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Kashmiri Leaders visit Pakistan

about yr last line......well i can say is that its just a matter of time.

and about yr rest of comment, LOL i was actually replying to a guy who said that ''is utube back in pak''?
indicating that we dont have a free source of info here, so i just reply back.
But since u indians have a habit of getting into others business when they r talking one on one so that is why u got confused n thought that i ran out of arguments.

For one on one interactions use the PM functionality and not forum posts.. Or may be email :)
For one on one interactions use the PM functionality and not forum posts.. Or may be email :)

OHO Karan Mian yr back:lol:
Last time i checked u were a pink tutu, and i thought u will never come back.
But Mr Karan Sahib i was again replying to someone else's argument.
Im not a senior member yet so i cant PM nor have e-mail IDs.
LOL Thats what u think. Just ask yr Gov for an answer who crys like a baby even today.
After 2014 when Americans leave then we will focus entirely towards Kashmir Valley.

So is it a warning to expect lot more terrorist attacks in kashmir..... Good..... If that is what satisfy you.....
about yr last line......well i can say is that its just a matter of time.

and about yr rest of comment, LOL i was actually replying to a guy who said that ''is utube back in pak''?
indicating that we dont have a free source of info here, so i just reply back.
But since u indians have a habit of getting into others business when they r talking one on one so that is why u got confused n thought that i ran out of arguments.

man,this was a debate going on a forum,not a private call.dont give silly excuses,
OHO Karan Mian yr back:lol:
Last time i checked u were a pink tutu, and i thought u will never come back.

:lol: Like all your other thoughts on the forum, this was also screwed up and wrong :D

LOL Thats what u think. Just ask yr Gov for an answer who crys like a baby even today.
After 2014 when Americans leave then we will focus entirely towards Kashmir Valley.

Sure.. Do that.. Right now your people are getting killed at Afg border and tribal regions.. After 2014 go ahead and condemn the people of P0K and Punjab to the same fate..No problems ...
Perhaps you are living in some other world. try to visit our part of j&k at least once. you will be ashamed to compare your part which is still lingering in 18th century. and we have not allowed outsiders to settle down here like pakistan where they have long changed the whole demography of the area for fear of referendum

Please refrain from talking out of your arse. Your comments go to show how little you actually know about the areas on both sides of the LOC. And you have restricted the sale of property to outsiders in J&K only on the basis of the agreement the Kashmiris made you sign. The ethnic cleansing of the Muslim majority, sadly, was not thought of at that time. Now be a good lad and present me the info and the proof of the demographic changes that have supposedly come about in Gilgit-Baltistan and the Azad Kashmir areas.
Please refrain from talking out of your arse. Your comments go to show how little you actually know about the areas on both sides of the LOC. And you have restricted the sale of property to outsiders in J&K only on the basis of the agreement the Kashmiris made you sign. The ethnic cleansing of the Muslim majority, sadly, was not thought of at that time. Now be a good lad and present me the info and the proof of the demographic changes that have supposedly come about in Gilgit-Baltistan and the Azad Kashmir areas.

first of all, talking ugly only shows your upbringing and grooming, so debate nicely and try to hide your blind hate.You have not answered my single counter reply or links I provided( I wonder whether you have even read them properly )and started behaving like a bully.
So it is pretty clear now that who is shouting from where.
And how my comments shows that I know little than you ?:undecided:And that agreement was signed by maharaja of J&K , not the people of kashmir, who was sold out to India according to you people, so It was our will to put that Claus, not otherwise. as for as ethnic cleansing is concerned, it has only happened to hindus of valley and not to muslims. they have been thrown out of their home and killed in bulk. think for one second, if this would have been happened to muslims in pakistan, what would have you people done to your hindus.It is more than a proof to tell you that even now hundreds of hindus are migrating to india from pakistan whenever they are getting opportunity but no muslim has ever migrated to pakistan after 1971 even from valley. and migration is a guaranteed side effect of ethnic cleansing.
And I am not a lad, i am more matured and perhaps aged than you, and our behavior in this forum clearly shows this. but again it might be because of our upbringing. one more thing, It does not take a great reasoning to figure out that if outsiders keep coming into certain area, the demography will be changed in long course like it changed in assam due to bangladeshi influx. but i forgot that reasoning is a new word to you people. and have you read my sources which I showed you in previous post in your counter reply, if yes then reply to that proof first and then i will put up many more proofs, But if you keep silence on the matter given to you and keep demanding some other material every time, it will not serve the purpose.
Please refrain from talking out of your arse. Your comments go to show how little you actually know about the areas on both sides of the LOC. And you have restricted the sale of property to outsiders in J&K only on the basis of the agreement the Kashmiris made you sign. The ethnic cleansing of the Muslim majority, sadly, was not thought of at that time. Now be a good lad and present me the info and the proof of the demographic changes that have supposedly come about in Gilgit-Baltistan and the Azad Kashmir areas.
Hey Mr. KNOW IT ALL if it had been the way u are implying than this would not have happened:
24 Kashmiris returning from PaK detained on Nepal border Lastupdate:- Fri, 24 Aug 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

It's not about religion its about nation building.If the nation is strong then religion dosen't matter anyone from any religion can become a President or a Prime Minister and every one is equal.Can a Hindu become the President of Pakistan????
Both have been released, charges dropped and there is an investigation on the ones who have framed the charges.
And what about dozens of innocent men and even children are arrested for blasphemy and many of them burnt alive annually in pakistan ? just ask him please
first of all, talking ugly only shows your upbringing and grooming, so debate nicely and try to hide your blind hate.You have not answered my single counter reply or links I provided( I wonder whether you have even read them properly )and started behaving like a bully.
So it is pretty clear now that who is shouting from where.

I have a personal disposition against ignorant rants, especially when the ignorance is deliberate and malicious. However I do not indulge in personal character defense or attacks. So Ill leave my upbringing for you to imagine as you like.

And how my comments shows that I know little than you ?:undecided:And that agreement was signed by maharaja of J&K , not the people of kashmir, who was sold out to India according to you people, so It was our will to put that Claus, not otherwise.

Have you seen the comparison you gave of our side to your's? 18th century? We would be ashamed? lol. Anyway, the Maharaja was not willing to go either way. The Indians were pressuring him while the lashkars were coming in from the west. The time for the Maharaja was over. However it was also slipping away from India too. The Indian government gave into the Maharaja's demands on the bases of expediting the signing of the accord, other concessions were given as well. The conditions also gave the Maharaja vain hope of retaining some sort of power over the lands afterwards while using the Indian military to thwart off the immediate threat presented by the Lashkars. Studies even say that had the Lashkars not stopped to loot the Maharaja's garrisons or had the Pakistani army joined in before there would not have been any Srinagar airstrip for the Indian forces to land on. We all know how that turned out. It was hardly out of the goodness of India's heart. This is common knowledge, many books by your own people on the subject.

as for as ethnic cleansing is concerned, it has only happened to hindus of valley and not to muslims. they have been thrown out of their home and killed in bulk. think for one second, if this would have been happened to muslims in pakistan, what would have you people done to your hindus.It is more than a proof to tell you that even now hundreds of hindus are migrating to india from pakistan whenever they are getting opportunity but no muslim has ever migrated to pakistan after 1971 even from valley. and migration is a guaranteed side effect of ethnic cleansing.

You mean the way half of my family ran from their ancestral homes in Srinagar? Yeah that was happening for quite some while after the partition. Many of them were promised a ride over the LOC by the Indian army too only to be slaughtered in the woods. The remaining now stand to fight for their rights, their homes and their lands. The Indian atrocities against the Muslims of the Indian Occupied Kashmir are pretty straight forward there are no question marks about it.


Ah the age old Kashmiri Pandits argument. The push was not explicit but an implicit reaction to the tensions between the convert Muslims and the Hindu pandits. Keep in mind that even after the push many Hindus still remained there and lived in peace. My grand father's grand father (Pandit Mansanath) and his family were some of them. However, the Hindus never maintained any majority even before the conversions and the push. At most they constituted 20% of the population in the Kashmir vale and almost negligible in Gilgit and Baltistan. In Jammu they had a sizable minority. Their political influence was high which they lost when the people started converting to Islam in mass and hence the tensions.

That said the Hindus of the valley were pushed out into Jammu quite a long while before the partition. This in effect bares no consequence upon the partition nor can it be presented as an excuse for the treatment being executed upon the Muslims there right now since 1947 (which is far exceeding what the Hindus had faced).

And I am not a lad, i am more matured and perhaps aged than you, and our behavior in this forum clearly shows this. but again it might be because of our upbringing. one more thing, It does not take a great reasoning to figure out that if outsiders keep coming into certain area, the demography will be changed in long course like it changed in assam due to bangladeshi influx. but i forgot that reasoning is a new word to you people. and have you read my sources which I showed you in previous post in your counter reply, if yes then reply to that proof first and then i will put up many more proofs, But if you keep silence on the matter given to you and keep demanding some other material every time, it will not serve the purpose.

Ummm....these are your posts on this thread:

sorry to say but "NO ONE"
It has been proved other wise beyond doubt .
Perhaps you are living in some other world. try to visit our part of j&k at least once. you will be ashamed to compare your part which is still lingering in 18th century. and we have not allowed outsiders to settle down here like pakistan where they have long changed the whole demography of the area for fear of referendum

I do not see any links in them nor do I see any reasoning, not even a sorry excuse of it. Hardly worth a reply....no?

Moving on, had you spent a few minutes trying to understand my post instead of feeling the unending urge to one-up a Pakistani with your "witty" come backs you would have realized that "outsiders keep coming into certain area" is exactly what I was asking you to prove. Which you have disingenuously tried to dodge. Please provide it. If you are talking about the Muslim population increase through out the regions of the North then my good man the people living there today are the ancient inhabitants of those areas with little to nothing in common with the people of the south. They converted to Islam from various religions and your people just can't digest that. The only influx of foreigners into the Kashmiri lands was at the time of the Pushtoon conquest when they pushed the ingenious tribes out of Swat, Chitral, Kohistan, Dassu, Patan, etc. Parts which have been a part of KPK or NWFP since then, bet you didn't even know that. I don't blame you since unlike me this history is not your own, its something which you read along in your history books.

PS: So I reiterate myself; please refrain from talking out of your arse. While personal remarks and analogies drawn to cases which bare no resemblance to the situation in Kashmir (read: your supposed claim of hundreds of Hindus migrating to India from Pakistan) are fun I ask you to present me an argument worth debating with some 'reason' which you claim to have.

Hey Mr. KNOW IT ALL if it had been the way u are implying than this would not have happened:
24 Kashmiris returning from PaK detained on Nepal border Lastupdate:- Fri, 24 Aug 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

It's not about religion its about nation building.If the nation is strong then religion dosen't matter anyone from any religion can become a President or a Prime Minister and every one is equal.Can a Hindu become the President of Pakistan????

Except that the bases of the partition itself was the religious divide from which comes the Kashmir problem. For the rest you'd best refer to my reply to tharkibuddha.
Read my post carefully. I was talking about you defending Hafiz Saeed and his activities.As for Indian dossiers & whether or not they are exhaustive, that is not the point. The conspiracy was planned in Pakistan, it is Pakistan that must dig up necessary evidence. This man did create the LeT or do you subscribe to the theory that he is just a Pakistani version of Mother Teresa. Unless you have not been following the news, you will by now know that Hafiz Saeed was never arrested or charged on 26/11 case. Pakistani documents submitted by your interior minister prove that. So your submission about the courts having to release him because of the lack of evidence provided by GoI is a joke and a silly story that you are regurgitating thoughtlessly. Calling others liars while parroting a discredited story cannot but come back and bite you. In any case, the evidence produced by India was enough to get him labelled a terrorist at the U.N. Try sending him to the U.S. if you want to try out your assertion that no court will convict him.

Please point out where exactly did i defend Hafiz Saeed. As far as i am concerned, he should be put up infront of a firing squad. But that being said, i do believe that for him to be put infront of a firing squad, it should be done through a proper course of law, not merely at the pleasure of India. From the publicly available evidence presented by your Home Minister, there is no evidence to link HS with the Mumbai Attacks, only statements by Kasab who was not allowed to be grilled by Pakistani investigators.

In your previous post you accused HS of being a terrorist as an accepted fact, now you want Pakistan to produce the facts to convict HS. Do you even hear yourself here Good Sir? It appears that your Indian goggles are not letting you see properly.

Pakistan offered a full joint investigation, asked the Indian authorities to grill Kasab, launched investigations of its own and even arrested HS on request of India. Indians refused to cooperate with Pakistan and their refusal for a joint investigation was a major blow in hopes of nailing HS. So instead of condemning Indian competence, you are laying the entire blame on Pakistan. The UN declared him a terrorist but did the UN order Pakistan to arrest him or put a curb on his freedom of movement. Again, these Straw Man arguments are not justifying your ludicrous claims.

Mumbai Case


10. (C) Pakistan's prosecution of the seven suspects it arrested in the Mumbai case -- i.e., XXXXXXXXXXXX and terrorism financiers XXXXXXXXXXXX-- is proceeding, though at a slow pace. The defense lawyers have aggressively filed motions challenging varying aspects of the case. On November 25, an Anti-Terrorism Court finally framed the charges against the seven defendants, allowing the court proceedings, which are being held in camera, to move to the trial phase. Four FBI expert witnesses are expected to be called to testify for the prosecution. The government has continually reassured us that the prosecutors will win convictions against all the defendants after a trial lasting several months, though it has a stronger case against the five LeT operatives than against the two terrorism financers. There are concerns that some of the convictions could be overturned at the appellate level, where the courts set an extremely high evidentiary bar. On October 12, a Pakistani court quashed all remaining cases against Hafiz Saeed, the head of LeT alias Jama'at-ud-Dawa (JuD). Those cases were not related to the Mumbai attack. The government has repeatedly told us that it would need much more evidence of Saeed's direct involvement in the Mumbai attacks to move forward with Mumbai-related charges against him.

David Coleman Headley


11. (S) In December, an FBI-DOJ team briefed Pakistani officials from the ISI, Ministry of Interior, FIA, IB, and MFA on the David Coleman Headley investigation, providing them with tear-line information on Headley's statements to U.S. authorities. ISI officials said they had very little information to identify the Pakistanis mentioned in the statements. They discussed their investigation into First World Immigration Service, a business front used by Headley and his co-conspirators. The ISI said while they would not grant direct FBI access to co-conspirator Major (retd.) Abdurrehman Syed, who was in ISI custody, the FBI could submit questions for Syed through the ISI. The FIA and Ministry of Interior informed the FBI that it would be difficult to introduce Headley-related evidence in the government's prosecution of the Mumbai defendants, including because Headley's statements to U.S. authorities would be treated as hearsay with little evidentiary value in court.


Picked apart your whole argument. Left nothing out. Your comment remains there. What you meant is your concern, giving character certificates is your forte, not mine. Just pointed out the self acclaimed bias.

Sure you did ;)
Please point out where exactly did i defend Hafiz Saeed. As far as i am concerned, he should be put up infront of a firing squad. But that being said, i do believe that for him to be put infront of a firing squad, it should be done through a proper course of law, not merely at the pleasure of India. From the publicly available evidence presented by your Home Minister, there is no evidence to link HS with the Mumbai Attacks, only statements by Kasab who was not allowed to be grilled by Pakistani investigators.

Not only Kasab but Headley & Abu Jundal (even if you consider their statements unreliable /inadmissible)
In your previous post you accused HS of being a terrorist as an accepted fact, now you want Pakistan to produce the facts to convict HS. Do you even hear yourself here Good Sir? It appears that your Indian goggles are not letting you see properly.

Nope, merely pointing out that this particular incident(26/11) needs more investigation from within Pakistan since the conspiracy was hatched there. Does not alter the fact the Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist.

As for my Indian goggles, I have never ever denied that I bring with myself (on the issue of terrorism emanating from Pakistan & directed towards India) an Indian viewpoint(why else would I be here?), does not make anything I said false. You seem to act like your own goggles comes washed with the milk of neutrality. Kindly stop pontificating.

Pakistan offered a full joint investigation, asked the Indian authorities to grill Kasab, launched investigations of its own and even arrested HS on request of India. Indians refused to cooperate with Pakistan and their refusal for a joint investigation was a major blow in hopes of nailing HS. So instead of condemning Indian competence, you are laying the entire blame on Pakistan. The UN declared him a terrorist but did the UN order Pakistan to arrest him or put a curb on his freedom of movement. Again, these Straw Man arguments are not justifying your ludicrous claims.

The same piece of disinformation again. Maybe you didn't register what I have said earlier. Hafiz Saeed was never arrested (on India's request or any other) for 26/11, so he could not possible have been released for lack of evidence on those charges. That lie has been convincingly nailed after Rehman Malik gave the Indian HM documents about the FIR's filed none of which pertained to the 26/11 case.
Shinde nails Pak lie on Hafiz Saeed's arrest in 26/11 case - Times Of India

The ludicrous claims are your own, I'm afraid.
I have a personal disposition against ignorant rants, especially when the ignorance is deliberate and malicious. However I do not indulge in personal character defense or attacks. So Ill leave my upbringing for you to imagine as you like.

Have you seen the comparison you gave of our side to your's? 18th century? We would be ashamed? lol. Anyway, the Maharaja was not willing to go either way. The Indians were pressuring him while the lashkars were coming in from the west. The time for the Maharaja was over. However it was also slipping away from India too. The Indian government gave into the Maharaja's demands on the bases of expediting the signing of the accord, other concessions were given as well. The conditions also gave the Maharaja vain hope of retaining some sort of power over the lands afterwards while using the Indian military to thwart off the immediate threat presented by the Lashkars. Studies even say that had the Lashkars not stopped to loot the Maharaja's garrisons or had the Pakistani army joined in before there would not have been any Srinagar airstrip for the Indian forces to land on. We all know how that turned out. It was hardly out of the goodness of India's heart. This is common knowledge, many books by your own people on the subject.

You mean the way half of my family ran from their ancestral homes in Srinagar? Yeah that was happening for quite some while after the partition. Many of them were promised a ride over the LOC by the Indian army too only to be slaughtered in the woods. The remaining now stand to fight for their rights, their homes and their lands. The Indian atrocities against the Muslims of the Indian Occupied Kashmir are pretty straight forward there are no question marks about it.


Ah the age old Kashmiri Pandits argument. The push was not explicit but an implicit reaction to the tensions between the convert Muslims and the Hindu pandits. Keep in mind that even after the push many Hindus still remained there and lived in peace. My grand father's grand father (Pandit Mansanath) and his family were some of them. However, the Hindus never maintained any majority even before the conversions and the push. At most they constituted 20% of the population in the Kashmir vale and almost negligible in Gilgit and Baltistan. In Jammu they had a sizable minority. Their political influence was high which they lost when the people started converting to Islam in mass and hence the tensions.

That said the Hindus of the valley were pushed out into Jammu quite a long while before the partition. This in effect bares no consequence upon the partition nor can it be presented as an excuse for the treatment being executed upon the Muslims there right now since 1947 (which is far exceeding what the Hindus had faced).

Ummm....these are your posts on this thread:

I do not see any links in them nor do I see any reasoning, not even a sorry excuse of it. Hardly worth a reply....no?

Moving on, had you spent a few minutes trying to understand my post instead of feeling the unending urge to one-up a Pakistani with your "witty" come backs you would have realized that "outsiders keep coming into certain area" is exactly what I was asking you to prove. Which you have disingenuously tried to dodge. Please provide it. If you are talking about the Muslim population increase through out the regions of the North then my good man the people living there today are the ancient inhabitants of those areas with little to nothing in common with the people of the south. They converted to Islam from various religions and your people just can't digest that. The only influx of foreigners into the Kashmiri lands was at the time of the Pushtoon conquest when they pushed the ingenious tribes out of Swat, Chitral, Kohistan, Dassu, Patan, etc. Parts which have been a part of KPK or NWFP since then, bet you didn't even know that. I don't blame you since unlike me this history is not your own, its something which you read along in your history books.

PS: So I reiterate myself; please refrain from talking out of your arse. While personal remarks and analogies drawn to cases which bare no resemblance to the situation in Kashmir (read: your supposed claim of hundreds of Hindus migrating to India from Pakistan) are fun I ask you to present me an argument worth debating with some 'reason' which you claim to have.

It doesn't matter how you try to be refined, your madarsa education and rustic behavior is glaring from miles. and your history and analysis of events, its not your fault my friend, considering who are your teachers and mentors. And most of all your pdf link as a proof, :fie: and your quoting of my one liners even when they were in response to a direct yes no type question. as for as migration of hindus from pakistan please refer to my links if you dont find it very tough to read a lil,
Pakistan's Hindu families migrating to India | Watch the video - Yahoo! India
We are harassed in Pakistan, many keen to migrate to India: Pakistani Hindu family - Times Of India
250 Hindus allowed to cross into India from Pakistan | NDTV.com
Dozens of Pakistani Hindus seek asylum in India: report | World | DAWN.COM

Now please give me one reference of migration of muslims from any where in india to pakistan including valley or feel some shame and dont show your face at least in this thread.
I have a personal disposition against ignorant rants, especially when the ignorance is deliberate and malicious. However I do not indulge in personal character defense or attacks. So Ill leave my upbringing for you to imagine as you like.

Have you seen the comparison you gave of our side to your's? 18th century? We would be ashamed? lol. Anyway, the Maharaja was not willing to go either way. The Indians were pressuring him while the lashkars were coming in from the west. The time for the Maharaja was over. However it was also slipping away from India too. The Indian government gave into the Maharaja's demands on the bases of expediting the signing of the accord, other concessions were given as well. The conditions also gave the Maharaja vain hope of retaining some sort of power over the lands afterwards while using the Indian military to thwart off the immediate threat presented by the Lashkars. Studies even say that had the Lashkars not stopped to loot the Maharaja's garrisons or had the Pakistani army joined in before there would not have been any Srinagar airstrip for the Indian forces to land on. We all know how that turned out. It was hardly out of the goodness of India's heart. This is common knowledge, many books by your own people on the subject.

You mean the way half of my family ran from their ancestral homes in Srinagar? Yeah that was happening for quite some while after the partition. Many of them were promised a ride over the LOC by the Indian army too only to be slaughtered in the woods. The remaining now stand to fight for their rights, their homes and their lands. The Indian atrocities against the Muslims of the Indian Occupied Kashmir are pretty straight forward there are no question marks about it.


Ah the age old Kashmiri Pandits argument. The push was not explicit but an implicit reaction to the tensions between the convert Muslims and the Hindu pandits. Keep in mind that even after the push many Hindus still remained there and lived in peace. My grand father's grand father (Pandit Mansanath) and his family were some of them. However, the Hindus never maintained any majority even before the conversions and the push. At most they constituted 20% of the population in the Kashmir vale and almost negligible in Gilgit and Baltistan. In Jammu they had a sizable minority. Their political influence was high which they lost when the people started converting to Islam in mass and hence the tensions.

That said the Hindus of the valley were pushed out into Jammu quite a long while before the partition. This in effect bares no consequence upon the partition nor can it be presented as an excuse for the treatment being executed upon the Muslims there right now since 1947 (which is far exceeding what the Hindus had faced).

Ummm....these are your posts on this thread:

I do not see any links in them nor do I see any reasoning, not even a sorry excuse of it. Hardly worth a reply....no?

Moving on, had you spent a few minutes trying to understand my post instead of feeling the unending urge to one-up a Pakistani with your "witty" come backs you would have realized that "outsiders keep coming into certain area" is exactly what I was asking you to prove. Which you have disingenuously tried to dodge. Please provide it. If you are talking about the Muslim population increase through out the regions of the North then my good man the people living there today are the ancient inhabitants of those areas with little to nothing in common with the people of the south. They converted to Islam from various religions and your people just can't digest that. The only influx of foreigners into the Kashmiri lands was at the time of the Pushtoon conquest when they pushed the ingenious tribes out of Swat, Chitral, Kohistan, Dassu, Patan, etc. Parts which have been a part of KPK or NWFP since then, bet you didn't even know that. I don't blame you since unlike me this history is not your own, its something which you read along in your history books.

PS: So I reiterate myself; please refrain from talking out of your arse. While personal remarks and analogies drawn to cases which bare no resemblance to the situation in Kashmir (read: your supposed claim of hundreds of Hindus migrating to India from Pakistan) are fun I ask you to present me an argument worth debating with some 'reason' which you claim to have.

Except that the bases of the partition itself was the religious divide from which comes the Kashmir problem. For the rest you'd best refer to my reply to tharkibuddha.

It doesn't matter how you try to be refined, your madarsa education and rustic behavior is glaring from miles. and your history and analysis of events, its not your fault my friend, considering who are your teachers and mentors. And most of all your pdf link as a proof, :fie: and your quoting of my one liners even when they were in response to a direct yes no type question. as for as migration of hindus from pakistan please refer to my links if you dont find it very tough to read a lil,
Pakistan's Hindu families migrating to India | Watch the video - Yahoo! India
We are harassed in Pakistan, many keen to migrate to India: Pakistani Hindu family - Times Of India
250 Hindus allowed to cross into India from Pakistan | NDTV.com
Dozens of Pakistani Hindus seek asylum in India: report | World | DAWN.COM

Now please give me one reference of migration of muslims from any where in india to pakistan including valley or feel some shame and dont show your face at least in this thread.
Chalo chodo yein sub.... Ab bathaon visit ke bad.... Hua Kya????

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