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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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In addition to what MastanKhan has said above (that the need of the hour is multiple operational JF-17 squadrons more than anything else), I would like to add that these squadrons must be made fully BVR capable ASAP. BVR capability will be, in every way, a force multiplier, and the one capability that will be the greatest "shot in the arm" for the Pakistan Air Force. A single squadron, or even a single formation of aircraft, will be able to secure a larger portion of our land with BVR missiles. In addition, we must also diversify our weapon system arsenal, and integrate as many A2A and A2G American, European and Chinese systems as soon as possible.

Considering our current credible threats and requirements, CFTs are of little importance. We share a long border with our greatest conventional enemy, so the distances needed to cover tis small. Also, the enemy that is causing us the most trouble right now is within our borders, so the distances to cover are even smaller. Refueling capability will increase loiter time in any case, and will be an across-all-platforms capability, so this should be our obvious target before CFTs on the JF-17.

Conventional wisdom suggests that an engineer must follow the incremental pattern of accomplishing tasks, where you start small and work towards the big tasks. However, when constrained by time and budget, it is often smartest to go for the task that will give you the greatest amount of return in the shortest amount of time. This is the pattern that the PAF will have to follow now, as we must build our conventional aerial war-fighting potential in the shortest amount of time. For the JF-17, this means that the smartest route to go would be to work "under the hood", so to speak. This includes weapon system integration in the both BVR and WVR domain, multi-sensor integration for night-attack capability, precision delivery, etc., aerial refueling, data-linking with AEW&Cs, etc. Things like added external hardpoints, Conformal Fuel Tanks, newer engine, or any major airframe redesign will offer limited capability for greater investment of resources. It just doesn't make sense for us to go that route right now.
sorry to sound dumb but is the plane with 2 seats in the picture on the top a jf 17..i thought they were one seater's...is that a trainer or have they modified it?
AESA will only increase the price , at this stage it is more important to have better engine and more hardpoints, as there wont be much use for AESA if u cant carry enough missiles.

Nopes, AESA and advanced avionics will do the trick even if hard points remains same. What good a plane with 11 missile do if its radar is suspected to be jammed?
Nopes, AESA and advanced avionics will do the trick even if hard points remains same. What good a plane with 11 missile do if its radar is suspected to be jammed?

WE just need a good radar just like AESA for our thunders and
just a little improved form of RD-33 engine
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sorry to sound dumb but is the plane with 2 seats in the picture on the top a jf 17..i thought they were one seater's...is that a trainer or have they modified it?[/QUOT

I think the picture you are talking about is a F-16. The JF-17 has its intakes on the sides. Till now i havent heard of a two seat version of the Thunder.
sorry to sound dumb but is the plane with 2 seats in the picture on the top a jf 17..i thought they were one seater's...is that a trainer or have they modified it?

The picture you are talking about is an F-16. The Thunder has its intakes on the sides and till now i havent heard of a thunder with 2 seats
The picture you are talking about is an F-16. The Thunder has its intakes on the sides and till now i havent heard of a thunder with 2 seats

nopes he is talking about these pics:



there are more,but ofcourse these are photoshoped. jf-17 will have tendum seat version(attack/training)in the next block, the first will not have them.


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nopes he is talking about these pics:



there are more,but ofcourse these are photoshoped. jf-17 will have tendum seat version(attack/training)in the next block, the first will not have them.

Thanks bro for clearing it up. I thought he was talking about the picture that comes on top of the page. :)
yes that is the pictrure i was talking about... "attack/training" i understand 2 seater jets for training but why do jets have two seats for attacking purposes?
yes that is the pictrure i was talking about... "attack/training" i understand 2 seater jets for training but why do jets have two seats for attacking purposes?

In dense SAM environment, deep inside enemy territory you always going to face tough resistance from enemy... in these environment it become important to free pilot from duties other than flying. Rare seat is occupied by a weapon officer. Tasks like tracking and engaging ground target is usually done by this.
what jf 17 need is
1-a powerfull engine.
2-2 or more hardpoints.
2-AESA radar.
4-CFT,so it allow aircraft to carry more weapons rather then fuel tanks.

combining these things it comes out with jf-17 block-2.
we caanot do any thing to the current birds cuz they r in a sqadren now and soon will be oprational.
go to sleep pals:lazy:
I have heard a lot about power full engines but we should know that newer RD-93 is good enough.
It has required thrust and very good response plus fuel efficiency.
I don't think immediately we should seek western engines on urgent basis.
A better radar can be a welcome but for interceptor role present radar will do fine.
Efforts should be made to make it BVR equiped rather than adding more hard points.
its range can be increased by introducing refuling capability.
over all JF_17 thunde is progressing just fine.
what wee need now for the JF is an operational squadron that can FIRSTLY refuel with the help of a tanker!!! SECONDLY the fighter needs to be able to fire AMRAAMs so AMRAAM integration is a bigger deal i guess than the CFT......they or the extra hard points can be a concept that we should think of later....

unfortunately it has gone awfully quiet on the JF front.....the squadron should have been flying by now....but no signs yet.....we will be lucky to just get 18 JFs in the air this year a squadron's strength! even the radar and avionics packages news has gone quiet...seems like JF program is going into a COMA.....

Just found something which may be of interest. It has been widely discussed that the PAF would have its first squadron by 2009. However it seems that the first 18 aircraft are to be ready only by end 2010. Also, at the rate mentioned, the final JF-17 of the 150 ordered would be ready only by 2018-19 at the initial rate of 15-16 aircraft per year or by 2015-16 at the increased rate of 25 aircraft per year.

Feedback will be appreciated.

JF-17 Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^ You don't trust our version of feed backs so lets just leave it to what you wish.
As an example, I would like to feed back on numbers those will be 300 not 150 though it is not updated on wiki but it has been stated on this thread.
JF-17 needs new engine and new radar.....all others are f9 to qualify for 4.5th gene jet.

New Engine options
1. Eurojet EJ200
2. Snecma M88
3. WS-10

New Radar options
RBE2 (PESA) (dead-end technology)
RBE2-AA (active array) (available in 2013)
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