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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

frame is more heavier and engine is more powerful.
There has been more reinforcements in wings and extra space created for fuel.
Payload is going to increase. Blk 3 require every test from scratch.

Democrazy happened. Don't expect Pakistan to deliver same amount under a politicians as compare to a professional, e.g. military general.
No i dont think that ... increase in weight of airframe will not have that much of impact as we saw that center of gravity was adjusted by alongation of tail ... but overall aerodynamics will remain same
Will its flight characteristics ( I am talking about single seater B 3) have an improvement over present block 2 or will we see a decrease as trade off in order to put in more tech inside the jet?
What trade-off!! Blocks are build under assimilation, relegation & redundancy.
No i dont think that ... increase in weight of airframe will not have that much of impact as we saw that center of gravity was adjusted by alongation of tail ... but overall aerodynamics will remain same
In any case test before the design and after the design ought to be done to qualify for local international certifications.
Will its flight characteristics ( I am talking about single seater B 3) have an improvement over present block 2 or will we see a decrease as trade off in order to put in more tech inside the jet?
this is exactly my question
the laundry list is large including AESA radar, additional avionics and PL15 missile. etc which wont be possible within the current frame of the jet and without sacrificing / trading something else

What trade-off!! Blocks are build under assimilation, relegation & redundancy.
educate me please what do you mean by these three terms

Thank you for your post---. There is a reason for the JF17's canopy designed as it is---.

The F16 type bubble canopy is expensive---it flexes at close to Mach2 speed---. It also reflects back heat signature.

The F16 canopy design was from the late 60's early 70's---gave a great view for the piulot---.

But with due to modern sensors that are mounted all around the aircraft---the modern pilot has electronic eyes available looking away from the aircraft and informing the pilot what is around in the arena---. So the bubble type of canopy is not needed---.

The JF17 is a successful design---the only option open should be to do a Grippen E type upgrade---.
thanks for explanation about canopy

please indulge us on the proposed upgrade
I will in the meantime check out Grippen specs

It's smaller sized AESA.
smaller size AESA and a moer powerful engine performance. I like the sound of that
great combination
we might get away with stuffing everything in the same frame then
Baloch SB. Assimilation is where modular elements can be merged under one SysCall eliminating redundancy. Relegation is where element is removed from SysCall eg FADeC. This is how one block transitions to next, similar to falcons, gripen.

this is exactly my question
the laundry list is large
educate me please what do you mean by these three terms
Q. Will the Block III require HMS (at all)?

Q. Has there been any talk of what type of HMS (Helmet Mounted System) the PAF decided on for the Block III?

Q. Can Elbit Systems be integrated with the Block III...?

Q. Do the Chinese have their own HMS doesn't look like (below) this?!!

Baloch SB. Assimilation is where modular elements can be merged under one SysCall eliminating redundancy. Relegation is where element is removed from SysCall eg FADeC. This is how one block transitions to next, similar to falcons, gripen.
raaaight (you just lost me completely )
apology for asking I will look it up in plain English
raaaight (you just lost me completely )
apology for asking I will look it up in plain English

In going from Block 2 to Block 3, you need to add (read assimilate) new electronic components. The different components talk to each other via electrical wiring that is called system bus. The act of integrating a new device with system bus is assimilation. Relegation is where you allow a component to take over control, for example, a new Full Authority Digital Electronic Control FADEC engine that interacts with flight control surfaces. And redundancy can mean removing something, or having multiple components able to perform similar functions, so they can take over if one fails.
In going from Block 2 to Block 3, you need to add (read assimilate) new electronic components. The different components talk to each other via electrical wiring that is called system bus. The act of integrating a new device with system bus is assimilation. Relegation is where you allow a component to take over control, for example, a new Full Authority Digital Electronic Control FADEC engine that interacts with flight control surfaces. And redundancy can mean removing something, or having multiple components able to perform similar functions, so they can take over if one fails.
thank you
what is sensor fusion? is it bigger concept than on board components taking to other remote assets on ground air and sea or something different
thank you
what is sensor fusion? is it bigger concept than on board components taking to other remote assets on ground air and sea or something different

It is a buzz word that can imply whatever the manufacturer intends to imply. But let's focus on the F-35.

It's radar picks up targets and located them in space time. At the same time, its IR sensors are also locating targets in real time. It's RWR is also locating threats in real time. Sensor fusion is the ability to collate all this data and present it in one unified view. On the F-35, the sensor suite combines all this with the visual spectrum. The pilot has a kind of virtual reality view of the world.
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