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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant

There you said it. A scum is a scum. These Afghans that come to Europe are a horrible bunch.

I've never had any problem with any Pakistanis or Bangladeshis even at work. I've lived in both US and UK. Indians, Pakistanis generally get along great.

I've had these scum put a knife to my neck (as a prank) in Germany. I escaped by giving them all the money in my pocket. It started innocently: they spoke in Hindi to me about how much they like Amitabh Bachan, Kishore Kumar,how they like India etc. Then for now reason they got angry and agitated. Next thing I knew there was a knife on my neck. They all looked like people you'd perfectly trust. Very two faced.
I sorry to say that I'm not surprised one bit about what they did to you this is why I have never understood why some Indians act like afghans are their new found brothers when in reality they are hate filled bigoted scum who are out to get what they can out of you. Their entire history they have looted others namely pak/India because they are not capable of creating wealth or doing a hard day's work. Hence why they commit majority of the crime in pakistan and a lot of crime in europe too .

I agree I have always got along with Bangladeshis and indians probably because none of us believe in racial supremacy which pretty much all afghans do.
I sorry to say that I'm not surprised one bit about what they did to you this is why I have never understood why some Indians act like afghans are their new found brothers when in reality they are hate filled bigoted scum who are out to get what they can out of you. Their entire history they have looted others namely pak/India because they are not capable of creating wealth or doing a hard day's work. Hence why they commit majority of the crime in pakistan and a lot of crime in europe too .

I agree I have always got along with Bangladeshis and indians probably because none of us believe in racial supremacy which pretty much all afghans do.

I've never seen Iranians or other Central Asians behave like Afghans of Europe either. Their thuggish loutish betraying behaviour is very unique for their nation.

You can't talk to them in a calm reasoned way. The moment they get pissed at you, you better make sure you have numbers on your side. Or at least a weapon to protect yourself.

Of course there must be many decent, calm, non-violent Afghans. I'm yet to meet one.
I've never seen Iranians or other Central Asians behave like Afghans of Europe either. Their thuggish loutish betraying behaviour is very unique for their nation.

You can't talk to them in a calm reasoned way. The moment they get pissed at you, you better make sure you have numbers on your side. Or at least a weapon to protect yourself.

Of course there must be many decent, calm, non-violent Afghans. I'm yet to meet one.
I agree I have never seen other nationalities behave in such ways, most people like to get on with each other. As previously stated it's a lot to do with their history and belief in racial supremacy they have a unbelievable sense of entitlement you should see it in pakistan. I was once in Islamabad where some Afghan children were collecting rubbish to sell when a Afghan male turned to me and said how their children should be doing better jobs. My answer was you are the only country in the world which voted against the creation of pakistan then assasinated the first prime minister of pakistan never mind the countless acts of terror on civilians and soldiers police officers etc if it was any other country there would have been riots on the streets and afghans chased out of the country.

I honestly could not believe he was complaining that they deserve better employment after what they have done and continue to do to pakistan.
I agree I have never seen other nationalities behave in such ways, most people like to get on with each other. As previously stated it's a lot to do with their history and belief in racial supremacy they have a unbelievable sense of entitlement you should see it in pakistan. I was once in Islamabad where some Afghan children were collecting rubbish to sell when a Afghan male turned to me and said how their children should be doing better jobs. My answer was you are the only country in the world which voted against the creation of pakistan then assasinated the first prime minister of pakistan never mind the countless acts of terror on civilians and soldiers police officers etc if it was any other country there would have been riots on the streets and afghans chased out of the country.

I honestly could not believe he was complaining that they deserve better employment after what they have done and continue to do to pakistan.

That massacre at a Peshawar school was absolutely the most shocking incident. I've been told that in Karachi the Afghans have their ghettoes where crime rates are very high, and the cops also avoid them.

India has some 40000 Afghans and they are increasingly very noticeable in Delhi. Running many street food outlets, moneylending business. So far they are few in numbers so you don't hear much about then. They are very ruthless and won't let others compete on their turf. Everyone kind of avoids them for now.
Close India taliban relations should be a big worry for us. It's like wasting 17 years in a useless war. What is our policy? Are we Seriously allow talibans to join hands with India? Why is foreign office silent and where is deep state? Handle these matters carefully. Don't allow talibans to establish relations with India. Iran is mediator. Harm the mediator. Iran hasn't done any single thing that is good for pakistan.

Not going to happen. Just wait and see
Thank you Taliban....

I have always seen that Taliban has some soft corner for India... they never did anything harmful towards India.... during Vajpayee time when India passenger plane was hijacked that time also Taliban offered to attack plane and save some lives.....

There are many terrorists who where part of Kashmir terror groups and switched to Taliban

One example is Jabir Jubran Al Fayfi


That massacre at a Peshawar school was absolutely the most shocking incident. I've been told that in Karachi the Afghans have their ghettoes where crime rates are very high, and the cops also avoid them.

India has some 40000 Afghans and they are increasingly very noticeable in Delhi. Running many street food outlets, moneylending business. So far they are few in numbers so you don't hear much about then. They are very ruthless and won't let others compete on their turf. Everyone kind of avoids them for now.
Yes no one and I mean no one in pakistan can forget the aps school massacre it's the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, the recent hospital attack in Afghanistan brought back flash backs of the aps school massacre.

Half the population of karachi is afghan/pathan they have been pouring in since the 80s they have turned large parts of the city into slums and flooded it with guns and drugs. The majority of the crime is done by them many use their I'll gotten gains and try to buy property in affluent areas like clifton. Like I said they really have a sense of entitlement and believe by hook or crook they should've a class A lifestyle.

They really are parasites here to feed off us. I've met Indians here in the UK who told me that there were quite a few afghans who were apparently given refuge in India. Other Indians have told me that many afghans are given a scholarship to attend indian university's where they start fights over the smallest thing.

I really hope you do not end up like us, victims of crime committed by these ungrateful bigoted afghans. They will behave as long as they are small in numbers, I even met one indian muslim who told me that some afghans mentioned in jest how they should be ruling India specifically Delhi. I mean they can't even run there own country but want to run india lol.

Like I said sense of entitlement + racial supremacy = delusions of grandeur.
Don't you think Afghans know that surrounding countries only wish to exploit Afghanistan?

We are aware, this is another great game or rather... The greatest game. We are after all "The heart of Asia". The best possible scenario for us Afghans is to be like Switzerland, let everyone bicker and we just lay still.
We are aware, this is another great game or rather... The greatest game. We are after all "The heart of Asia". The best possible scenario for us Afghans is to be like Switzerland, let everyone bicker and we just lay still.
Heart of Asia.... not sure I would call Afghanistan that I just wish the various warlords and tribal elders would finally get their act together and do what's in the interests of ALL afghans so there is stability and so your territory is not used to launch terrorism in our country. Also we could deport the remaining afghans back to where they belong.
Heart of Asia.... not sure I would call Afghanistan that I just wish the various warlords and tribal elders would finally get their act together and do what's in the interests of ALL afghans so there is stability and so your territory is not used to launch terrorism in our country. Also we could deport the remaining afghans back to where they belong.

Why do we Afghans always get the heat but never our sponsors?... Here read this, written by a Pakistani professor.

http://riport.org/wp-content/upload... in FATA & Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 30 Nov 2011.pdf

And if you are too lazy to read all of it, read from page 13 until 19.
Well I don't want to say this since it should not be discussed in an open forum. Lets just say that Chinese usually pay the "chiefs" when they need to. It works.

Since Afghanistan mining resources are massive, Chinese can afford to pay a lot. All we need is partial stability. If Chinese can get us that along with our efforts supported by Taliban, there might be some hope regarding Afghanistan.

Let's not lose hope yet. wait and see.

We shall see what happens and how things develop

We are aware, this is another great game or rather... The greatest game. We are after all "The heart of Asia". The best possible scenario for us Afghans is to be like Switzerland, let everyone bicker and we just lay still.

Open a Bank?
Why do we Afghans always get the heat but never our sponsors?... Here read this, written by a Pakistani professor.

http://riport.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf downloads/publications/Genesis of Insurgency in FATA & Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 30 Nov 2011.pdf

And if you are too lazy to read all of it, read from page 13 until 19.

So an Afghan kills another Afghan and you want to punish the blacksmith who made that knife? Must be some kind of Afghan logic that I fail to comprehend.
So an Afghan kills another Afghan and you want to punish the blacksmith who made that knife? Must be some kind of Afghan logic that I fail to comprehend.

No different than the Italian mercenaries and warlords during Machiavellis times and even up till the late 18th century. We got invaded by two superpowers, what do you expect from us, a Rome in making?
No different than the Italian mercenaries and warlords during Machiavellis times and even up till the late 18th century. We got invaded by two superpowers, what do you expect from us, a Rome in making?

The least I can expect from you is to take responsibility of all the mess Afghanistan is in today, rather than blaming neighbours.
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