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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant

Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.
For the betterment of Kashmir cause and their own cause, it is a fair and understandable statement. Now if the largest secular democracy of the world wants to use statements from Afghan Taliban (yes the good ones!) to support the approach of Indian govt in Kashmir - by all means!
Indians cook whatever they need that minute. Taliban didn't give a statement about GhazwatulHind before - it was all made up in India and now the new statement from the Taliban would be as fabricated. India is trying to throw word in their mouth and see if they bite or spit.
While reality is Kashmir is NOT Indian matter at all. Kashmiris have nothing to do with India.

Still whatever clarification Taliban gave is reasonably satisfactory (though not ideal). Who ever gave the statement did not put much thoughts into it. That's understandable since taliban don't have much diplomatic skills or even training. Hence a statement that makes little sense to us, Pakistanis.

However Taliban clarification was likely on Pakistan's request because:

1. If Taliban interfere in Kashmir or india, Kashmir movement will be labeled as externally imposed "terrorist movement". Which is against Kashmir Cause.

2. If Taliban had not clarified it, they would have breached their agreement with US which was no export of militancy to other nations. US required it so as to justify nearly 2 millions death of Afghan women, children and civilians (many labeled as Taliban). That is it allows US to say, hey look that's what we came here for. In reality Taliban offered that before invasion: if US has proof that elements of Taliban or Osama are involved in September 11 incident, Taliban will try them in court and punished them as required by law. That's how things work in the civilized world anyway. US could have taken that issue to international courts. But they had more sinister plans and yet still went back defeated and not achieving anything extra. Taliban at the end offered the US the same things which they offered them before the genocidal invasion.

3. If Taliban have not clarified it, india would have tried to pursuade the world to help her create some sort of US led Indian contributed efforts to support anti-Taliban puppet regimes. which is against strategic interests of Pakistan. For example, it would not allow Pakistan to become a euro-asian trade and manufacturing hub where a road, train and sea based trading route exists between Europe and china via afghanistan and where CPEC provides the core of infrastructure. It would have also prevented Pakistan to export its products, as well as products of Chinese relocating industry to reach Europe and other parts of central asia at cost effective prices. It would have also impeded Pakistan's industrial growth due to continuing unrest in the entire western Pakistan region and it would have not allowed Pakistan to integrate portions of economy and military development with middle east as well. For example Pakistan would want to vastly increase its export to middle east as well seek arab investment in Gwadar shipyard which will eventually create Pakistan's first nuclear submarine as well as become one of largest ship engineering complex of the world. That requires close relationships and cooperation of arab nation which in turn requires Pakistan having something to offer. In this case, that something is high industrial growth as Chinese move their industry to Pakistan that would increase arab's and other's confidence in Pakistan's economy (leading to the required investment). Which in turn requires stable Afghanistan and "non-Indian backed government". That requires "no afghan interference in India" so that india cannot cry to the world for help and justify secret support in this matter. We can tunnel through mountains and reach Tajikistan directly as being done but that would allow limited access to Europe, central asia and Russia. We need a stable Afghanistan at the end for all our purposes.

4. While Baluchistan's extremely low level insurgency is organized by US since its US that pays afghan NDS their salaries, and trains them, gives them strategic objectives, non the less, india takes the credit. India is only a part of the whole game. Who ever pays the NDS, is the true master behind their actions. Incompetent India and her inferior RAW cannot organize anything without US help. Still india has excuses on the surface to stay in Afghanistan. Those excuses go away, if Taliban act in neutral way with even receiving some help from india. That leads to no support for indian crying regarding afghan issue.

There are many more and complex things one can mention on this issue. But the result would be the same. Taliban must not act as an enemy to india in the open and at least for now (later they will be increasingly free to do whatever they want to or need to). That's actually for now in Pakistan's strategic interests. We should welcome it.
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Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.
Why should we care. Grow up dont behave as babies ...
Let afghanis tale care of afghanistan
Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.

Realpolitik is what these countries play over Kashmir and ME and Afghanistan. Just because I say I'm not going to do this or that, doesn't mean now I can't do it. For your clarification, official handles of Taliban on twitter did indeed tweet in Pashto that Kashmir is India's internal matter. Now just because they said that, do you think they are bound? Do you not understand the game of lying? :)

Afghanistan will also say the same thing Pakistan say. We support the indigenous Kashmiri movement for freedom from IOF. :) Ishaara aqalmandon ke lie kaafi hota hai.
Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.
its ironic how some pdf members are expecting any help from savages (taliban) with limited weapons and war fighting capabilities. we are nuclear power with 200 million population with a very strong army. i dont think so we need any help if we are really committed to liberate kashmir.
have some shame brother.
maybe Taliban don't read Indian newspaper or media? That's why they probably haven't responded.
Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.

You are reminding the Afghan Taliban on Pak Defense Forum?
Pakistani and Kashimir people have great respect for the Taliban from the bottom of their hearts, and Pakistan always pays for the care of Afghan immigrants. it is now more than 48 hours, and we are not seeing any Taliban clarification on Hindustan Time claim are saying

"Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban."

We remind the Taliban that Pakistan has an apparent policy on kashimir, Kahismir is not India Internal Matter.

You Are Honestly Taking Hindustan Times Too Seriously
You Are Honestly Taking Hindustan Times Too Seriously
After 48 hours no clarification from Taliban stance refered in Hindustan Times that Kashimir is India Internal Matter, It means the Taliban said it to them and their stand about kashimir is not acceptable .we need clarification from Taliban on what bases they said when the Kashimir matter is already in The United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on 21 April 1948, concerns the resolution of the Kashmir conflict. I think Hindustan Times has some reputation in other Print Indian Media.
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While reality is Kashmir is NOT Indian matter at all. Kashmiris have nothing to do with India.

Still whatever clarification Taliban gave is reasonably satisfactory (though not ideal). Who ever gave the statement did not put much thoughts into it. That's understandable since taliban don't have much diplomatic skills or even training. Hence a statement that makes little sense to us, Pakistanis.

However Taliban clarification was likely on Pakistan's request because:

1. If Taliban interfere in Kashmir or india, Kashmir movement will be labeled as externally imposed "terrorist movement". Which is against Kashmir Cause.

2. If Taliban had not clarified it, they would have breached their agreement with US which was no export of militancy to other nations. US required it so as to justify nearly 2 millions death of Afghan women, children and civilians (many labeled as Taliban). That is it allows US to say, hey look that's what we came here for. In reality Taliban offered that before invasion: if US has proof that elements of Taliban or Osama are involved in September 11 incident, Taliban will try them in court and punished them as required by law. That's how things work in the civilized world anyway. US could have taken that issue to international courts. But they had more sinister plans and yet still went back defeated and not achieving anything extra. Taliban at the end offered the US the same things which they offered them before the genocidal invasion.

3. If Taliban have not clarified it, india would have tried to pursuade the world to help her create some sort of US led Indian contributed efforts to support anti-Taliban puppet regimes. which is against strategic interests of Pakistan. For example, it would not allow Pakistan to become a euro-asian trade and manufacturing hub where a road, train and sea based trading route exists between Europe and china via afghanistan and where CPEC provides the core of infrastructure. It would have also prevented Pakistan to export its products, as well as products of Chinese relocating industry to reach Europe and other parts of central asia at cost effective prices. It would have also impeded Pakistan's industrial growth due to continuing unrest in the entire western Pakistan region and it would have not allowed Pakistan to integrate portions of economy and military development with middle east as well. For example Pakistan would want to vastly increase its export to middle east as well seek arab investment in Gwadar shipyard which will eventually create Pakistan's first nuclear submarine as well as become one of largest ship engineering complex of the world. That requires close relationships and cooperation of arab nation which in turn requires Pakistan having something to offer. In this case, that something is high industrial growth as Chinese move their industry to Pakistan that would increase arab's and other's confidence in Pakistan's economy (leading to the required investment). Which in turn requires stable Afghanistan and "non-Indian backed government". That requires "no afghan interference in India" so that india cannot cry to the world for help and justify secret support in this matter. We can tunnel through mountains and reach Tajikistan directly as being done but that would allow limited access to Europe, central asia and Russia. We need a stable Afghanistan at the end for all our purposes.

4. While Baluchistan's extremely low level insurgency is organized by US since its US that pays afghan NDS their salaries, and trains them, gives them strategic objectives, non the less, india takes the credit. India is only a part of the whole game. Who ever pays the NDS, is the true master behind their actions. Incompetent India and her inferior RAW cannot organize anything without US help. Still india has excuses on the surface to stay in Afghanistan. Those excuses go away, if Taliban act in neutral way with even receiving some help from india. That leads to no support for indian crying regarding afghan issue.

There are many more and complex things one can mention on this issue. But the result would be the same. Taliban must not act as an enemy to india in the open and at least for now (later they will be increasingly free to do whatever they want to or need to). That's actually for now in Pakistan's strategic interests. We should welcome it.
make sense here
Obviously Taleban nows Afghanistan needs India's help. They have no reason to trust Pakistan based on history and know Pakistan's territorial ambitions against Afghanistan. Most relevantly, they are not stupid like the terrorists that Pakistan employs to try anything against India.
Afghan Taliban is also made up of the same Namak Haram breed of Afghans so of course they will not care for Kashmiri's or Palestinians etc, Jihad Jihad Jihad but we gotta kill our own Muslims first .. bunch of pu$$y's like their whole nation .
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