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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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JF-17 needs new engine and new radar.....all others are f9 to qualify for 4.5th gene jet.

New Engine options
1. Eurojet EJ200
2. Snecma M88
3. WS-10

New Radar options
RBE2 (PESA) (dead-end technology)
RBE2-AA (active array) (available in 2013)

I personally feel that PAF must pursue Selex Vixen1000 AESA for JF-17 Thunder.
^^ You don't trust our version of feed backs so lets just leave it to what you wish.
As an example, I would like to feed back on numbers those will be 300 not 150 though it is not updated on wiki but it has been stated on this thread.

Why do you get defensive? Never have I said in my post that I dont trust your version. My post started with "something which may be of interest" which was in reply to Iceman. I stay away from wiki as much as possible unless each statement is supported by an external link.

As far as JF-17 orders are concerned, I said that eventual requirement would ultimately be 250-300 aircraft but the current order stands at 150. To this statement I was corrected by PakShaheen saying that the contract has been signed for only the first 40 aircraft yet.

Just claryfying.:cheers:
Just found something which may be of interest. It has been widely discussed that the PAF would have its first squadron by 2009. However it seems that the first 18 aircraft are to be ready only by end 2010. Also, at the rate mentioned, the final JF-17 of the 150 ordered would be ready only by 2018-19 at the initial rate of 15-16 aircraft per year or by 2015-16 at the increased rate of 25 aircraft per year.

Feedback will be appreciated.

JF-17 Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes & wikipedia is correct & pakistani people are incorrect for you! & fine JF might be a bit slow but hey atleast it is way ahead of the LCA.....LCA has all sorts of problems....and finally the indians have gone to the WEST and started asking them to fix things....so a year late is ok compared to 2 decades late don't you think.....
anywayz coming back to the topic....has there been any news on avionics package as well as radar negotiations with the french or any other country for that matter....?
LCA has all sorts of problems....and finally the indians have gone to the WEST and started asking them to fix things....so a year late is ok compared to 2 decades late don't you think.....

so since when did a plane not even inducted, become the representaion of the IAF.

even if the LCA may be late, ( late may be too weak a word to define how long its been)
By the time all the JF-17's ordered have been inducted(by 2015-18) have been Inducted there will be at least 70, in Service.

IOC for 20 LCA is to be given next year, with a further 20 with an FOC.
Then its a wait till the new engine can be integrated into the Plane before induction starts again.

JF-17 vs LCA is inevitable
and when we start threads debating the winner of such an encounter, is your only argument going to be it was late, so it sucks

Ok back to the JF-17

Are there any new versions of The JF-17 also planned for Induction , say a Mark-2 with greater range. or increased weapons payload.

The Current JF-17 is Limited to only point defence
so since when did a plane not even inducted, become the representaion of the IAF.

even if the LCA may be late, ( late may be too weak a word to define how long its been)
By the time all the JF-17's ordered have been inducted(by 2015-18) have been Inducted there will be at least 70, in Service.

IOC for 20 LCA is to be given next year, with a further 20 with an FOC.
Then its a wait till the new engine can be integrated into the Plane before induction starts again.

JF-17 vs LCA is inevitable
and when we start threads debating the winner of such an encounter, is your only argument going to be it was late, so it sucks

Ok back to the JF-17

Are there any new versions of The JF-17 also planned for Induction , say a Mark-2 with greater range. or increased weapons payload.

The Current JF-17 is Limited to only point defence

no idea what you are trying to imply but yes LCA is late & YES LCA is no more completely indigenous!!! and yes LCA is 3 decades late & yes JF-17 is a year late!!!

& who in the world told you that JF-17 is a point defense fighter???

going with your argument if i buy your point that it is a point defense fighter please explain to me what is classified as point defense fighter?

& yes JF-17 II has been planned and also debated on this forum so let's not get into it....!!!
no idea what you are trying to imply but yes LCA is late & YES LCA is no more completely indigenous!!! and yes LCA is 3 decades late & yes JF-17 is a year late!!!

& who in the world told you that JF-17 is a point defense fighter???

going with your argument if i buy your point that it is a point defense fighter please explain to me what is classified as point defense fighter?

& yes JF-17 II has been planned and also debated on this forum so let's not get into it....!!!

3 decades. late:what: that would mean that the LCA project was started in 1980 and then expected to be finished in the same year. seriously do you expect planes to be built just like that. The LCA itself wasn't even design till 1990, after which began the task of Building the Jet.
JF-17 is 10 years in development from 1998.Development ends after FOC is given.
Even China's J-10 program took 18 years.
After 18 years in development, the J-10 finally entered service in 2004.
And even they to did not have an Indigenous Engine installed at the start.

Um i was told by a Pak member that this was a Point defense fighter a while back and that just stuck with me.

So what is it's role in the PAF then ? enlighten me
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JF-17 needs new engine and new radar.....all others are f9 to qualify for 4.5th gene jet.

New Engine options
1. Eurojet EJ200
2. Snecma M88
3. WS-10

New Radar options
RBE2 (PESA) (dead-end technology)
RBE2-AA (active array) (available in 2013)

oops its a almost a new a/c then.

you need , structural changes, intake changrs , cg adjustment ... etc

since Mig was the consultant for jf17 , they had good experience working with rd33 in project 33. which they might have shared with china.

but if you Choose Ej2000 or m88 you have to do the most complex job . which takes lot of time.

Radar is another big thing, you have to test all your weapons again.

If your airforce is so happy with the current engine why you need another engine

....is current engine not meeting any of your airforce standards ( If it is an indian product you will say its a failure :) . )

you call current engine Jf17 as block 1 ( approx 50 on order) and we call it us LCA mark 1.( 40 on order) ,
for block 2 engine options are many but no tender yet. for Mark 2 (ej200 or F414)

but as per most members in this forum Block 1 is grand success (though it is currently configured for stike role ) and Mark 1 is grand failure

It doesnt matter who is running first in the middle of the race , let see who finishes first.
No new engine is going to be seek by PAF for Thunder and that's for sure. People ignore that RD-93 fitted in Thunder has more than 19200 lbs thrust as agaisnt original 18,300 lbs of original RD-93.

Radar, Yes I agree that It need some thing like Selex Vixen 1000 AESA for block II and on words.
JF-17 needs new engine and new radar.....all others are f9 to qualify for 4.5th gene jet.

New Engine options
1. Eurojet EJ200
2. Snecma M88
3. WS-10

New Radar options
RBE2 (PESA) (dead-end technology)
RBE2-AA (active array) (available in 2013)

Is it possible to fit any of the mentioned radar into jf-17?
Also WS-10 seems too big and M88 too small for jf17 (my guess).
yes & wikipedia is correct & pakistani people are incorrect for you! & fine JF might be a bit slow but hey atleast it is way ahead of the LCA.....LCA has all sorts of problems....and finally the indians have gone to the WEST and started asking them to fix things....so a year late is ok compared to 2 decades late don't you think.....

Please understand English first. I hope you learnt something called reference to context in grade school.

My post started with the words "Just found something of interest". Nowhere have I stated my opinion that the JF-17 is slow, late, etc. Neither have I compared it with the LCA programme anywhere (which BTW I think has had more failures than successes till now). It was in reply to someone saying that the JF-17 programme has gone into a coma and that there is no new news available.

This is a JF-17 thread so don't drag the LCA into it. Stick to the topic.

We can have a meaningful conversation only if we exchange ideas, opinions and information. Please do not presume that every Indian on this forum is out to get you and puts down Pakistan at every step. I accord the Pakistani Armed Forces the same respect deserved by any institution guarding its countries borders and willing to die for their motherland, which I'm sure it carries out to the best of its ability. :cheers:
3 decades. late:what: that would mean that the LCA project was started in 1980 and then expected to be finished in the same year. seriously do you expect planes to be built just like that. The LCA itself wasn't even design till 1990, after which began the task of Building the Jet.
JF-17 is 10 years in development from 1998.Development ends after FOC is given.
Even China's J-10 program took 18 years. .
And even they to did not have an Indigenous Engine installed at the start.

Um i was told by a Pak member that this was a Point defense fighter a while back and that just stuck with me.

So what is it's role in the PAF then ? enlighten me

The LCA programme was launched in 1983 so yes i am correct....it takes around 10 years minimum to build a fighter by 27 years is a bit too long don't u you think specially given if it is not completely indigenous!!!

and as for JF-17 role well it will be the work horse of the PAF & being a multi-role fighter it will do everything a fighter/bomber can do...will be an interceptor,a bomber & a interdiction fighter...

i hope i was of some help ...have a look at the article it will help...

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex....
Indians guys please keep your LCA Trash out of this thread.You people like to take a **** where ever you go.
i dont know wether this would sound dumb but just out of curisity is it possible that in any rader chooese for jf-17 or for fc-20 can guide different orgin of weapons at the same time i.e chinese bvr with american aim-9x or sidewinder or any europian missile and guide a2g weapons of the same catagory(different orgin of manufacture)

if that possible i think this would be a versatile combination .
Indians guys please keep your LCA Trash out of this thread.You people like to take a **** where ever you go.

Hi Patriot. The LCA trash mentioned by you was started by a Pakistani, not an Indian. Please take the time and go through the last 2 pages before making generic comments. Thanks:cheers:
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