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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

Silician mafia was the correct word for this family ...that's how they worked... and responsible for Arshad Sharif shahadat ..,... they filled 13 cases against this guy ...and make him run and publish his Peshawar airport picture on PMLN social media .... why... why the PMLN govt asked UAE govt to arrest and handover Arshad ..... why US consulate in UAE refused visa ..... all fingers pointing at SOB Sharif family ...
عبداللہ بن زبیر کو قتل کرنے کے بعد حجاج نے تین دن تک چوک میں لٹکا دیا تاکہ اور کوئ حق اور سچ کا ساتھ نہ دے۔

والدہ حضرت زبیر رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ، اسماء بنت ابی بکر (رض) وہاں سے گزریں تو فرمایا۔

"یہ شہسوار ابھی سواری سے اترا نہیں۔"

اللہ اکبر۔
حجاج بھی وہیں تھا۔ کہنے لگا۔
"دیکھو میں نے تمہارے بیٹے کی دنیا برباد کر دی۔"
والدہ زبیر رض نے مضبوطی سے جواب دیا،
"تو نے اسکی دنیا برباد کی۔ اس نے تیری آخرت برباد کر دی ہے۔"

واقعی کچھ لوگوں کی موت کچھ لوگوں کی آخرت برباد کر دیتی ہے۔
The deep state got him killed for sure. His lawyer says he was trying to maintain utmost secrecy about his location. Even his family wasn't aware that he was in Kenya. He went to Dubai however Pakistani government officials wanted him deported from Dubai. UAE officials visited him and informed him that we have been requested to hand you over but we don't want to. You have 48 hrs to leave the country. He wanted to go to the UK but UK officials said he can't be granted a protection visa as he is not in his home state where he is facing the threats. So to get protection visa, he should have been in Pakistan. He had no other option but to leave UAE, Kenya is one of the few countries who provide visa on arrival for Pakistanis. Hence the very people who were after him, narrowed him down to Kenya.

Arshad even called a few people from a UK phone number and told them that he has been able to get in UK, however he was just faking his location. He was changing phone numbers frequently, he was trying everything to protect himself however his stalkers finally got him killed. No body knows who that "brother" Khurram is that Kenyan police is referring to.

He was working on the documentary "Behind close doors", exposing systematic corruption in our military and government. However deep state silenced him.

These govt. officials, whoever was involved in it, have completely forgotten their aakhirat. So unfortunate that the state and state actors have now fallen this low. I know its the darkest before the dawn, but the ugliness of it is sickening. I hope our country gets rid of all basta*ds and we get a clean start towards prosperity.
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Personally, I don’t buy the PMLN theory.

Getting a journalist killed in Kenya is a bit too far fetched. Arshad’s martyrdom looks to be a highly complex operation with intelligence, gun for hire, other logistical effort involved.
Personally, I don’t buy the PMLN theory.

Getting a journalist killed in Kenya is a bit too far fetched. Arshad’s martyrdom looks to be a highly complex operation with intelligence, gun for hire, other logistical effort involved.

Off course, noonie toons haven't got much balls to do it alone. It seems his documentary targeted military + government's combined corrupt practices and implicit behaviours. Both sides agreed.
If this is a freak accident, then elephants fly and you are the king of England.

You have no f&@$ing credibility is what. You are hand in hand with the system and the people you support have been doing topi drama for civil supremacy.
The evidence at the moment points to it being a case of a Police mess up, but okay continue posting useless dribble
Personally, I don’t buy the PMLN theory.

Getting a journalist killed in Kenya is a bit too far fetched. Arshad’s martyrdom looks to be a highly complex operation with intelligence, gun for hire, other logistical effort involved.
Why is that? Also can we stop relegating things to 'xyz's party theory' and instead see things more logically here?
Everyone here thinks that apparently the whole Kenyan Police is under the Pakistani Army's payroll.
The fishy thing is, why would they attack the passenger side and let the driver get out alive if it indeed was a stolen vehicle? You surely go for the driver in case of a stolen vehicle.

I have a feeling they were stopped and AS was executed. The driver seems to have come out unscathed???
Has anyone checked the Army's approval rating in public these days? It used to be above 85%. Where is it now? I expect it will be around 10-15%, the vote bank of PDM, who have found a new love for Army, and now they back people who "bite their mother-land".
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Life is fundamentally governed by force and power, not by morality and justice.

Tell it to people like Umar (caliph) or Ali (Caliph)

If Force and power rules all let us no longer call ourselves Muslim

We all have choices to make in life to walk on path of morality & justice
or Path of devil (enticed by power and force)

If you can't wield the sword to stand for morality and justice, then step aside
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