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Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

RJAF has 64 F-16 as for now, it's seeking to acquire 80-90, replacing the aging F-5 and Mirage F-1 fleets. But due to the economic hardships, the process is slow.

Exactly the same problem as with Pakistan and probably with Egypt.

Why can't we ( Jordan + Pakistan + Egypt ) team up under Turkish consultancy.
If we put all our weight on one side, we can get better deal, possibly license production and we can go on producing as many F-16s as we want,

United we can survive.
Exactly the same problem as with Pakistan and probably with Egypt.

Why can't we ( Jordan + Pakistan + Egypt ) team up under Turkish consultancy.
If we put all our weight on one side, we can get better deal, possibly license production and we can go on producing as many F-16s as we want,

United we can survive.
We may not get permission to produce them but we should go for J-10 B and some new Chinese Planes
We may not get permission to produce them but we should go for J-10 B and some new Chinese Planes

Maybe who knows? As far as my knowledge is concerned, the PAF ordered 36 J-10 is that right?
Maybe who knows? As far as my knowledge is concerned, the PAF ordered 35 J-10 is that right?

Yes initially but as economy improves we would go for 150 of them at least and 250 J-10 B or even with this bad economy we may ask for money from our Saudi Brothers to get these weapons because we really need them fast to counter India's future plans and to stop Israel from making any funny business with Israel and other middle eastern countries
Yes initially but as economy improves we would go for 150 of them at least and 250 J-10 B or even with this bad economy we may ask for money from our Saudi Brothers to get these weapons because we really need them fast to counter India's future plans and to stop Israel from making any funny business with Israel and other middle eastern countries


As far as my knowledge is concerned, KSA never rejected anything that Pakistan would benefit from it. So yeah, I'm a big support for Pakistan along with our true friends.

If Pakistan gets those J-10s it will boost up its military might (; ..
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