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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

Agreed the people of punjab and sindh are mostly of slave mindsets. Only pashtuns are warriors. I hope they all prove me wrong.

Dude for your information Punjabis are much more braver people than u can ever think of - a big mighty history of Punjabis. Just looking at current present era and not past - General Raheel Sharif, Shahbaz Gill, then look at from Punjab, Chakwal, the famous ISI chief General Faiz Hameed is a Punjabi, and now journalist Arshad Sharif whose father Commandar Navy Muhammad Sharif was born in Gujrat, Punjab - they are all Punjabis brother, just to name a few. Even Imran Khan and his whole family is born in Punjab.

Be weary and careful on what you label and speak.
Dude for your information Punjabis are much braver people too, a mighty history of Punjabis. Just looking at current present era and not past - General Raheel Sharif, Shahbaz Gill, - Look at from Punjab, Chakwal - the ISI chief General Faiz Hameed, and now journalist Arshad Sharif - they are all Punjabis brother, just to name a few. Even Imran Khan is from born in Punjab.

Be weary and careful on what you label and speak.

Lol being born anywhere doesn't change ur genes. U inherit and there is nothing u can do about it. Mighty punjabi were the best servants of Britishers as most of British indian army was from potohar belt. A tradition they have followed ever since. I still stand on my word. I have not said all but most and I am again saying it I hope and pray that they all prove me wrong.
I doubt Pakistanis will wake up.

Even if there is an attack on their respective houses, nothing will happen. I am absolutely convinced.

All you need is a 500,000 people and 50,000 armed men and the PDM & Establishment will submit.
Your hypothesis will be put to the test. I am not hopeful though.
Doesn't matter what he's said, PDM also officially claims they are not corrupt chors and there was no American sponsored regime change, Imran Khan says the opposite, one of them is lying.

Multiple "threats" can exist at once, but the agenda of PTM is an open secret, there's plenty of information available online.

Lol the bastards in uniform also say they are nuetral. But the son of their chief busted it openly. What PTM or others who were labelled traitors by bastards of GHQ, are not always lying. Otherwise the soldiers won't be getting killed in their own country.
Lol the bastards in uniform also say they are nuetral. But the son of their chief busted it openly. What PTM or others who were labelled traitors by bastards of GHQ, are not always lying. Otherwise the soldiers won't be getting killed in their own country.
Irrelevant to the discussion, no one said that everything they say is a lie.

Also PTM itself is an arm of the neutrals, it could have easily been disbanded when IK was in power, but the establishment found use in them.

Both PTM and neutrals have destructive intentions.
Potohar Belt was not of Punjab until Ranjit Singh a famous Punjabi conquered it, they are Potoharis, who you label them as servants of British in British Raj of 100yrs. Similarly 99% of Sindhis, Kashmirs, Pashtuns, Afghans till Kandahar from Peshawar were all working for British, in those days dynamics were different, per as per definition all of them are servants and slaves.

Pashtoons always fought British. There are moles and exceptions everywhere. Sikhs they are one of the best warriors of Indian army along with gurkhas. But how much do they consistitute of modern day pak.
If it's Kenya, I can say that Sharifs can do that alone.
Sharif's had no incentive and have become thick skinned beghairat, there wasn't nothing new to be exposed about them, the whole world knows their corruption and p0rn collections...

The only ones being particularly irked lately and shown their thin skins are the chor commandars of the East India Company sepoy army of Pakistan.
Mr SQ8 aka Mr Ban-master - its highly unlikely Sharif / Zardaris can do this type of operation by themselves without the real power house ISI /Army death squads who has the influence and capacity to conduct such overseas operations in far away countries like Kenya. There is a huge history behind forced threats abductions, warnings given to Pakistani media journalists to change the narrative over night and keep just quiet.
Maybe you are a Pashtoon defending Pashtoons, but am not a Punjabi, and hence not been a Punjabi myself, i know for sure Punjabis are one of the most brave people, fully weaponized and intelligent around in the world, whether Pakistani Punjabis or Sikh Punjabis. a Punjabi is a Punjabi, same breed. Go first move around world first. and see what Punjabis really are. I come across them in UK daily and the most humble of them, you never see a Punjabi dragging like you Pashtoons always drag and brag about urselves.

I know for sure if these Pakistan Punjabis never existed, fed you, fought for you - , you the Pashtoons have been a failed state like Afghanistan for sure governed by clueles Taliban now, Pakistan would have been broken by now.

This is coming from a Kashmiri and Urdu Speaking ethnic identity person. @waz

Lol u r being emotional in describing ethnicities. If history is any witness. You would not have slavery in this part of a land for this long. India and pak became independent at the same time yet indians progressed more maturily but can u you same for Pakistan. They have more punjabis and many more ethnicities than in pak.
I consider myself human first. I also do not like this further discrimination but that's the sad reality of pak.
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