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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Is it for an airborne aesa or ground based?

Just for the reference, while disclosed in 2019.
Just for the reference, while disclosed in 2019.
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I remember this poster as well as the discussion on the research on aesa radars in it's infancy.
Reason I have little trust in the brochures like that are since we more often than not will showcase things being produced under license instead of an indeginous product.
Ground based aesa radars are imo easier to manufacture vs airborne ones, due to their size, power requirements etc, so if Pakistan truly was to make its own, I'd imagine we would see it first mounted on a truck etc.
I could be wrong but I wouldn't hold my breath either on us producing a full fledged aesa for fighters. I temper my expectations now 🙂.
Still if we are producing specific components of the radar and improving upon those, that is still a step in the right direction.
The JF-17 Block III could be a major export success for Pakistan if the Pakistan could invest or find private sectors to invest in developing an ejection seats and avionics in collaboration with European companies.

NESCOM and TAI collaboration is a great start for private sectors. In my opinion, Pakistan could look towards European companies (TAI, Aselsan, Saab, Leonardo, BAE and Thales ) to develop avionics for JF-17 as described by this article. https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2...to-manufacturer-parts-for-turkish-anka-drone/

Even Hanwha Systems and LIG Nex1 would be good choice for Pakistan instead of China. I know Pakistan has a long standing relationship with China. Having said that there is no harm diversifying that relationship and remove dependency.

This is exactly Indonesia, Malasysia and India are doing right now. If you dependent one vendor, chances are very high that the vendor will screw you, for example, Bangladesh is screwed big time for going to China and Russia. Now India is screwing them too. This is why Malaysia recently avoided a contract with Rosoboronexport to procure MiG-29M2.

Pakistan is no Argentina, Chances are very high that BAE Systems or Saab would happy to collaborate with Pakistan if Pakistan offers a lucrative deal. All European companies will take the bait if they see the opportunity is significant enough for them not to listen to government or lobby to their government. Just for the record, BAE supplied large weapons to Saudis violating their legislation passed by parliament.

French President simply ignored the questions from human rights group and authorized sales of Rafale to Egypt. 30 additional Rafale order is too significant to ignore. Did you see how Italian government is bending over to UAE, after UAE asked their soldiers to leave UAE. Leonardo is hurting after Italy imposed sanction on UAE. Leonardo wants their government to fix the problem.

By looking at this forum, (Mod edit: totally uncalled for). I am being rational at what JF-17 could do in terms of the vacuum in the markets.

Bro unless we want to sell it into the European markets the chances of that are extremely low. After the refusal of French government to sell us avionics and radars due to the Indian pressure we have learned our lesson. This plane from the inception is meant to be sanctions free and this is the road we are going to be following for the foreseeable future. Our plane is not like a fancy Rafale, we all accept that however our tiger will hold its ground against any adversary for a long time to come and our skies will never be empty to defend us due to the spare part shortages. Chinese companies even if they (and its a big if) have screwed us, but bottom line is they never ever have denied us the parts while Western countries held us from our balls and denying us items took it to the different level. If I recall UK denied us basic safety items for Lynx choppers when we were under sanctions due to our nuclear tests and it was in no way was increasing those machines capabilities.
US and Western countries for far too long had kept one foot on our neck to keep us down and blackmailed us into doing their dirty deeds. If its up to the Western countries we should be sitting alongside the Bhutan and Nepal in the pecking order in the South Asia and our security issues would have been addressed in the Indian capital. For all the admiration of newer block of F 16's and F 15's Chinese planes may not be pretty but they do fly and they do fire back if challenged. We can only be interested in integrating Western avionics as long as its 100% produced in our country not assembled so this time round West can't put foot on our tail. Once our economy picks up and once we had enough JF 17 in good numbers then PAF may pick and choose different items and certainly at this moment in time we want to get our basics right instead of falling for the shinning items and going on the wild goose chase.
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Bro unless we want to sell it into the European markets the chances of that are extremely low. After the refusal of French government to sell us avionics and radars due to the Indian pressure we have learned our lesson. This plane from the inception is meant to be sanctions free and this is the road we are going to be following for the foreseeable future. Our plane is not like a fancy Rafale, we all accept that however our tiger will hold its ground against any adversary for a long time to come and our skies will never be empty to defend us due to the spare part shortages. Chinese companies may have screwed us at times but bottom line is they never ever have denied us the parts while Western countries held us from our balls and denying us items took it to the different level. If I recall UK denied us basic safety items for Lynx choppers when we were under sanctions due to our nuclear tests and it was in no way was increasing those machines capabilities.
US and Western countries for far too long had kept one foot on our neck to keep us down and blackmailed us into doing their dirty deeds. If its up to the Western countries we should be sitting alongside the Bhutan and Nepal in the pecking order in the South Asia and our security issues would have been addressed in the Indian capital. For all the admiration of newer block of F 16's and F 15's Chinese planes may not be pretty but they do fly and they do fire back if challenged. We can only be interested in integrating Western avionics as long as its 100% produced in our country not assembled so this time round West can't put foot on our tail. Once our economy picks up and once we had enough JF 17 in good numbers then PAF may pick and choose different items and certainly at this moment in time we want to get our basics right instead of falling for the shinning items and going on the wild goose chase.

Question how has the Chinese companies screwed us in the past quality wise, etc?
Questions asked from former air force Chief Sohail Aman on twitter space 2 days ago:
How would you rate JF 17 block 1 to 3 and J10c out of 10 numbers. His answer was.
JF 17 block 1& 2: 6/10
JF17 block 3 : 8/10
J10c : 8.5/10
and also said he would buy more JF17 block 3 instead of j10c and number of JF17 will go beyond 50 and all block 1&2 will be upgraded to block 3 standard.

The PAF always had a roadmap to upgrade all previous blocks to Block III standard. Not to start another Block III vs J-10C debate, but the risk/reward profile is marginal at best.
Difference in mounting of the Block 3 vs Block 2. ... interesting the plate/slot fits in with the LKF601E AESA radar ( I have been re-educated by men in black suites and glasses) ... the plate fits the KLJ-7A
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Majority of you agreed to this.....
Now where has KLJ-7A parachuted in the conversation again ?
1:- is the klj7a going to be integrated on later blocks ( possibly even some larger version for azm ) ?
2:- is it the radar of B3 or LKF601E ?
B with liquid cooling pipe?
View attachment 776813
only thing I am skeptical about liquid cooling is the absence of second part of plumbing of liquid cooling cycle .... I mean there must be 2 pipes 1 one to take liquid into heat exchanger and the other part to take the heated liquid out

2P-80B (620)[5-9-2021]-2e-1a.jpg

Plz also Note Plumbing Arrangement is not entering into nose section but tilting downward.

Commander Iraqi Air Force Major General (Pilot) Shihab Jahid Ali Shakarchi,Visit to PAC[13Octo...jpg
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