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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

While I am very sorry and also angry that we have lost a brave soul like Arshad Shareef, I would exercise some caution. We do not know why he was in Kenya in the first place. Was he lured there or sent on an assignment by his news agency. This needs to be established. Secondly there is a statement from the Kenyan police that they shot at Arshad Shareef's car in a case of mistaken identity. Apparently he jumped one of their road blocks. My question is why?? What information was he carrying if any.
There are many factors here which do not make sense currently.
Flip the other side of the coin and see who stands to gain.
A. Corrupt officials.... If that is the case he has been in Pakistan and in and out of the country . Why was he not apprehended and his software upgraded?
B. He has pointed to corruption within the forces but has not brought out any big news even in his blogs which would alert people enough to do him in.
C. Think of this from a Purely anti Pakistani perspective and any enemy of Pakistan will gain immensely from a high profile killing outside of Pakistan to further beleaguer the army/establishment and foment frank revolt against the army. Surely ,despite the Zero to ten brigade ruling the politico administrative scene, people would have thought this will cause more harm than do good.
D. The gains for the enemies of Pakistan on the other hand are extreme. Revolt against the army with loss of face and authority with loss of morale will lead to weakened defence and therefore further accessibility to decision making from outside. This is pivotal at this stage of change over.
We can always blame internal factors and players but to reach someone in Kenya and execute an attack like this is not the done thing.
The rest I leave upto you guys.
While you are angry and blah blah... but no common sense???
I dont understand what have happened to all these people on PDF. How many of you are above 30 and lived most of there lives inside Pakistan Facing Pakistani system on daily Basis?

People should take arms against Army and law enforcement agencies you say?

Have you people ever faced other Pakistani institutions? Police, Courts, Revenue department, FIA, FBR, City District governments hell even WAPDA and SUI gas? They all treat us like dogs. Every superior in Pakistan Treats his inferior like a Dog. Its our culture now unfortunately. Its not just exclusive to Army

This country is rotten to the core. I dont think most of these people have any idea of the power of Mafias and Criminals at grass root level. How many people are murdered in cold blood every day. And believe it or not, Even in this horrible condition, The Police force is the primary reason these thugs dont completely take over your cities.

Whatever is happening, Destabalizing PTI government, Political victimization, Killing of Mr. Arshad Sharif is horrible and makes my blood boil.
But is there any salvation in Civil war?.
Is this headless crowd capable for a revolution? Think with a calm brain.

I am not a scholar to have all absolute answers but an Armed Uprising will 100% turn Pakistan into Syria or Iraq. Imran khan will be killed (The only Publically acceptable leader across the country at this time), PPP will take Sindh happily, Afghans will overwhelm Pashtun areas,A broken Punjab will be left with differenr Power circles like Siraki Group in south punjab and PML in central punjab. And AJK will surely be overtaken by India. Baluchistan will become independent.
Only option is to put so much pressure on Establishment that they are forced to backdown.And that only Imran Khan can do. Other wise this nation is way too much fractured corrupt and broken to stand a bloody revolution.
May Allah Protect this country from inside and outside.
Well said - the people are accepting of this rotten to the core so they wouldn’t know what to do with any empowerment. They deserve this system and secretly do like it especially because some where they get to be the bigger fish and steal someone’s power.. be it as small as a place in line to as big as an illegal land grab being approved. Pakistanis like to talk trash about their system but they love their dumpster and diving into it.
I am not a scholar to have all absolute answers but an Armed Uprising will 100% turn Pakistan into Syria or Iraq. Imran khan will be killed (The only Publically acceptable leader across the country at this time), PPP will take Sindh happily, Afghans will overwhelm Pashtun areas,A broken Punjab will be left with differenr Power circles like Siraki Group in south punjab and PML in central punjab. And AJK will surely be overtaken by India. Baluchistan will become independent.

Why is everyone using balkanization as a scare tactic?

What happened to "There is no power on Earth that can undo Pakistan"- Quaid-e-Azam
I dont understand what have happened to all these people on PDF. How many of you are above 30 and lived most of there lives inside Pakistan Facing Pakistani system on daily Basis?

People should take arms against Army and law enforcement agencies you say?

Have you people ever faced other Pakistani institutions? Police, Courts, Revenue department, FIA, FBR, City District governments hell even WAPDA and SUI gas? They all treat us like dogs. Every superior in Pakistan Treats his inferior like a Dog. Its our culture now unfortunately. Its not just exclusive to Army

This country is rotten to the core. I dont think most of these people have any idea of the power of Mafias and Criminals at grass root level. How many people are murdered in cold blood every day. And believe it or not, Even in this horrible condition, The Police force is the primary reason these thugs dont completely take over your cities.

Whatever is happening, Destabalizing PTI government, Political victimization, Killing of Mr. Arshad Sharif is horrible and makes my blood boil.
But is there any salvation in Civil war?.
Is this headless crowd capable for a revolution? Think with a calm brain.

I am not a scholar to have all absolute answers but an Armed Uprising will 100% turn Pakistan into Syria or Iraq. Imran khan will be killed (The only Publically acceptable leader across the country at this time), PPP will take Sindh happily, Afghans will overwhelm Pashtun areas,A broken Punjab will be left with differenr Power circles like Siraki Group in south punjab and PML in central punjab. And AJK will surely be overtaken by India. Baluchistan will become independent.
Only option is to put so much pressure on Establishment that they are forced to backdown.And that only Imran Khan can do. Other wise this nation is way too much fractured corrupt and broken to stand a bloody revolution.
May Allah Protect this country from inside and outside.
lols this country is already done Pakistan is cheap whore of amrika!

PA is corrupt to the core they wear uniform so they can get a fking plot and they will do anything in their power to get that plot!!

politicians are tool of corrupt wardi mafia!

people i pray to Allah stand up one day and **** this whole system and burn everything in this chotya country!
GOVT OF PAKISTAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS DEATH ....ALL MOTHER F***** OF PDM ....Nawaz, Shahbaz, Marima,Fazlo, Bilawal all .....................

Saleem shazad was assasinated when he filed a report about alqaeda involvement in Mehran base attack.
He disappeared then his tortured body was found. Kayani was CoAS.
There was no in investigation. We at PDF at that time were establishment and Army's voluntary campaigners and won't accept anything on the clean bright face of isi/mi/army.
This makes me furious that these folks who are out of barracks going on international trips defining foreign policies. Yet they don't have anything of value to show on the front where their primary responsibilities lie. Stop selling us JF17, alkhalid, shaheen dreams and promises. Go back to your f'ing barracks and stay there!! Let the people run this country as Quaid-e-Azam asked.

ISI role should only be to do intelligence activity regarding defense from external forces. Civilian intelligence needs to be empowered. Stop this nonsense for God sake!!

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