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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant

The least I can expect from you is to take responsibility of all the mess Afghanistan is in today, rather than blaming neighbours.

Kind of hard when everyone is constantly interfering... But in essence you are right. We are getting to that stage and will reach there in the next 5 years god willing.
Why do we Afghans always get the heat but never our sponsors?... Here read this, written by a Pakistani professor.

http://riport.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf downloads/publications/Genesis of Insurgency in FATA & Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 30 Nov 2011.pdf

And if you are too lazy to read all of it, read from page 13 until 19.
Let me explain it to you rora, you were the only country in the world to have voted against the creation of pakistan even India didn't.
Then a Afghan national assinated the first prime minister of pakistan. Then you guys attacked kpk on numerous occasions even dropping leaflets demanding pashtunistan.
Then you, yourselves invited a enemy the Soviet russians to your country, who proceeded to kill and rape your women and men. Then milions of you ran to all the neighbouring countries including pakistan the very country who's existence you denied and assasinated it's first prime minister.
You flooded the country with drug's and guns, commit every known crime you can think of from kidnapings, smuggling, extortion, etc.
You then decided to give a international wanted terrorist refuge and refuse to hand him over despite musharraf sending numerous envoys. Thus inviting the USA and NATO forces to your country who have bombed you to kingdom come for the last 19 years.
Again being the ghariat mand qoum you are you ran in the milions to our country and proceeded to kill at least 70.000 civilians in terrorist attacks you even massacred a entire school of children whos only crime was having fathers who were serving members of the armed forces.
Millions of people in pakistan have been the victims of all the crime you ghariat mand have committed.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have met afghans here in the UK who have been living in pakistan for 20 plus years and/or born there but spew nothing but hatred against it specifically racial hate against us punjabis.
Your country should have been declared enemy nation to pakistan the moment you refuse to recognise us never mind the very long list of crimes you lot have committed against us.
Pakistan should have built a fence on the pak/afg border long ago and cut a deal with the Soviets instead of helping you. Today we would not have all these dead civilians and soldiers police officers etc and our country filled with drug's and guns.
It is long over due that you lot took a long hard look at yourselves and stated taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming pakistan and punjabis.
I've had these scum put a knife to my neck (as a prank) in Germany. I escaped by giving them all the money in my pocket. It started innocently: they spoke in Hindi to me about how much they like Amitabh Bachan, Kishore Kumar,how they like India etc. Then for now reason they got angry and agitated. Next thing I knew there was a knife on my neck. They all looked like people you'd perfectly trust. Very two faced.

i'd trust an afghan over some indian or pakistani any day
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Let me explain it to you rora, you were the only country in the world to have voted against the creation of pakistan even India didn't.

True we did probably the our only mistake since the Pashtuns decided to be with Pakistan...

Then a Afghan national assinated the first prime minister of pakistan. Then you guys attacked kpk on numerous occasions even dropping leaflets demanding pashtunistan.[/QUOTE]

Then you, yourselves invited a enemy the Soviet russians to your country, who proceeded to kill and rape your women and men. Then milions of you ran to all the neighbouring countries including pakistan the very country who's existence you denied and assasinated it's first prime minister.[/QUOTE]

We didn't invite, read history again, they sent commandos against our president elect and assassinated our president because we were coming closer to Pakistan and the western camp...

You flooded the country with drug's and guns, commit every known crime you can think of from kidnapings, smuggling, extortion, etc.[/QUOTE]

Again read the link I posted earlier, I had a feeling you'd be too lazy

You then decided to give a international wanted terrorist refuge and refuse to hand him over despite musharraf sending numerous envoys. Thus inviting the USA and NATO forces to your country who have bombed you to kingdom come for the last 19 years.[/QUOTE] Sigh... And we should listen to Pakistan because...? We are a sovereign nation we can do as we please, although Bin Laden was a blunder by Mullah Omar despite his council urging him to hand Osama over, his request to US was just, a fair trial, but they just came out gun blazing.

Again being the ghariat mand qoum you are you ran in the milions to our country and proceeded to kill at least 70.000 civilians in terrorist attacks you even massacred a entire school of children whos only crime was having fathers who were serving members of the armed forces.[/QUOTE]

Read the link again and why that happened...

Millions of people in pakistan have been the victims of all the crime you ghariat mand have committed.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have met afghans here in the UK who have been living in pakistan for 20 plus years and/or born there but spew nothing but hatred against it specifically racial hate against us punjabis.[/QUOTE]
That's their problem, not mine, I've had good relations with Pakistanis, my employees are Pakistanis, whether or not those Afghans are abusive are a reflection of their poor character.

Your country should have been declared enemy nation to pakistan the moment you refuse to recognise us never mind the very long list of crimes you lot have committed against us.[/QUOTE] You can still do it...

Pakistan should have built a fence on the pak/afg border long ago and cut a deal with the Soviets instead of helping you. Today we would not have all these dead civilians and soldiers police officers etc and our country filled with drug's and guns.
It is long over due that you lot took a long hard look at yourselves and stated taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming pakistan and punjabis.[/QUOTE] anything more?
We are aware, this is another great game or rather... The greatest game. We are after all "The heart of Asia". The best possible scenario for us Afghans is to be like Switzerland, let everyone bicker and we just lay still.

Believe me, Pakistan actually is very transparent. There is no game except throwing india out of there and make Afghanistan an open border trading partner.

If that does not happen, under Chinese influence iran will provide Pakistan that ground access to europe or as we already working on, create tunnel road and rail like to Tajikistan which will lead us to Europe. That tunnel road and rail link by-passes Afghanistan and does not need wakhan corridor. You have to see the map to understand it.

Hence its better for Afghanistan to be part of CPEC rather then miss this opportunity.

Its a win win great game. I personally and sincerely don't want afghanistan to lose this opportunity. It will help a lot towards rebuilding Afghanistan.
Believe me, Pakistan actually is very transparent. There is no game except throwing india out of there and make Afghanistan an open border trading partner.

If that does not happen, under Chinese influence iran will provide Pakistan that ground access to europe or as we already working on, create tunnel road and rail like to Tajikistan which will lead us to Europe. That tunnel road and rail link by-passes Afghanistan and does not need wakhan corridor. You have to see the map to understand it.

Hence its better for Afghanistan to be part of CPEC rather then miss this opportunity.

Its a win win great game. I personally and sincerely don't want afghanistan to lose this opportunity. It will help a lot towards rebuilding Afghanistan.

We know and we are aware. But there is alot of mistrust on both sides, Imran Khan is doing his best, and we appreciate his efforts, we will reciprocate. Our bridges are not completely burned as your nation was the only one that rescued us during the US invasion and allowed the Taliban refuge.

The obstacle I see is the hatred between both peoples. I try to be level headed and balanced, but I've gotta give a proper reply to those who abuse my countrymen.
True we did probably the our only mistake since the Pashtuns decided to be with Pakistan...

Then a Afghan national assinated the first prime minister of pakistan. Then you guys attacked kpk on numerous occasions even dropping leaflets demanding pashtunistan.

Then you, yourselves invited a enemy the Soviet russians to your country, who proceeded to kill and rape your women and men. Then milions of you ran to all the neighbouring countries including pakistan the very country who's existence you denied and assasinated it's first prime minister.[/QUOTE]

We didn't invite, read history again, they sent commandos against our president elect and assassinated our president because we were coming closer to Pakistan and the western camp...

You flooded the country with drug's and guns, commit every known crime you can think of from kidnapings, smuggling, extortion, etc.[/QUOTE]

Again read the link I posted earlier, I had a feeling you'd be too lazy

You then decided to give a international wanted terrorist refuge and refuse to hand him over despite musharraf sending numerous envoys. Thus inviting the USA and NATO forces to your country who have bombed you to kingdom come for the last 19 years.[/QUOTE] Sigh... And we should listen to Pakistan because...? We are a sovereign nation we can do as we please, although Bin Laden was a blunder by Mullah Omar despite his council urging him to hand Osama over, his request to US was just, a fair trial, but they just came out gun blazing.

Again being the ghariat mand qoum you are you ran in the milions to our country and proceeded to kill at least 70.000 civilians in terrorist attacks you even massacred a entire school of children whos only crime was having fathers who were serving members of the armed forces.[/QUOTE]

Read the link again and why that happened...

Millions of people in pakistan have been the victims of all the crime you ghariat mand have committed.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have met afghans here in the UK who have been living in pakistan for 20 plus years and/or born there but spew nothing but hatred against it specifically racial hate against us punjabis.[/QUOTE]
That's their problem, not mine, I've had good relations with Pakistanis, my employees are Pakistanis, whether or not those Afghans are abusive are a reflection of their poor character.

Your country should have been declared enemy nation to pakistan the moment you refuse to recognise us never mind the very long list of crimes you lot have committed against us.[/QUOTE] You can still do it...

Pakistan should have built a fence on the pak/afg border long ago and cut a deal with the Soviets instead of helping you. Today we would not have all these dead civilians and soldiers police officers etc and our country filled with drug's and guns.
It is long over due that you lot took a long hard look at yourselves and stated taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming pakistan and punjabis.[/QUOTE] anything more?[/QUOTE]
You want proof that a Afghan assasinated the first prime minister of pakistan? Seriously it a well documented fact.
Your communist party did invite the Soviets to afghanistan brought that on yourselves.
You have flooded every neighbouring country with drug's etc I have met Iranians who have told me how you lot have flooded there country with drug's and crime ever since you have been given refuge. I don't need to read what some professor said the school massacre was carried out by 9 afghans, 80% plus terrorist attacks in pakistan have been carried out by afghans.
As far as rejecting handing of bin Laden I have no problem with your opinion that it's you business what you do but there are many afghans who blame pakistan yet we try to prevent the he'll that was going to be unleashed on the Afghan people if you didn't hand over bin Laden.
You know very the widespread racially charged hate your fellow afghans have against pakistan a country that has given them refuge. You know very well that they aren't a few bad apples it's widespread. And yes if it was up to me Afghanistan would have been declared enemy nation to pakistan long ago and hopefully we'll once we have sealed the border and deported afghans back.

i'd trust an afghan over some indian or pa-ki any day
Why do you have the Pakistan flag under your username then ?

re school of children whos only crime was having fathers who were serving members of the armed forces.

Read the link again and why that happened...

I don't need to read what some professor said

Well that's the issue, I am not arguing with your reason, but your feelings. And that ends our conversation...
The obstacle I see is the hatred between both peoples. I try to be level headed and balanced, but I've gotta give a proper reply to those who abuse my countrymen.

While responding to them is your personal choice. I want you to realize they neither created this universe nor they can cause anything to happen. some very deeply ethnic people are only secure in their own communities. They believe they are being hated so they get to hate everyone from the other side. In reality hate is on both sides.

They want the rest of Pakistan to follow their opinions too without realizing we are free people, surrender only to Allah and do not like taking dictations.

What I am saying is, they even attack us for holding our independent opinions. That's absurd and limit of fascism.

Let Allah decide whoever is right or wrong.

But its still is your choice.
While responding to them is your personal choice. I want you to realize they neither created this universe nor they can cause anything to happen. some very deeply ethnic people are only secure in their own communities. They believe they are being hated so they get to hate everyone from the other side. In reality hate is on both sides.

They want the rest of Pakistan to follow their opinions too without realizing we are free people, surrender only to Allah and do not like taking dictations.

What I am saying is, they even attack us for holding our independent opinions. That's absurd and limit of fascism.

Let Allah decide whoever is right or wrong.

But its still is your choice.

You are right... I will take your advice, Salamalikum.
Read the link again and why that happened...

I don't need to read what some professor said

Well that's the issue, I am not arguing with your reason, but your feelings. And that ends our conversation...[/QUOTE]
Truthfully rora, you could not refute a single thing I have written and the school massacre is well documented by the Pakistani as well as international media it's irrefutable what occurred and yes let's end the conversation here.
First of all, the country is dependent on Indian aid. India is the second largest donor after USA.
There are many poor people in India....In fact 4 times more than the total population of Pakistan.
This does not seems logical
All right so some of them behave like rabid hyenas. Attack you in packs. They're dangerous, no doubt. Also very two-faced ehsan faramosh kind.
Their main problem is the lack of education....
Thats what i thought that Taliban would not declare Jihad like that. Any ways like our foreign minister is saying india is plannng fales flag event to involve Pakistan it cud of part of their planning. seriously how much money power energy resourses india is waisting just find a reason to attack on Pakistan with the support of world.
if it happens we all knows and indian knows that too that there will be no india left either.
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