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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

Yar ab poori lot to kharab nahi na... there must be good people in army and at higher ranks..

How many commissioned officers have you ever seen or come across who have resigned their commission in protest at the policies of this GOD damned institution ?

Ever heard a core commander or a general resign ?

Sar k sva te hondey vekhey ne pr nokri chad’da koi ni dekhya ya sunya ajj tak..

👍- thinking about our ancestor's sacrifices keeps me motivated, that we will come out of all this a stronger nation
All of this is our course correction

Which ones ? The ones who picked up arms for East India company and carried out the enslavement of the rest of their people or the ones who got enslaved ?
How many commissioned officers have you ever seen or come across who have resigned their commission in protest at the policies of this GOD damned institution ?

Ever heard a core commander or a general resign ?

Sar k sva te hondey vekhey ne pr nokri chad’da koi ni dekhya ya sunya ajj tak..

Which ones ? The ones who picked up arms for East India company and carried out the enslavement of the rest of their people or the ones who got enslaved ?
Only one... Lt Gen. Sahebzada Yaqub Ali Khan

He refused to open fire on protesting people while posted as Gov of East Pakistan. He resigned his commission. Yahya Khan even threatened to have him court martialed.

He was replaced by Tikka Khan who had no such qualms and created a blood bath.

Read Siddiq Salik's "Mein nein dhaka doobtey dekha" where he chronicles the change in the Governor house b/w the two.
Ever heard a core commander or a general resign ?
Not many stories come to surface.. likes of Brig Ali Khan... He actually raised voice against US drone attacks.. he was framed for Hizb Tehrir aide. Then Rawalpindi Conspiracy case..

Air Chief Marshall Tanveer once went way beyond describing how we are conservative and beard is an old fashion thing. A person stood up and protested for his remarks. ACM replied ''sit down, I will take away your uniform''. The man literally took off his uniform, folded it, and presented it to ACM and left in underwear.
Me and you are in the same mulk bruddah

When BLM started, and I am talking about both the Trayvon Martin thing and George Floyd thing, who started those marches?

Did any politicians give a call or did people come out and march on the street?

Even after BLM was exposed as the greatest lie ever sold, people got sick and came out.

That was over and done with in 1971
BLM was always going to be exploited - think back to the nation of Islam and Malik Shehbaz(Malcom X).
The FBI got into that pretty early to quell any development of true black identity. Today they are in their own social doldrums in a mix of their own doing and actions against them.

However, to your point - people came out in the marches just because they saw a video. But the system in place was strong enough for them to trust that the march would incite change.
Pakistan has no system that marches will fix and for that you need proportional responses.

Here’s a simple scenario - if during the marches - had the white supremacists on the other side offered a bus ride and plates of steak and eggs for random black ,hispanic and poor white people to show up on their side - how many would have shown up other than the token 10 you see at MAGA rallies right in front of the camera behind the podium?

That iota of self respect that comes from that level of education is what makes the difference
Because noone cares about Balochistan etc.

They care about their personal mansions and money laundering

That's the whole game here

Probably tracing few billion laundered money.
No he was there, because he was asked UAE to leave on the pressure of Pak government. He had no visa, so he went to Kenya, they offer visa on the airport for Pak passport holders.
It is very clear, a plan was hatched in a hurry to eliminate him, once it was known that he is going from UAE to Kenya.
Everything about this incident is very suspicious.
He was pushed out of UAE, because the approach was made to UAE government, if they had taken him out there, the UAE government would have created problems for Pakistan.
Kenya is easier to manage in diplomatic terms too and the cooperation from their forces can easily be obtained.

Bajwa and ISI written all over this murder.
No he was there, because he was asked UAE to leave on the pressure of Pak government. He had no visa, so he went to Kenya, they offer visa on the airport for Pak passport holders.
It is very clear, a plan was hatched in a hurry to eliminate him, once it was known that he is going from UAE to Kenya.
Everything about this incident is very suspicious.
He was pushed out of UAE, because the approach was made to UAE government, if they had taken him out there, the UAE government would have created problems for Pakistan.
Kenya is easier to manage in diplomatic terms too and the cooperation from their forces can easily be obtained.

Bajwa and ISI written all over this murder.
Don't discount Sharifs so early. They are mass murderers too. Have you seen how they celebrated Diwali in UK? The smiles on their laanti faces was telling all of us that they are complicit.
One can argue that it sort of turned the public opinion against them more.

As you said and many others have said they want to reverse engineer this to bring martial law.
Martial law will make things even worse, at this time they need to try and re-gain the publics support, not cement themselves as the enemy of the people
One can argue that it sort of turned the public opinion against them more.

As you said and many others have said they want to reverse engineer this to bring martial law.

An expose by him would have done more damage.

Killing him was logical decision

His documentary work can't be regarded as conspiracy theory like other anchors and what if the documents get leaked to a renowned first world journalist

It would become another panama leak...

He was therefore taken out to protect the retirement of core commanders, beaucrats, judges and few MNAs

Why would a Kenyan death squad go after a "foreigner" unless he was entangled in something related to Kenya ?
Same way every corrupt country works..police was simply paid a few million dollars
Only one... Lt Gen. Sahebzada Yaqub Ali Khan

He refused to open fire on protesting people while posted as Gov of East Pakistan. He resigned his commission. Yahya Khan even threatened to have him court martialed.

He was replaced by Tikka Khan who had no such qualms and created a blood bath.

Read Siddiq Salik's "Mein nein dhaka doobtey dekha" where he chronicles the change in the Governor house b/w the two.

Poor qaum hi aisi hai (mujh samait). Kis kis ko roein? Koi ehtijaj hua Pakistan main?

Not many stories come to surface.. likes of Brig Ali Khan... He actually raised voice against US drone attacks.. he was framed for Hizb Tehrir aide. Then Rawalpindi Conspiracy case..

Air Chief Marshall Tanveer once went way beyond describing how we are conservative and beard is an old fashion thing. A person stood up and protested for his remarks. ACM replied ''sit down, I will take away your uniform''. The man literally took off his uniform, folded it, and presented it to ACM and left in underwear.

There you have it then,

It’s an institutional issue not an individual one.
Shows the killing was a bit haphazard and messy ..he was moving a lot so had to be done fast

There you have it then,

It’s an institutional issue not an individual one.
Anyone had an interaction with high command knows this.

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