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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant

Close India taliban relations should be a big worry for us. It's like wasting 17 years in a useless war. What is our policy? Are we Seriously allow talibans to join hands with India? Why is foreign office silent and where is deep state? Handle these matters carefully. Don't allow talibans to establish relations with India. Iran is mediator. Harm the mediator. Iran hasn't done any single thing that is good for pakistan.

Pakistan Foreign Office is utterly useless and frankly a disgrace. Whenever FO is needed, they are silent, when FO should keep their mouth shut, they make unnecessary and controversial comments.

Taliban and Trump are meditating between India and Pakistan?

What a time to be alive
People need to stop taking Taliban seriously. They are useless, regressive people who have destroyed Afghanistan.

Frankly, we Indians don't even care about irrelevant goondas like Taliban.
People need to stop taking Taliban seriously. They are useless, regressive people who have destroyed Afghanistan.

Frankly, we Indians don't even care about irrelevant goondas like Taliban.
I agree with you but you guys don't share a border with the self declared ghariat mund, we unfortunately do other wise we care about Afghanistan like we care about dust.
I agree with you but you guys don't share a border with the self declared ghariat mund, we unfortunately do other wise we care about Afghanistan like we care about dust.
I assume you are a Pakistani. I can assure you that if Pakistan eliminates Taliban, it's stature in the whole world will improve immensely. I want to see both progressive India and Pakistan as friendly neighbors and for that we need to push religion to personal preference and not as something which should be the basis of a country.
I assume you are a Pakistani. I can assure you that if Pakistan eliminates Taliban, it's stature in the whole world will improve immensely. I want to see both progressive India and Pakistan as friendly neighbors and for that we need to push religion to personal preference and not as something which should be the basis of a country.

Yes I'm of pakistani heritage, we didn't create or put the Taliban in power and neither do we have the authority to eliminate it. Yes I agree religion should be a personal matter but what's go on inside Afghanistan is about more than religion.

If for arguments sake we got rid of the Taliban what do you think will happen next? All the tribal elders and various warlords will hold hands and sing the song of unity and brotherhood.
No chance. With or without the Taliban it's most likely going to a civil war like situation which could go on for years.
Yes I'm of pakistani heritage, we didn't create or put the Taliban in power and neither do we have the authority to eliminate it. Yes I agree religion should be a personal matter but what's go on inside Afghanistan is about more than religion.

If for arguments sake we got rid of the Taliban what do you think will happen next? All the tribal elders and various warlords will hold hands and sing the song of unity and brotherhood.
No chance. With or without the Taliban it's most likely going to a civil war like situation which could go on for years.
Someone needs to eliminate the Taliban who are a curse on humanity. Poor Afghans are still stuck in 10th century.
Someone needs to eliminate the Taliban who are a curse on humanity. Poor Afghans are still stuck in 10th century.

That someone can only be the afghans themselves no one else can do it for them and if they did the same afghans would blame them for all of their self inflicted problems, case in point pakistan helped eliminate the soviets and all we have got is hate, terrorist bombings, drugs smuggling, extortion ,kidnappings and general crime as a thank you for our troubles.
Taliban are angels compared to the RSS
Really? Maybe that's the reason Pakistan supports them?

pakistan helped eliminate the soviets and all we have got is hate, terrorist bombings, drugs smuggling, extortion ,kidnappings and general crime as a thank you for our troubles.
I would have preferred a stable Communist Afghanistan like maybe one of the -stans (Turkmenistan/Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan, etc) instead of the one in its current form where people are stoned to death and body parts are cut off or public lashings.
Really? Maybe that's the reason Pakistan supports them?

I would have preferred a stable Communist Afghanistan like maybe one of the -stans (Turkmenistan/Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan, etc) instead of the one in its current form where people are stoned to death and body parts are cut off or public lashings.

Stable communist afghanistan :D nice joke

Why not a stable communist india? most hindus are atheist anyways is would suit you guys best
Stable communist afghanistan :D nice joke

Why not a stable communist india? most hindus are atheist anyways is would suit you guys best
I would prefer capitalist India, something along the lines of USA (where religion is just personal preference).
I would prefer capitalist India, something along the lines of USA (where religion is just personal preference).

Difference is US is still a very charitable nation. Many billionaires/millionaires have given their wealth away to the needy. It would be great to see the brahmin billionaires in India to do the same but certain people still worship the golden calf (ie money).

With the exception of Azim Premji (a muslim btw) indian billionaires are sucking the majority dry, thus India is the most unequal and unhappy society in the world.
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