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Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

2nd not all of PA and PAF was involved like Indian army was, get up and smell the coffee.

Neither was in entire IA and IAF involved. The PAF would have got pommelled without a BVR capability. It was a smart decision to keep them on the ground.
Why do we not ask the people of kashmir if your so sure.

We have asked and they agreed, thats why they participated in the elections to set up a govt under the constitution of India.
Human rights violation in Kashmir. India is responsible for torture, kidnapping, extrajudicial killing, rape and use of excessive forces against the Kashmiri people.

We do all those that , who told you? There are one off incidents i admit, but and they are all punished, and there are enquiries against the other accused.
What do u mean by saying if i know anything other than the demolishing of Babri masjid and the Gujarat massacre. Do u think it is that easy to forget these crimes and talk about other stuff.

Why are you so bothered abt indian blood?
Bull said that "Its more practical for Kashmiris to be part of India than pakistan", which is y i mentioned about the Babri masjid and Gujarat genocide. I mean if this is how u treat muslims & their place of worship how is it practical for Kashmiries to become part of India..

Well as the other guy told you Gujarat was not a one sided riot, there were lots of Hindus been killed.It all started when the Hindus were burned alive.

Babri Masjid is a temple which was converted into a Moaque by a mugal ruler during his time, atleast that was the point raised by the VHP/RSS/BJP.

And its not that the whole country supported the demolition of Babri Masjid, There were wide spread outcry cutting across party and relegious lines.

And the answer to ur question Malay, Yes I do know of other instances other than these two, and they r the crimes committed by the Indian troops against the Kashmiri ppl, which can still be seen today.
Treat others the same way u would like to be treated. So many innocent Muslim youths r martyred in Kashmir & the Indian ppl feel no pain for it, but when there is a train bombing in India for instance then u should look at the Indian media cry for months. :confused:
Treat others the same way u would like to be treated. So many innocent Muslim youths r martyred in Kashmir & the Indian ppl feel no pain for it, but when there is a train bombing in India for instance then u should look at the Indian media cry for months. :confused:

Why should we cry for the terrorists who are trying to destabilise the nations?
J-K Govt raises fund for self-employment

JAMMU: Keeping its word, Jammu and Kashmir Government today announced raising of Self-employment Margin (SEM) money by ten times to Rs 100 crore to give a boost to educated unemployed youth in the state.

"We want to focus on the self-employment of the youth force in Jammu and Kashmir and encourge it to go for such ventures. In this direction, we have increased the margin money from Rs 10 crore to Rs 100 crore", Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad told the Legislative Assembly.

Intervening in a discussion on recruitments and the employment policy of his Government, he said this has been included in the 2007-08 budget.

The State Government, Azad said, was implementing J-K self-employment scheme for providing loan assistance to the educated unemployed youth in the age group of 18-40 years.

The Chief Minister said that the state's PSC would complete all its pending selection exercises by the end of this year. The SSRB would complete half of its selection process by June this year, he said.

He said vacancies as and when created were referred to various recruitment agencies and given the massive response of applicants, the selection takes longer time than required.

Azad said the chairmen of the two recruiting agencies have assured him that the process of selection would be speeded up and the backlog cleared by end of this year so far as PSC was concerned. 50 per cent of the referred vacancies would be cleared by SSRB by next June, he said.

The State Government has recommended filling up of 19,000 vacancies to various recruiting agencies, including PSC.

Of these, 4455 candidates have been recommended for appointment by PSC and Service Selection Recruitment Board (SSRB).

As many as 6956 vacancies have been filled up on contractual basis and 2771 appointments have been done under the sports category, Consumer Affairs Minister Taj Mohi-ud-din told the Assembly in reply to a question.

He said 22959 educated unemployed people have been engaged as temporary teachers in the state.

The Cabinet has taken a decision to engage unemployed agriculture graduates under a teaching scheme on an honorarium of Rs 1500 per month, he said, adding about 900 posts of physical education teachers would be shortly filled up.

In reply to another question, Health Minister Mangat Ram Sharma said that the State Government has taken steps in order to solve the problems faced by the unemployed uneducated youth.

These include the decision taken to fill up all the vacant posts available in certain departments on contractual basis, he said, observing that appointments were also made on the compassionate grounds for militancy-affected people and next of kin of Government servants who die in harness. (PTI)
We have asked and they agreed, thats why they participated in the elections to set up a govt under the constitution of India.

Only one problem.... kashmir is not part of india so setting up elections under the constitution of India is null and void.
If you really are into democracy let kashmir have a vote on if it wants to be free or part of india or pakistan.....simple.
dabong, sorry dude, but last time i checked, Kashmir was in India. And if they wanted ot reject the India Union, they would not have come out to vote ;)
Only one problem.... kashmir is not part of india so setting up elections under the constitution of India is null and void.
If you really are into democracy let kashmir have a vote on if it wants to be free or part of india or pakistan.....simple.

Why would they participate in a election held under the constitution of India?
Why would they participate in a election held under the constitution of India?

Stick a gun to my head and i would vote also.
Remove the occupation army,lets have the election in kashmir with oversight from international organizations and then you can claim something from the results of a free election with all parties taking part in elections.
I still do not understand why you think having elections under the constitution of India counts.
Kahmir has never been part of india and if given the chance in open,free elections you would see the outcome.
dabong, sorry dude, but last time i checked, Kashmir was in India. And if they wanted ot reject the India Union, they would not have come out to vote ;)

sorry dude your repeating india propaganda about the elections which no one in the world took seriously.
While most elections in Kashmir have been rigged, what was distinctive about the 1987 election was that fraud was combined with violence. Polling agents of the Muslim United Front (MUF) were thrown out of booths and beaten up. Several of those who subsequently joined the freedom fighters were eyewitnesses to the electoral fraud perpetrated by the Indian state.
sorry dude your repeating india propaganda about the elections which no one in the world took seriously.While most elections in Kashmir have been rigged, what was distinctive about the 1987 election was that fraud was combined with violence. Polling agents of the Muslim United Front (MUF) were thrown out of booths and beaten up. Several of those who subsequently joined the freedom fighters were eyewitnesses to the electoral fraud perpetrated by the Indian state.

The United States welcomes the successful conclusion of elections in Jammu and Kashmir..... We applaud the efforts of the Indian Election Commissionand commend the courage of candidates and voters who chose to participate despite violence and intimidationThe Kashmiri people have shown they want to pursue the path of peace.


Now the how the hell can you say world didnt take it seriously?
There were indeed international observers in the J&K elections last time. The world applauded that the elections were conducted in a free manner. Dont give statements like 'they'd vote if they had gun to their head' or 'rigged elections'. I dont care to correct you honestly, but Kashmiris live quite normally in India. And they voted for whomever they liked.
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