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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

As far as I can judge, and I wrote it long time ago, this above is the first lay out towards redesign of block3. It will have WS13 engine (hence the different styling/lines on the tail, redesigning of the DSI bump to cope with different air volumes). The nose job could be AESA/stealthy ideology.I am pretty sure the area behind the cockpit will be altered. Probably same idea as block52. You get awful lot more room for electronics (needed for AESA and ECM) and fuel. Probably bigger wing fueltanks ans different AAM on the wingtip. The ECM on tail is maybe smaller.








Air International

December 2013; Vol. 85 No. 6
Pages: 40—47

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JF-17 production with China’s support

Pak contribution rises to 70pc in avionics

Mian Saifur Rehman
December 3, 2013

The Pakistani security apparatus and allied engineers not only produced the JF-17 Thunder prototype in a record period of two-and-a-half years as against a period of 8-9 years taken in the advanced world on the first model of a combat aircraft, they have also taken the Pakistani contribution in the avionics’ preparation to the optimum level of 70 per cent of the Pak-China joint endeavour and to a satisfactory figure of 58 per cent in the preparation of other essential components.

Talking to The News, Pakistani functionaries who had been working in commanding positions in the manufacture of the JF-17 Thunder disclosed that China’s cooperation has been efficiently reciprocated by Pakistani engineers and technicians whose talent has been acknowledged by Chinese scientists.

Given the high level of this talent, the JF-17 Thunder aircraft can be easily compared even with some highly efficient blocks/models of F-16 especially in the area of avionics. Avionics in fact has enabled the JF-17 planes to acquire considerable airpower edge over the adversary’s aircraft.

And in the area of acceleration forces that enable the aircraft to overcome the gravitational pull, JF-17 is a G-8 plane as compared with F-16 that is a G-9 plane (G denotes acceleration force applied against the Gravitational pull to lift the aircraft). In this manner, JF-17 is no less capable and efficient an aircraft than many advanced planes of the world.

While the credit for accomplishing this excellence goes primarily to the Chinese friends, the role of Pakistani engineers, technicians and officials has been equally remarkable as also acknowledged by the Chinese company Avic (China Aviation Import-Export Corporation).

One of the prime factors that provided fresh impetus to JF-17 co-production was the frequent visits of senior functionaries of PAF to different parts of the world to procure international specifications, including those matching with first-class American aviation standards that are rated as the best standards. It was due to these exclusive efforts of PAF seniors or their frequent visits to countries having soft corner for Pakistan that a G-8 aircraft was produced.

As for the difference between G-8 and G-9, that is only due to metallurgy in use of both China and Pakistan. According to sources, producing a G-8 aircraft was not an easy task too. For this purpose the PAF seniors also sought the technical assistance of experts of a Middle Eastern country that is not much friendly with Pakistan. That diplomatic overture of PAF did work well and the aircraft with many capabilities no less than most of the modern warplanes of the contemporary world came into production within a record, brief period of two to two-and-half years.

Chinese friends are happy over the vigorous input of Pakistani engineers and functionaries that they say has resulted in a big success of international level with export orders expected from many countries. Appreciation has been especially expressed for Pakistanis’ fine diplomacy and specification-collecting skills.

When The News posed a question what hope the people of Pakistan should pin on its pride co-production, JF-17 Thunder, the sources replied: “It is now one of the best and most reliable combat planes of the world as, apart from the G-8 versus G-9 factor, its radar range is 60 aeronautical miles which comes on a par with advanced international standards. Moreover, JF-17 is equipped with a far more advanced BVR system i.e. Beyond Visual Range system that gives it an edge over the enemy aircraft which it can hit from a considerable distance and move far away with full speed in a flash after firing the missile.

JF-17 production with China’s support - thenews.com.pk
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In Chinese classifications A is for improved, K is for air to surface, I am not sure about G. Maybe some Chinese member can help.
Interesting thing is that not only does CM-802AKG has greater range but also 95kg hacker warhead.

Not A, but G is for Gai, means improved, example is F-7P (G-ai)

CM-400AKG has a code name, "Wrecker" ;)
Is the top of the intake wider than the bottom? Or is this an optical illusion? DSI are always so bizarrely shaped. :-)
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According to sources, producing a G-8 aircraft was not an easy task too. For this purpose the PAF seniors also sought the technical assistance of experts of a Middle Eastern country that is not much friendly with Pakistan. That diplomatic overture of PAF did work well and the aircraft with many capabilities no less than most of the modern warplanes of the contemporary world came into production within a record, brief period of two to two-and-half years.

Well, well... Why can't we just say Israel?
updated some specs on page2-- please let me know if there are some more advancements

Guys this is not a discussions thread
People posting my stuff from info pool thread, jft vs gripen thread, pac the home of jft thread etc --- please have the common courtesy of crediting it to me... I dont mind if you use it without my consent as I like it when jft is explained on various platforms.... just dont pass my material as your own ---- the funny thing is that blind people [even think tanks on varous fora] thank them for the high standard of posting without even looking at my watermarks on the images :o:
how .....???

pls elaborate ...... pic shows 13-143 & 144 ....

i am only talking about the first pic or this pic

Reposting the PIC with 8-10 JF-17 in the assembly as seen in the background from the recent visit of Jordan airforce ACM visit to PAC

i am only talking about the first pic or this pic

Reposting the PIC with 8-10 JF-17 in the assembly as seen in the background from the recent visit of Jordan airforce ACM visit to PAC

But how you arrived at conclusion that they are JF - 17 blk 2? Are any changes visible?
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