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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool



Tempest II
[quote="Tempest II,

The above is from Janes

ISSUU - Asian Military Review - March 2010 issue by AMR DSI ARMADA

In good old days in our co-ed college life, some naughty members of our group would pick the "boys who loved to boast" and dare them that they didn't have the willy or it was a "nilly" willy, and once in a while some idiots would fall for it and expose themselves only to have their under wears torn to pieces and snapped by hidden cameras.

The more intelligent ones responded with witty comments like "What does it matter to you" or "why are you concerned" or "Sorry I am not interested in you". this is how we should respond to apparent trolls we think don't believe us, in reality some of them are just trolling to incite us to expose ourselves.

Please respected members stop sharing sensitive information on these public forums just to counter some arguments from total nutjobs.
Please respected members stop sharing sensitive information on these public forums just to counter some arguments from total nutjobs.
Today is not the age that you need the help of espionage to steal the enemy plane like israelis and americans did in 60-70s and then study its flight characteristics. Most of the forces around the global pretty much know the characteristics of different aircrafts. The only difference is to judge the capability of weapons systems. For example being americans would be more inylterested in knowing the capabolities of adder BVR missile or the infrared and the capability of radar. But rest of the systems are more geared at flight safety and situational awareness. For example saber and mig17 roughly matched in manuvering and flight characteristics but the main advantage of saber over mig was that it had a radar ranging gunsight which did bulk of the work for the pilot. Mig had the advantage of having a devastating 37mm in additon to its twin 23mm. But even during the exhibitions chinese would be glad to provide details to potential buyers. So its kind of meaningless to hide things these days.

According to this official picture of Chinese govt C-802AK anti ship missile , according to janes report of 2013 C-802AKG is 280 km range stand of weapons. paPakistanave bought 50 for JF-17 which one is actually right ? ASM variant or C-802AKG variant
According to this official picture of Chinese govt C-802AK anti ship missile , according to janes report of 2013 C-802AKG is 280 km range stand of weapons. paPakistanave bought 50 for JF-17 which one is actually right ? ASM variant or C-802AKG variant

The Chinese designation for G.. is not for ground generally. G means "Gai" for improved.

He says the two countries still have an excellent working relationship, and notes that Pakistan sent a squadron of 18 JF-17s to a recent air combat exercise in western China.

Given the small size of the combat fighter, a fixed refuelling probe was found to be preferable to a retracting one. Pakistan uses the Ilyushin Il-78 to provide air-to-air refuelling for its fleet.

In December, Pakistan will begin taking delivery of 50 JF-17s configured in the Block II configuration. Beyond this, its air force has options to take its fleet of the type up to 150 or 200 aircraft. Additional improvements are foreseen in a planned Block III upgrade.

Mahmood adds that the air force is satisfied with the fighter's Klimov RD-93 engine. The powerplant can currently be operated for up to 800 flight hours between overhauls, but there is an effort under way to improve this.Mahmood reveals that the type has seen combat in western Pakistan, where it has employed both guided and unguided munitions.
Russia is to supply China with an additional batch of 100 Klimov RD-93 turbofan engines for the FC-1/JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft before the end of 2016, officials said at Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai.

The contract, signed between Rosoboronexport and Chinese officials, follows an original USD238 million contract for 100 engines concluded in 2005 and completed in 2010.

A joint venture between China and Pakistan, the JF-17 is currently only in Pakistan Air Force service.

The first contract for 100 RD-93s had an option for 400 more, which will be produced by Moscow-based machine-building plant Chernyshev, a division of the United Engines Corporation (UEC).

At Airshow China a high-ranking official in the Russian deputation confirmed that the fifth-generation Shenyang J-31/FC-31 is also equipped with the RD-93.

A UEC official also told IHS Jane's that the Russian company and the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) had signed an agreement to upgrade the RD-93. The agreement "comprises consecutive modernisation of the propulsion system in the area of increasing thrust and the arranging of the turbofans shipments to China", said the UEC official.

He did not specify when China would start to receive the upgraded RD-93. Under UEC's existing contract with CATIC the Russian company is to perform deliveries, designer supervision, maintenance, refurbishment, and assistance in organising the RD-93 overhaul for basic and export FC-1/JF-17 fighters.

Airshow China 2014: Russia to supply China with more RD-93 turbofans - IHS Jane's 360


**Upgrade Rd-93 for JF-17 Block III
**Overhaul facility for RD-93
**Possible Export
via farhan
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