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Jews in Gujarat to receive minority status soon

On so you are one of those who believe in the story that Darwin converted to Islam before he died...You have nothing to tell as you are slave of a book and won't dare to question it.

To question something you need to be intelligent enough to understand it first, so unlike some bigots who just do it to prove some point when there is no point to prove, I don't shy away from accepting the reality and the truth ...... as I said you won't be able to absorb .... it takes a lot of courage, whereas cowards fall into a perpetual miserable situation where they keep telling themselves ..... no its not the truth, it cannot be the truth .... and there comes somebody knocking at the door.
Aholes are not the issue, its the shit which comes out of it.

It's not an opinion btw, its a valid observation.
Being unaware of the constitution of the nation & the fact that states were carved out on linguistic & not religious basis its natural to feel so.
To question something you need to be intelligent enough to understand it first, so unlike some bigots who just do it to prove some point when there is no point to prove, I don't shy away from accepting the reality and the truth ...... as I said you won't be able to absorb .... it takes a lot of courage, whereas cowards fall into a perpetual miserable situation where they keep telling themselves ..... no its not the truth, it cannot be the truth .... and there comes somebody knocking at the door.

It needs common sense to see through the shrad called religion. Something people have been lacking from centuries and still do. One few people who are truly courageous can see through it and spit in the face of society who wants them to toe the line as they have for centuries.
It needs common sense to see through the shrad called religion. Something people have been lacking from centuries and still do. One few people who are truly courageous can see through it and spit in the face of society who wants them to toe the line as they have for centuries.


I am the one who left the pond and has no religion anymore!
So I asked which pond do you belong to?

None ...... its beyond your understanding. You won't be able to absorb it.

You are stuck with religion. That's why I repeatedly told you ..... you won't be able to understand. Most probably you carry a narrow view of the matter, limited to your surroundings and what's happening here and there .... like what are others around you doing, and based on that narrow understanding plus view you found solace in blaming all this on ....... what ........ religion an easy escape, while I consider my belief system to be a direct challenge to religions.
Being unaware of the constitution of the nation & the fact that states were carved out on linguistic & not religious basis its natural to feel so.

I don't have to be rocket scientist to see the obvious. I will find it very odd that if Sindh only recognise the Hindus as minority, while Punjab, Baluchistan, KPK, GB, all the units which form the federation of Pakistan, will have no such provisions.
I do not know how one proves or disproves their jewishness but it is quite far fetched that the indian society known for its racism and intolerance was so generous to the Jews.

We tend to frown upon religious beliefs whose main agenda is to recruit people or harvest souls. Other religions we generally participate.
I don't have to be rocket scientist to see the obvious. I will find it very odd that if Sindh only recognise the Hindus as minority, while Punjab, Baluchistan, KPK, GB, all the units which form the federation of Pakistan, will have no such provisions.
That’s just the point. Before pontificating about another it would be prudent to make yourself aware of the laws of that land.

There in always some logic behind what goes on. There are countless instances where divisions exist between subjects left for states to decide upon.

This too should take rocket science to fathom.
It needs common sense to see through the shrad called religion. Something people have been lacking from centuries and still do. One few people who are truly courageous can see through it and spit in the face of society who wants them to toe the line as they have for centuries.
well said .

I am serious.

We communist dont joke Around. As i said, one year of communist rule is enough for this kashmir problem.
what is the solution ?

You are stuck with religion. That's why I repeatedly told you ..... you won't be able to understand. Most probably you carry a narrow view of the matter, limited to your surroundings and what's happening here and there .... like what are others around you doing, and based on that narrow understanding plus view you found solace in blaming all this on ....... what ........ religion an easy escape, while I consider my belief system to be a direct challenge to religions.

Empty words nothing more. You sir are a frog.

I think he is talking of Tibet way of handling things in Kashmir. Which I agree 1000%.
Something we need to learn from China and get things under control like they did.
That’s just the point. Before pontificating about another it would be prudent to make yourself aware of the laws of that land.

There in always some logic behind what goes on. There are countless instances where divisions exist between subjects left for states to decide upon.

This too should take rocket science to fathom.

Don't really care what Indian logic can defend such lunacy. Just calling spade a spade.
Don't really care what Indian logic can defend such lunacy. Just calling spade a spade.

Humans have a tendency to project their partial experiences as the whole truth.

It’s ok
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