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Kargil : Indian Army's operation "Vijay" was ineffective

cough ... cough
if anyone believes that

Seriously what is the point of having those 4 peaks ? The soldiers stationed on those peaks for winter duty will be cursing anyone they can think of

Militarily they are moot for two reasons

The Indian Air Force has massive airlift capability to break any supposed blockade - thanks to C-17, C-130J, Chinook

With satellite guided bombs they can be neutralized in a war in a matter of minutes

It is almost like you are fighting wars of yesterday
If you are physically sick then go get a covid test, else believe it or not that is the fact. Confirmed by reuters and other sources. Regarding the airlift capability we all know that little war like situation indians started to shoot down their own helicopters what would be the fate of those cargo aircrafts in contested air space 😀
cough ... cough
if anyone believes that

Seriously what is the point of having those 4 peaks ? The soldiers stationed on those peaks for winter duty will be cursing anyone they can think of

Militarily they are moot for two reasons

The Indian Air Force has massive airlift capability to break any supposed blockade - thanks to C-17, C-130J, Chinook

With satellite guided bombs they can be neutralized in a war in a matter of minutes

It is almost like you are fighting wars of yesterday
Cutting off one means of supply causes more of a restriction in terms of logistics on the enemy.

That coupled with the air force and other army elements cutting off the other few logistic corridors (which will most definitely be hit, and hit hard) it will make it a nightmare for you to supply your troops.
cough ... cough
if anyone believes that
Such statements are not meant for key board warriors.
Here's something more to choke on.... the culprit party went to this length to divert attention from the core issue....just before Clinton landed there.

The Chittisinghpura massacre refers to the mass murder of 35 villagers of the Sikh faith that was carried out on 20 March 2000 in the Chittisinghpora village of Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir, India on the eve of the US president Bill Clinton's state visit to India.
Such statements are not meant for key board warriors.
Here's something more to choke on.... the culprit party went to this length to divert attention from the core issue....just before Clinton landed there.

The Chittisinghpura massacre refers to the mass murder of 35 villagers of the Sikh faith that was carried out on 20 March 2000 in the Chittisinghpora village of Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir, India on the eve of the US president Bill Clinton's state visit to India.

Does anyone really think Indian & Pakistani leaders listens to American Presidents on Kashmir ?

Read your quote - " Because earlier Clinton had made a statement saying he will take a poke at the Kashmir issue and called both India and Pakistan to settle the issue....as usual annoying the real culprit party. "
Cutting off one means of supply causes more of a restriction in terms of logistics on the enemy.

That coupled with the air force and other army elements cutting off the other few logistic corridors (which will most definitely be hit, and hit hard) it will make it a nightmare for you to supply your troops.

If Pakistan had that kind of ability they would not nibbling at desolate god forsaken mountain peaks in the middle of winter. It would be more like a march on Delhi
Does anyone really think Indian & Pakistani leaders listens to American Presidents on Kashmir ?

Read your quote - " Because earlier Clinton had made a statement saying he will take a poke at the Kashmir issue and called both India and Pakistan to settle the issue....as usual annoying the real culprit party. "

If Pakistan had that kind of ability they would not nibbling at desolate god forsaken mountain peaks in the middle of winter. It would be more like a march on Delhi
The famous quote is that there was a time when most if not all countries wanted to be either like America or with America.....I guess that was before it changed from being a champion of democracy to being a world policeman.
And what kind of ability are you talking about.....Pakistan is not interested in mainland India, just the occupied part of Kashmir.
The famous quote is that there was a time when most if not all countries wanted to be either like America or with America.....I guess that was before it changed from being a champion of democracy to being a world policeman.
And what kind of ability are you talking about.....Pakistan is not interested in mainland India, just the occupied part of Kashmir.

Does anyone really think Indian & Pakistani leaders listen to American Presidents on Kashmir ?

Read your quote - " Because earlier Clinton had made a statement saying he will take a poke at the Kashmir issue and called both India and Pakistan to settle the issue....as usual annoying the real culprit party. "
Does anyone really think Indian & Pakistani leaders listen to American Presidents on Kashmir ?

Read your quote - " Because earlier Clinton had made a statement saying he will take a poke at the Kashmir issue and called both India and Pakistan to settle the issue....as usual annoying the real culprit party. "
Repeating same lines doesn't change the argument.
Yes as you take the figures from a traitor that's been out casted whilst ignoring the facts and figures from people with actual knowledge on this matter. It's makes you a massive hypocrite.
Thats the mastery of a nation that declares anyone saying truth a traitor.

The international media on Kargil -

Faced with the possibility of international isolation, the already fragile Pakistani economy was weakened further. The morale of its forces after the withdrawal was affected as many units of the Northern Light Infantry were destroyed, and the government refused to even recognise the dead bodies of its soldiers, an issue that provoked outrage and riots in the Northern Areas. Pakistan initially did not acknowledge many of its casualties, but Sharif later said that over 4,000 Pakistani troops were killed in the operation and that Pakistan had lost the conflict. Responding to this, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said, "It hurts me when an ex-premier undermines his own forces," and claimed that Indian casualties were more than that of Pakistan.

Many in Pakistan had expected a victory over the Indian military based on Pakistani official reports on the war, but were dismayed by the turn of events and questioned the eventual retreat. The military leadership is believed to have felt let down by the prime minister's decision to withdraw the remaining fighters. However, some authors, including ex- CENTCOM Commander Anthony Zinni, and ex-PM Nawaz Sharif, state that it was the General who requested Sharif to withdraw the Pakistani troops. With Sharif placing the onus of the Kargil attacks squarely on the army chief Pervez Musharraf, there was an atmosphere of uneasiness between the two. On October 12, 1999, General Musharraf staged a bloodless coup d'état, ousting Nawaz Sharif.

Benazir Bhutto, an opposition leader and former prime minister, called the Kargil War "Pakistan's greatest blunder". Many ex-officials of the military and the ISI (Pakistan's principal intelligence agency) also were of the view that "Kargil was a waste of time" and "could not have resulted in any advantage" on the larger issue of Kashmir. A retired Pakistani Army General, Lt Gen Ali Quli Khan Khattak, lambasted the war as "a disaster bigger than the East Pakistan tragedy", adding that the plan was "flawed in terms of its conception, tactical planning and execution" that ended in "sacrificing so many soldiers.". The Pakistani media too was vocal in its criticism of the whole plan and the eventual climbdown from the Kargil heights since there were no gains to show for the loss of lives and only resulted in international condemnation for its actions.

Despite calls by many for a probe, no public commission of inquiry was set up to investigate the people responsible for initiating the conflict. However, the Pakistani political party, PML(N) recently unveiled a white paper which states that Nawaz Sharif constituted an inquiry committee that recommended a court martial for General Pervez Musharraf. The party alleges that Musharraf "stole the report" after toppling the government, to save himself. The report also claims that India knew about the plan 11 months before its launch, enabling a complete victory for India on military, diplomatic and economic fronts. Though the Kargil conflict had brought the Kashmir dispute into international focus – which was one of the aims of Pakistan – it had done so in negative circumstances that eroded its credibility, since the infiltration came just after a peace process between the two countries was underway. The sanctity of the LoC too received international recognition.

A few changes were made to the army. In recognition of its part in the war, the Northern Light Infantry regiment was incorporated into the regular army. The war showed that despite a tactically sound plan that had the element of surprise, little groundwork had been done to gauge the politico-diplomatic ramifications. And like previous unsuccessful infiltrations attempts like Operation Gibraltar that sparked the 1965 war, there was little coordination or information sharing among the branches of the Pakistan military. One U.S. Intelligence study is reported to have stated that Kargil was yet another example of Pakistan’s (lack of) grand strategy, repeating the follies of the previous wars. All these factors contributed to a strategic failure for Pakistan in Kargil.”

Read what Benazir Bhutto and Lt Gen Khattak had to say about Kargil effort.
Are they also traitors?
Please answer and don’t avoid.

we lost 1971 dhaka as per your newspapers and books you read in your school .
We lost to East Pakistanis, present day Bangladeshis. you were just there to provide sanitary services to the east Pakistanis. in the western theater, you couldn't do much of anything as per your own ex military experts.
the fact is that india, in spite of being the 2nd largest nation on earth, has never been able to win a single war on its own even against far smaller enemies. even in tiny Sri Lanka, the indian army proved to be nothing more than an ***-wiping roll of toilet paper. :lol:

zinda rehna hay tau auqaat may raho... ;)
from the horse's mouth...

"Sharif was reluctant to withdraw before the meeting with Clinton was announced (again, his problem was maintaining face); but after I insisted, he finally came around and he ordered the withdrawal. We set up a meeting with Clinton in July."

this should clear any doubt that indian army was effective..... as shown by it's poor performance in recent times, they were totally incompetent in driving out the superb North light Infantry...

india stands nowhere in front of pakistan , afterall pakistan has defeated two superpowers .
We lost to East Pakistanis, present day Bangladeshis. you were just there to provide sanitary services to the east Pakistanis. in the western theater, you couldn't do much of anything as per your own ex military experts.
the fact is that india, in spite of being the 2nd largest nation on earth, has never been able to win a single war on its own even against far smaller enemies. even in tiny Sri Lanka, the indian army proved to be nothing more than an ***-wiping roll of toilet paper. :lol:

zinda rehna hay tau auqaat may raho... ;)

after losing half of pakistan ,
you defeated USSR and USA single handedly . quite evident that pakistan can defeat india anyday. :enjoy:
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