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Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

Jordan signs deal with Boeing to buy attack helicopters

AMMAN, May 12, 2010 (AFP) - Jordan on Wednesday signed a letter of intent with US aerospace giant Boeing to buy AH-6i light attack and reconnaissance helicopters to enhance border security.

"This helicopter with its modern and integrated systems will provide us with great capabilities at a reasonable low operating cost," Major General Malek Habashneh, commander of Royal Jordanian Air Force, told reporters after the signing ceremony.

"This aircraft will enhance our border security capabilities. The number of helicopters to be purchased will be finalised when we sign the final contract. There is no timetable for the signing of the contract."

Habashneh did not elaborate on the deal but said it might see Jordan retiring its US-made Cobra helicopters.

"We are thinking of this for the future, since we are really planning to have a replacement for our Cobras. If we are satisfied with the replacement, we will retire the Cobras," he said.

A Boeing statement quoted Al Winn, vice president of the company's Apache programmes, as saying that the AH-6i system "will deliver outstanding capabilities to Jordan."

The AH-6i programme, launched by Boeing in 2008, is intended for international customers, according to Boeing's website.

"The AH-6i features flexible mission configuration, an integrated digital cockpit, combat-proven design, the highest payload in its class, an integrated and qualified weapons system, and a communications package that enables connectivity with other aircraft and ground stations," it said.

Jordan is a key US ally and a major beneficiary of US aid having received around six billion dollars since 1952.



British-built Jordanian Centurion tanks arrive in the Golan Heights to support the Syrians during the October War, October 21, 1973
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