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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

u think military watch magazine is fake site??
"Military Watch Is A Leading Provider Of Reliable And Insightful Analysis Into Military Affairs Across The World. These Include Events On The Battlefield In Various Warzones, Strategic Events In Regions Of Military Tension And New Technologies Developed Or Inducted Into Service. Military Related News Is Also Covered. Unpartisan Coverage Is Critical To Understanding Military Related Developments, And With Many Major Sources Lacking In Such Coverage, Military Watch Seeks To Provide This Service. Our Coverage Is Neither Western Centric, Anti Western Or Else Aligned With Any Particularly Nation, Cause Or Ideology. At A Time When Unprecedented Shifts In Global Balance Of Power And Changes In The Way War Is Fought Are Taking Place, We Seek To Portray Events Objectively In Their Relevant Regional Or Global Contexts."

Using red font colour wouldn't prove anything. That picture is fake and also, while posting a new thread; it will be appreciated to shared detailed analysis, shared substance as a reason to create thread instead of one liner comment & a single picture. Defence megazine or not; fake will be treated as fake.

u think military watch magazine is fake site??
"Military Watch Is A Leading Provider Of Reliable And Insightful Analysis Into Military Affairs Across The World. These Include Events On The Battlefield In Various Warzones, Strategic Events In Regions Of Military Tension And New Technologies Developed Or Inducted Into Service. Military Related News Is Also Covered. Unpartisan Coverage Is Critical To Understanding Military Related Developments, And With Many Major Sources Lacking In Such Coverage, Military Watch Seeks To Provide This Service. Our Coverage Is Neither Western Centric, Anti Western Or Else Aligned With Any Particularly Nation, Cause Or Ideology. At A Time When Unprecedented Shifts In Global Balance Of Power And Changes In The Way War Is Fought Are Taking Place, We Seek To Portray Events Objectively In Their Relevant Regional Or Global Contexts."

Yes it is. It is nothing but an unreliable hyping click-bait-searching site with IMO ZERO credibility.

They are presenting photoshopped faked images as facts, present rumours and speculations as facts ... simpyl forget this piece of BS.
BLK III would look something like this
block-3 will be certainly a fat one , if it want want to carry PL-15 and Rad cruise Missile

It is expected to carry an improved airframe, possibly further reduced RCS.

BLK III would looks something like this

No it is not, it will not and again I do not understand why you guys do not make your homework. From all reliable posts we know it will externally be more or less the same as the Block 2.

It will not be enlarged, it will not have a wider span, a longer fuselage or use a super-duper WS-10 or AL-31FXY, it will not have more hardpoints but it will be an evolutionary design evolved from the Block 2 most of all featuring an AESA.

I guess i'll have to wait till 2021 to see the Block III (in person) at the Dubai Airshow. Will have to settle for Block II later this year.

Any of the UAE guys attending it?
Wait till september-Oct. You will have all your answers. Mirages are well-kept & maintained. I dont have a particular liking for mirages for its turbine. They are in for replacement.
I agree wishes for j10s, j11, su35 are a bit juvenile. But what worries me is: what is the replacement for our mirages eventually? They are potent as you said but they cannot go on forever. And we have a lineup of weapons such as AlCMs SOWs etc that can only be carried by Mirages only. Is the current jf17 upto the task and as capable as mirages - I dont think so. Block 3 is a major upgrade in avionics etc, but I doubt it will have any upgrades in strike capabilities to make it equivalent of mirages.
So the question is what is the plan for mirages and all the lineup of ALCMs and SOWs carried by Mirages only? That is where I think J10 can come into the picture unless 1) we are confident of FGF comming online soon in next 10 years OR 2) we have a plan to have certain versions of jf17 down the line that can be as capable as mirages for strike - would like some expert opinion on this @Oscar @messiach @Bilal Khan 777
Wait till september-Oct. You will have all your answers. Mirages are well-kept & maintained. I dont have a particular liking for mirages for its turbine. They are in for replacement.

You have previously hinted about the strike variant of Thunder. I will take this as further confirmation. Shall we look forward to Thunder in Delta wings and frontal canards?
Do not think that Pakistan will be adding any more JF-17 squadrons this year.

All the JF-17s produced this year will be for Myanmar(16) and Nigeria(3).

Block 3 is likely to go into production this year and the first squadron raised next year.

I think PAF is quite able to handle IAF as it has 100 JF-17s and 70-80 F-16s.

The reason for only 100 JF-17s being produced so far may be due to the fact that the PAF wanted to save resources so that it can order many more Block 3s as those are far more capable with AESA radar, more powerful engine and can integrate the latest Chinese WVR and BVR AAMs. Pakistan could easily build 150 Block 3 aircraft by 2025.

Building 150 block 3 by 2025???

Do you think we have a transformers technology?

PAF is mostly likely not getting any more JF-17 block-2 , in mid of this year we might see first prototype of Block 3 , and than serial production will start . @messiach madam ji Ap kahan gaye ?

As for as JF-17 block 3 is concerned, We haven’t even seen the mock-up. I was hoping to see it this month but some Chinese members are saying that China will not reveal that. So block 3 mock-up May already been build.

Here is the estimated time line of the block 3
2019-2020: 1st prototype will be build.

2020: it will go through extensive testing. If the testing is all good then it will go into limited production. If something is missing or enhancements is required, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th prototype will be build.

2020-2021: If everything goes as plan then it will go through testing phase of the prototype before it goes into limited production (3 to 4).

2021-2022: limited production : flying testing

2023: serial production /induction ceremony.

Those who are dreaming that we will have squadron of block 3 by 2020 are not fooling anyone but themselves.
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