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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

5th generation fighter aircraft which is part of AZM project is still 8 to 10 years away. JF-17 block 3 won’t go into production until serial 2021 or 2022. We should have 40 to 50 block 3 by 2025.
While enemies on west (India) and east(1,2,3) are ready to attack any time, Pakistan army can not wait for years for JF-17 Block 3 production .
Pakistan Goverment and Army chief must buy fifth generation,stealth, fighter jet from China,Russia,Sweeden or any other European country. Minimum of 60 jet fighters.
Ok sir! Abi hazir huwe 5th Generation Stealth with 500km Stealth BVR missiles :lol:
Pak can buy Chengdu J-20 from China and other from Russia. Russia has offered it arm markets open to Pakistan. Many countries like Morrocco,south americans are buying those.
The points i'm trying to highlight are multiple plus that not all acquisitions and upgrades can be done simultaneously.

Think about it, PAF has added 5 JF-17 squadrons and 1 F-16 Squadron from Jordan into inventory apart from SPADA 2000 AD system. This amounts to around 115-120 aircrafts since 2010. JF-17's were not built for free, neither F-16 ADF were acquired for free. Project Azm is also going side by side. So when someone stands up and starts saying that where did funds go? maybe we should ask from where did the funds come to buy these 100+ aircrafts. Maybe when some Indian member starts speaking about economics of Pakistan and no funds to buy new aircrafts, he should be reminded that PAF has bought these aircrafts from allotted funds , so PAF is not cash stripped, its thrifty. This is actually something that bothers IAF alot- PAF replacing older aircrafts swiftly as well as raising new squadrons in past decade, while IAF is short of sanctioned squadrons. Those members want to know where did the funds of PAF go after earthquake, should realize that PAF didn't replace older aircrafts neither raised these 6 squadrons for free.

In all totality, PAF also added 32 new and used F-16's since 2010, which were part of FMF. So thats an addition of 150 fighter aircrafts in past 10 years or so. These 32 aircrafts are concessional or funded.

Honestly, PAF has done more than enough but members here want more. J-11, J-16, SU-35, F-16 V, JH-7B, J-10C....the appetite is non-ending. If IAF is going for a shopping spree,it should not insecure members here that PAF should do the same. Has this thinking pattern generated from seeing different planned inductions of IAF ? modernization of F-16's and new blocks coming out ? 5th gen aircraft R&D by few countries ike ROK, Turkey etc ?

Do JF-17 and F-16 start to seem meager in front of Rafale ? They also didnt seem enough in front of 240 SU-30 MKI's. And then there are Mig-29's and Mirage-2000's and Tejas. With so many types, even then Rafale is needed for IAF. This arms race is never ending. F-16 MLU and F-16 Block 52+ pose a real headache to IAF already. The way PAF deploys these F-16's and IAF will never sit tight even after acquiring Rafale. IAF will next ask for 5th gen aircraft and upgrades for Rafale and Tejas or SU 30 MKI. IAF is already looking for more Mirage 2000's. After that IAF would want 6th gen aircraft. Do you see who is insecure here ? IAF, not PAF.

The PAF Mirage-III and Mirage-V are under rated; old, obsolete, nearing end life, requiring replacement, crash rate going high ! The same Mirage carries ALCM and a major weapon payload which makes F-16 envious. I don't doubt that these need replacement, yes they do,but striking them off from the book is a mistake most members make here, IAF knows these are lethal and potent aircrafts. These Mirages just visited India recently and arrived back unscathed, but the feeling of a brand new bird in PAF give a security, a relief to hearts, doesn't it ? Whenever a Mirage or F-7 crash takes place, shouting on PDF starts for J-10, SU 35, JH-7B.

There are 4 squadrons of F-16's, apart from Aggressor Squadron. These are hard pressed to conduct all types of roles. Air superiority, air defence, escort, interdiction, ground strikes, tactical attack and Naval strike if necessary. The main concern for them is sanctions, non up gradation and non acquisition however PAF seems content with their performance. There was a time when Indian members here used to say Mig-21 Bison can take out PAF F-16's easily. Times have changed. PAF and PAF's F-16 are not the same. The mechanically steered Pulse Doppler radar of F-16 has proved effective against Passive electrically steered Pulse Doppler radar of SU 30 MKI. The Israeli Elta M8222 jamming pod of Mig-21 Bison was a no show. The under-rated DRFM of F-16 came up on top. The Link-16 system worked effectively Erieye AWAC's and DA-20 EW aircraft. The ALQ-213 EW system combined with ALE-47 CM system installed in F-16's proved its potency. PAF will still strive to upgrade its F-16's or acquire more, since F-16's versatility for up gradation makes it a suitable candidate for further induction.

PAF could have gone ahead and paid the asked amount for more F-16's, yet it chose to replace older F-7's with newer JF-17's and that is money well spent. While IAF advertises more and more about future induction, PAF is not hampered by an aircraft like Tejas which has no certain future in IAF. JF-17 has a potential for upgrade just like F-16 and PAF will exploit if through Block III.
I agree wishes for j10s, j11, su35 are a bit juvenile. But what worries me is: what is the replacement for our mirages eventually? They are potent as you said but they cannot go on forever. And we have a lineup of weapons such as ALCMs SOWs etc that can be carried by Mirages only right now. Is the current jf17 up to the task and as capable as mirages - I dont think so. Block 3 is a major upgrade in avionics etc, but I doubt it will have any upgrades in strike capabilities that can make it equivalent of mirages.
So the question is what is the plan for mirages and all the lineup of ALCMs and SOWs carried by Mirages only? That is where I think J10 can come into the picture unless: 1) we are confident of FGF comming online soon in next 10 years Or 2) we have a plan for a version of jf17 down the line that can be as capable as mirages in strike role - would like some opinion on this @Oscar @messiach @Bilal Khan 777
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Source: Miltary Magzine
art work , pic been there since block 1
block 3 is already final and will be operational this year
Allah poochay, gareeb insan ko istarhan ka chaskay lagga ka tarsattay ho.
Nothing special or drastically different than original JF17 except the twin vertical or V-tail... image made by some fan, it has no engineering or real world value. I can seen better fan art than this suggesting a stealth version

According to reports it will look like a single seat JF-17 B.
IF you remove that extra seat from B,you will get BLOCK III which doesn't seem exciting :(
According to reports it will look like a single seat JF-17 B.
IF you remove that extra seat from B,you will get BLOCK III which doesn't seem exciting :(

Who cares about design and looks. It could be the ugliest thing out there as long as it is a decent leap forward which it is.
This image has been floating on the internet for years.. Naaah, Block-III airframe would look exactly like previous blocks apart from a few minor changes in dimension.
militarywatchmagazine.com is authentic website.
What if when DG ISPR said "we will surprise you" he also meant with the new JF17 design :lol: until we actually see the block 3, we can dream :yes4:

According to reports it will look like a single seat JF-17 B.
IF you remove that extra seat from B,you will get BLOCK III which doesn't seem exciting :(

Yup, this is most likely.
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