide it further would be catastrophic, the blending of cultures, religions and beliefs surpasses the tick box religious-affiliation argument. Furtheremore, there's no basis to your argument that G&B was never part of Kashmir - the above map, UN, Pakistani, Indian and Chinese documents (not forgetting Kashmiri documents as well) consider it part of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

terrorists(oppsss imean jihadists) visiting counterparts period

I find that highly ironic when the Mirwaiz is stoically against Armed Action (as is Imran Khan) whereas the Indian state is guilty of the usage of systematic terrorism to lengthen its occupation of Kashmir.
I find that highly ironic when the Mirwaiz is stoically against Armed Action (as is Imran Khan) whereas the Indian state is guilty of the usage of systematic terrorism to lengthen its occupation of Kashmir.

Both love sharia and favor terrorist org .
I'm sorry but your political views do not represent the entirity of Kashmir and are simply restricted to yourself, your peers and perhaps political affiliation. As of UN, Pakistani, Chinese and Indian recognition, Jammu and Kashmir is:


Any dispute to divide it further would be catastrophic, the blending of cultures, religions and beliefs surpasses the tick box religious-affiliation argument. Furtheremore, there's no basis to your argument that G&B was never part of Kashmir - the above map, UN, Pakistani, Indian and Chinese documents (not forgetting Kashmiri documents as well) consider it part of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

The present political recognition of Kashmir is as you have mentioned. However historically, culturally, religion and belief wise Gilgit, Baltistan, the Kashmir vale, Ladakh and Jammu have more differences than similarities, even to this date. The people are not the same at all.

It is actually very analogous to British India of the early nineties; Dissimilar areas ruled, from time to time, under one banner (usually under a foreign force) and that is that. At other times these areas were ruled under different princess as different states which fought against each other. Gilgit is to the Kashmir vale what Punjab was to Bengal.

Also this map is a better representation of the region:


any port in the storm mate.. These guys have nothing to debate on so they get all sorts of nonsense into a discussion..
exactly man.

Im sorry but you still haven't replied to my posts. All I got was this:

just tell me when u can access youtube.
Whatever floats your boat my friend. You can accuse me of being biased, when in fact you are the one who is trying to spread Indian propaganda over here. But i don't blame you considering how much brainwashing is received by the average Indian through the media. I am just stating what the truth is, there is no proof to look at here, all we need to look at is the actions of this particular individual and they speak for themselves.

You accusing me of being brainwashed...wow! You presumably have a brain incapable of being washed.....

Wow. Talk about lying right to my face. It appears that your bias is severely clouding your judgement. Can you show me that proof where i can get the slam dunk that HS is a mass murderer. I have gone over the dossiers send by GOI, there is not a single court in this world that would convict HS for a criminal offence. Pakistani authorities arrested HS on request of the Indian authorities. After that Pakistani authorities requested the Indian counterparts to hand over the evidence so they could nail HS. Indian authorities didn't produce any evidence, the courts had no choice but to release him. But ah well, whats the point of explaining rule of law to you intellectually because those Indian goggles on your eyes won't let you look at things from a neutral perspective.

Read my post carefully. I was talking about you defending Hafiz Saeed and his activities.As for Indian dossiers & whether or not they are exhaustive, that is not the point. The conspiracy was planned in Pakistan, it is Pakistan that must dig up necessary evidence. This man did create the LeT or do you subscribe to the theory that he is just a Pakistani version of Mother Teresa. Unless you have not been following the news, you will by now know that Hafiz Saeed was never arrested or charged on 26/11 case. Pakistani documents submitted by your interior minister prove that. So your submission about the courts having to release him because of the lack of evidence provided by GoI is a joke and a silly story that you are regurgitating thoughtlessly. Calling others liars while parroting a discredited story cannot but come back and bite you. In any case, the evidence produced by India was enough to get him labelled a terrorist at the U.N. Try sending him to the U.S. if you want to try out your assertion that no court will convict him.

Straw Man Argument, Nice :tup:. Picking bits and pieces out of my argument. In this case, i was clearly referring to Kashmir where the muslims face systematic bias from the occupying force. You are than welcome to go back and see my posts condemning the treatment meted out to Ahmadis or Hindus here in Pakistan.

Picked apart your whole argument. Left nothing out. Your comment remains there. What you meant is your concern, giving character certificates is your forte, not mine. Just pointed out the self acclaimed bias.
His election is fixed and rigged to make him win, he is simply a puppet and everyone with a clear head in Kashmir knows what a low life puppet he is, a ghulam of New Delhi. Personally, I never took the guy seriously he barely even walks the streets of Kashmir out of fear he may be attacked by his own people, he is also a disgrace to his forefathers.
Perhaps you are living in some other world. try to visit our part of j&k at least once. you will be ashamed to compare your part which is still lingering in 18th century. and we have not allowed outsiders to settle down here like pakistan where they have long changed the whole demography of the area for fear of referendum
I wan't talking about whether or not he can create a consensus in his favour (though even rthat is debatable) but whether his method of politics lends itself to the art of compromise.. The courts have to prove nothing, he is either guilty of collusion or of being incompetent, the choice is yours.

Extremely unlikely. Nitesh Kumar is more likely to split from the NDA & join the UPA than end up committing electoral suicide by supporting Modi.

The current PM has run a coalition, however badly, for the better part of 9 years. Modi has yet to prove that he can run any coalition for any length of time.

Everyone has a tongue, controlling it is an art by itself.

Nothing of what you write is convincing enough for me to change my stance.

So, let the ppl decide who is better for them.
One thing you still have not understood... your claim or denial of our claims does not matter anywhere... your govt and army has not been able to make any difference, you're just an Internet poster more likely an Internet J*****

LOL Thats what u think. Just ask yr Gov for an answer who crys like a baby even today.
After 2014 when Americans leave then we will focus entirely towards Kashmir Valley.
Nothing of what you write is convincing enough for me to change my stance.

So, let the ppl decide who is better for them.

Not asking you to. I have no definite stance on Mr. Modi's national ambitions either, only that unlike you, I'm not a full throated supporter.
I'm sorry but your political views do not represent the entirity of Kashmir and are simply restricted to yourself, your peers and perhaps political affiliation. As of UN, Pakistani, Chinese and Indian recognition, Jammu and Kashmir is:


Any dispute to divide it further would be catastrophic, the blending of cultures, religions and beliefs surpasses the tick box religious-affiliation argument. Furtheremore, there's no basis to your argument that G&B was never part of Kashmir - the above map, UN, Pakistani, Indian and Chinese documents (not forgetting Kashmiri documents as well) consider it part of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

I find that highly ironic when the Mirwaiz is stoically against Armed Action (as is Imran Khan) whereas the Indian state is guilty of the usage of systematic terrorism to lengthen its occupation of Kashmir.

Dude read my comment again. I have not said it wasnt part of Kashmir ever. But now a days the General people there dont consider themselves Kashmiris but they consider themselves as Gilgitis or Balis.
Also do u know Hazara was also once part of Kashmir so by yr logic today hazara people should also say themselves the same:azn:

Its me now who is sorry as yr logic is not based on Ground opinions of People.

You didn't get. All that propaganda is not for Indians. Use all that to prove your patriotism to Pakistanis.

No truth. Propaganda taught in your history books.

LOL u Indians:lol: anything that that is contradictory to yr Gov's say is propaganda in yr eyes specially its in our History or ours History gives its testimony.
what a joke man?u ran out of ammo,and that is y u took the facebook issue.how is that related to kashmir?
ya,i know they r tryin to do it?and being a free country,we still allow them to visit pakistan on 'indian' passports.

about yr last line......well i can say is that its just a matter of time.

and about yr rest of comment, LOL i was actually replying to a guy who said that ''is utube back in pak''?
indicating that we dont have a free source of info here, so i just reply back.
But since u indians have a habit of getting into others business when they r talking one on one so that is why u got confused n thought that i ran out of arguments.

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