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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

yes but its not r dartar its an upgraded version t dartar

there were strong rumours regarding T-darter and few sources such as P. Shamim who mentioned it few times but that was it. Do we need R/ T Darters when SD-10/A, AIM-120 is available and inducted?
there were strong rumours regarding T-darter and few sources such as P. Shamim who mentioned it few times but that was it. Do we need R/ T Darters when SD-10/A, AIM-120 is available and inducted?

both of them were not available at the time we heared about t/t dartar
system is already purchased and running on jf-17s, they have also got test equipment last year.

go to pg-57


They dont mention it in their report which is interesting. Considering that the equipment would be a significant purchase...or perhaps the ALR-400 is yet to be delivered and test equipment is arriving first. If you look at the transfer again, one can see the Rhode and Schwartz system(under R&S). I wonder what the carbon fibre bomb is ?.. and particularly the weapons and sensors purchased in 2008.
both of them were not available at the time we heared about t/t dartar

There was a particular missile within the PAF to be used with the ROSE-I mirages and F-16s(but was not possible without source codes). In the end it was limited to the Mirage ROSE and as such was slightly inferior to the AIM-120A.
On the note of the ALQ-200 which is more focused for breaking lock in STT mode....and the ALQ-200 is not the only service South Korea provides PAF.

However, at the same time.. they hold important offices in India.
I wonder what the carbon fibre bomb is ?.. and particularly the weapons and sensors purchased in 2008.

I cannot access the document. … … However carbon fibre bomb is likely to be “carbon filament bomb” used to short-circuit power grids. It disperses long filaments across powerlines causing them to shut down. They are a “soft” approach.

The Soft Bomb - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice
In war, one of the first things the Pentagon likes to do is turn out the lights. Along with liberal use of high explosives, it now does the job with a cluster bomb whose canisters spin out a payload that looks much like angel hair—the fine fibrous stuff you used to find in packets of itching powder as a child.
This classified weapon has been called the "blackout" or "soft" bomb, the latter because it doesn't explode with a big bang or tear people to bits outright while going about its business. Whether it is actually harmless is still a matter for debate. The Pentagon, you see, won't talk about it much, and the only pictures of the thing seem to come from former Yugoslavia, where it was used to destroy Serbia's power grid in 1999.
The bomb works by spraying a large cloud of tiny carbon filaments into the air over electrical generation facilities, switching stations, and high-voltage wires. Like paper clips stuck in a wall socket, the filaments cause arcing and short circuits on contact. The onslaught of sparking, melting, and electrical fire is apparently more than enough to cause the collapse of a nation's power system.
both of them were not available at the time we heared about t/t dartar

True that, those were truely desperate times.

But the South Africans were looking for a joint venture (risk sharing) for the development of a modified variant which would have cost us millions piled with a prolonged development schedule. No news on this T-Darter variant since then. It could be there with PAF Mirages but is anyones guess.

A two-seat model of the Chengdu FC-1 was displayed at the 2013 Paris Air Show, where FAdeA officials said discussions towards the first co-production of a modern Chinese fighter in Latin America had begun, but 'technology transfer' issues were a point of contention. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen

The potential for Argentine co-production of the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) FC-1/JF-17 multirole combat aircraft, an initiative by Argentina's Ministry of Defence (MoD) and FAdeA (Fabrica Argentina de Aviones), has raised some concerns among the Air Force command, local sources told IHS Jane's .

Some officials are worried the industrial project, if approved, could derail the potential for acquiring a number of second-hand Dassault Mirage F-1M aircraft from the Spanish government to replace older Mirage aircraft in Argentine service that are due for retirement by the end of the year.

According to sources in Buenos Aires, the number of high performance combat aircraft currently in service with the air force, mainly Mirages and A-4AR Skyhawks, amounts to "fewer than two digits" per type, which is less of a third of the more modern fighter-bombers deployed by neighbouring countries such as Chile or Brazil.

Argentine Air Force officials cautious of Chengdu FC-1 co-production
Argentine Air Force officials cautious of Chengdu FC-1 co-production - IHS Jane's 360
ALR-400 leading edge proven wide-band
digital technology brings enhanced survivability
in today’s operating theatre. A high reliability
open architecture and versatile ground
support tools also provide simple installation,
reduced life cycle costs, increased operational
availability and equipment sovereignty


Bringing maximum survivability in today’s operating theatres;
ALR-400 has been designed to ensuremaximum survivability in today’s complexhigh density environment by means ofimproved situation awareness in thepresence of an increasing number andsophistication of radar systems. ALR-400performs with complex waveforms such asfrequency agile pulse-Doppler radars,in high pulse densities and detecting faintdistant signals in the presence of strongnearby transmitters. Indra’s radar warningreceiver is suited for all missions, for bothlow altitude - short range and high altitude- long range engagements

Incorporating the latest wide-band digital technology;
ALR-400 incorporates proven leading edgewide band digital reception. High speeddigitization techniques and sophisticatedparallel process algorithms addressing bothreal time and frequency domainsallow for precise minimal false alarm pulse to pulse parameter measurements.The high processing throughput ensuresperformances in high pulse densities aswell as keeping a low latency for rapidresponse and thus effectively supportingcountermeasures. This technology results in a simpler architecture, providingoutstanding performances and maximisingthe probability of intercept while givingaway the need for any collaborative narrowband receivers or dedicated devices

Built on a proven, high reliability and flexible COTS based open architecture;
Through a reduced parts count andan intensive use of COTS, includingprogrammable processors, combined witha rapid COTS insertion approach, ALR-400has an improved reliability, low life cyclecosts and enhanced supportability. An openarchitecture provides for modular isolatedstandard interfaces, such as MIL-STD-1553B, communications serial port, USB,ARINC-429 and 100BaseT fast ethernet.The radar warner processor can host thedefence aid computer (DAC) functionenabling control and integration,by means of its multiple Interfaces, ofinfrared, electronic attack and decoycountermeasures as well as missile andlaser warning. Its modular approach andaircraft network software independencerenders ALR-400 with unprecedentedscalability for evolving threats and minimalchange cross-platform compatibility alreadyproven on board:

EF-18 fighterTIGER attack helicopterC-295 cargo and maritime patrol aircraft A400M transport aircraftSuper Puma transport helicopterChinook transport helicopterMirage F-1 fighterB-200 transport aircraftF-27 transport aircraftC-101 training aircraftCougar transport helicopterCH53 Transport HelicopterNH90 Multipurpose Helicopter

Equipment sovereignty supported by ground testing and threat library management system;
ALR-400 can be supported with Indraground support test, post flight analysis,and threat library management systems.Indra’s electronic warfare ground supportsystems provide end testing, complete reprogramming of separately loadable userdata files, library generation andevaluation, as well as detailed post-missionanalysis tools for recorded data down tointra-pulse level. Indra can thus provide full equipment sovereignty, allowing end usersto operate, maintain and upgrade ALR-400independently

Main feature;
Effective early warning in modern scenariosWide band digital reception and processingtechnologyPulse to pulse frequency measurement,including intra-pulse modulationcharacteristicsMulti continuous wave scenarios and LPIradar detection capabilities Reduced part count and intensive useof COTSImproved reliability, low life cycle costs andenhanced supportabilityOpen architecture with modular isolatedstandard interfacesControl and integration of a full self-protection suite Emitter library, mission file and flight storeddata upload and downloadFull equipment sovereignty, allowing endusers to independently operate, maintainand upgrade

ALR-400RAdARWARningReceiveR Indra


I guess the BM/KJ-8602 RWR and BM/KJ-8602A RWR. are for older a/c
Mirage and f7s

ALR-400 leading edge proven wide-band
digital technology brings enhanced survivability
in today’s operating theatre. A high reliability
open architecture and versatile ground
support tools also provide simple installation,
reduced life cycle costs, increased operational
availability and equipment sovereignty


Bringing maximum survivability in today’s operating theatres;
ALR-400 has been designed to ensuremaximum survivability in today’s complexhigh density environment by means ofimproved situation awareness in thepresence of an increasing number andsophistication of radar systems. ALR-400performs with complex waveforms such asfrequency agile pulse-Doppler radars,in high pulse densities and detecting faintdistant signals in the presence of strongnearby transmitters. Indra’s radar warningreceiver is suited for all missions, for bothlow altitude - short range and high altitude- long range engagements

Incorporating the latest wide-band digital technology;
ALR-400 incorporates proven leading edgewide band digital reception. High speeddigitization techniques and sophisticatedparallel process algorithms addressing bothreal time and frequency domainsallow for precise minimal false alarm pulse to pulse parameter measurements.The high processing throughput ensuresperformances in high pulse densities aswell as keeping a low latency for rapidresponse and thus effectively supportingcountermeasures. This technology results in a simpler architecture, providingoutstanding performances and maximisingthe probability of intercept while givingaway the need for any collaborative narrowband receivers or dedicated devices

Built on a proven, high reliability and flexible COTS based open architecture;
Through a reduced parts count andan intensive use of COTS, includingprogrammable processors, combined witha rapid COTS insertion approach, ALR-400has an improved reliability, low life cyclecosts and enhanced supportability. An openarchitecture provides for modular isolatedstandard interfaces, such as MIL-STD-1553B, communications serial port, USB,ARINC-429 and 100BaseT fast ethernet.The radar warner processor can host thedefence aid computer (DAC) functionenabling control and integration,by means of its multiple Interfaces, ofinfrared, electronic attack and decoycountermeasures as well as missile andlaser warning. Its modular approach andaircraft network software independencerenders ALR-400 with unprecedentedscalability for evolving threats and minimalchange cross-platform compatibility alreadyproven on board:

EF-18 fighterTIGER attack helicopterC-295 cargo and maritime patrol aircraft A400M transport aircraftSuper Puma transport helicopterChinook transport helicopterMirage F-1 fighterB-200 transport aircraftF-27 transport aircraftC-101 training aircraftCougar transport helicopterCH53 Transport HelicopterNH90 Multipurpose Helicopter

Equipment sovereignty supported by ground testing and threat library management system;
ALR-400 can be supported with Indraground support test, post flight analysis,and threat library management systems.Indra’s electronic warfare ground supportsystems provide end testing, complete reprogramming of separately loadable userdata files, library generation andevaluation, as well as detailed post-missionanalysis tools for recorded data down tointra-pulse level. Indra can thus provide full equipment sovereignty, allowing end usersto operate, maintain and upgrade ALR-400independently

Main feature;
Effective early warning in modern scenariosWide band digital reception and processingtechnologyPulse to pulse frequency measurement,including intra-pulse modulationcharacteristicsMulti continuous wave scenarios and LPIradar detection capabilities Reduced part count and intensive useof COTSImproved reliability, low life cycle costs andenhanced supportabilityOpen architecture with modular isolatedstandard interfacesControl and integration of a full self-protection suite Emitter library, mission file and flight storeddata upload and downloadFull equipment sovereignty, allowing endusers to independently operate, maintainand upgrade

ALR-400RAdARWARningReceiveR Indra

A couple of days ago there was an exchange on the versions of C-802 missiles. I.e. the land attack vs the anti-ship, and which one the JF-17 carries. The Dubai 2013 display had the C-802AKG. The poster from Zhuhai 2012 has the C-802A and JF-17. The "A" is anti-ship. The AKG with land attack and antiship.




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In Chinese classifications A is for improved, K is for air to surface, I am not sure about G. Maybe some Chinese member can help.
Interesting thing is that not only does CM-802AKG has greater range but also 95kg hacker warhead.
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