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Jews in Gujarat to receive minority status soon

This is in torah and bible not in Quran

But nice to know how You think.

Duly noted

Whatever is in Quran is an internal matter of Islam.

My thinking is as good as your provocation and choice of words.
Whatever is in Quran is an internal matter of Islam.

My thinking is as good as your provocation and choice of words.

I did Not provoke.

I asked if the government will have control over syllabus in the greater good of the Community.

Your paranoia is not my debt
Sure take you time!

I am perplexed with "state only" recognition of minorities. Maybe there is a different thought process working in India, but normally one would think that a minority should have equal rights throughout the jurisdiction of the Federation.

Let me give it a shot

Besides the gazetted minorities which include Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians (Parsis) and Jains notified as minority communities as notified by GOI in Gazette , the principal rationale for State-specific minorities rests on the idea that the linguistic reorganisation of States necessitates that they be treated as the basic unit for determination of minorities. As both linguistic and religious minorities are covered under Article 30, both sets of minorities have to be State-specific. The linguistic reorganisation of States meant that, for the purpose of Article 30, linguistic minorities had to be determined in relation to the State because their language was not one of the official languages; other minorities are those whose mother tongue is an official language but who live outside the State(s) where the language is official.

A religious group, which is numerically smaller than the rest of the population of the State to which it belongs, would be entitled to be termed a minority in that State even though the group may be numerically in a majority in India as a whole and hence not lacking in power or voice in the decision-making structures.

Do let me know if I have convinced or confused you.
What is the exact number of converted jews in India?
What is the exact number of converted jews in India?

None. Gujarat has good number of Jews and Parsis for over 5 centuries. No conversion allowed to Hinduism. I read about Parsi temples for long time. That is the beauty of India. Though there are many problems still Parsis Sikhs Jews Hindus Buddhists Christians are living in numbers for many years. Number of Hindus declined by 5% since independence. But that is not a problem.

See I am not saying India does not have a problem but India still got so many religions staying together in good number for so many years. No one vanished by dominance of single religion that is Hinduism.

In reality , if follow the teaching of Islam ................... may be 1 percent or less then that ....... I know my acts doesn't match with teaching of Islam , i admit and i regret.
Jews are welcome in India.
They are smart and they only send male. They know India is a paradise of rapist. So are you agree to allow them this discrimination?
So what caste will be given to the Jews in India.
Mage or Bard. Maybe elf.
Mage or Bard. Maybe elf.

Can you Pass a law?
Can you Pass a law?

Indian politians can go to any extent for votes. Look what happened in recent Karnataka election. Minority appeasement reached a new height but people are not that fool like in 90s. So no one gained from it.
Indian politians can go to any extent for votes. Look what happened in recent Karnataka election. Minority appeasement reached a new height but people are not that fool like in 90s. So no one gained from it.

So you are saying this Minority Status law wont make any difference or is somehow fooling People?
If they will be granted minority status now, then what were they uptill now?
They are smart and they only send male. They know India is a paradise of rapist. So are you agree to allow them this discrimination?
We have Kashmiri women for them.
So you are saying this Minority Status law wont make any difference or is somehow fooling People?

See there are few benefits of Minority status like govt job quota, govt paying some money to the religious sites etc etc. But are these really improving general people's life? No. They know poor are poor, rich are rich. Whatever religion he she may be. If Ajim Prem ji is a billionare he is, Md Kaif, Azharuddin and others are super rich, Bollywood people, politicians from Muslim community, govt officers taking bribes etc etc all are rich.

So ultimately money matters. These status with few benefits are election time drama.
Every Minority in India is doing great except the 17 crore muslims :sick:. They just want to be arabi and eat beef.
See there are few benefits of Minority status like govt job quota, govt paying some money to the religious sites etc etc. But are these really improving general people's life? No. They know poor are poor, rich are rich. Whatever religion he she may be. If Ajim Prem ji is a billionare he is, Md Kaif, Azharuddin and others are super rich, Bollywood people, politicians from Muslim community, govt officers taking bribes etc etc all are rich.

So ultimately money matters. These status with few benefits are election time drama.

There is no religious based quota in India in constitution. Only started in K'taka due to elections by congress which was given to I guess shias. That too 1%.
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