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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Now, if we take a look at the recently released images, it is obvious that the re-design is in the arrangement of internal components, not the shape of the nose itself. This pic was initially posted by @Dazzler

Thanks, in fact this sentence is most important since - even clear for most of us here since the first images of a Block 3 appeared - some still interpret each and every image as some sort of larger, stealthy or LO "nose"!
Thanks, in fact this sentence is most important since - even clear for most of us here since the first images of a Block 3 appeared - some still interpret each and every image as some sort of larger, stealthy or LO "nose"!

Haha, my comment was specifically about the overhauled number 08-108. It is possible that my eyes misled me. And it is also possible that 08-108 is very special and is being used to test out new ideas.
Questions asked from former air force Chief Sohail Aman on twitter space 2 days ago:
How would you rate JF 17 block 1 to 3 and J10c out of 10 numbers. His answer was.
JF 17 block 1& 2: 6/10
JF17 block 3 : 8/10
J10c : 8.5/10
and also said he would buy more JF17 block 3 instead of j10c and number of JF17 block 3 will go beyond 50 and all block 1&2 will be upgraded to block 3 standard.
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It will be another treat to watch Block-III with BVRs on Dual Rack Pylons.
The Ra'ad is also an old ALCM design, even by our standards. The design traits of the Ra'ad-2 (e.g., 'X'-tail) seem to point towards JF-17 integration (eventually).


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Come on @JamD, this is a challenge for you!
A. The debate about this has gotten very toxic and now involves egos so I want to stay away.
B. If there are any changes, they are small enough that they can only be confirmed through an official statement or official three views so no pixel counting will help.
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A. The debate about this has gotten very toxic and now involves egos so I want to stay away.
B. If there are any changes, they are small enough that they can only be confirmed through an official statement or official three views so no pixel counting will help.

This debate has turned very stupid to be honest from fuel tanks behind green panels to don't know what else.
I am just curious we know that jf-17 dual racks are cleared for 227kg or 500 lb MK or pk-82 but what about 600 lbs gbu12 which are little heavier , we have not seen dual rack carrying gbu-12 except in dcs ;)
Hybrid. Air/Fuel sink.

The new argument came as some sort of hybrid cooling. I was replying to the member specifically in line with that alleged piping goes under cockpit towards nose/front section. However, a question just kicks in that, by looking at shoae and space of Block-III front section and the Technical details you might know about hybrid cooling for an AESA, what do you suggest? A simple Liquid cooled KLJ7A or the hybrid one?????

But, but I must say that we are already up-to a home made AESA be it with the help of friends still ours by many aspects.
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