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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

There is no such division between sunnis and shias.
There are two type of shias. One sincere for Pakistan and others impressed by Iran.
Those shias who wants to convert Paksitan apart of iran as they say, we will throw them into arabian sea.
Similarly there are two types of Baluch. One loyal to Pakistan we call them patriotic one and others misguided by Research and Analysi Wing.
Those baluchs misguided by RAW will turn against their masters one day in near future.

:pakistan: Long live Pakistan and Death to it's enemies. Miserable one. ;)
Similarliy there are two types of Kashmirs, one loyal to India and others misguided by ISI. Those misguided by ISI will turn against their masters one day in near future, if not we will throw them into Arabian sea near to pakistan at gwadar port.

Long Live India and Death to its enemies. Miserable one. :cheers:

I know how you people effected by Two nation theory, so take it light. ;)
I guess Pakistan is happy to apply Two nation theory recursively on itself. best of luck..

Last night i met somebody from occupied Kashmir, the guys sure was against you!
You mean Gilgit-Baltisan area? They sure must be against you.
This ocasional rants are useless and will not work. If they want freedom then stand up all at once, I mean millions of people ready to die for. Maybe this will happen after article 370 is revoked, in that case ISI should work on that.

If even after article 370 is revoked and Kashmiris don't wake up then it will be useless, in 20 years Indian hindus will be majority in IoK. And Pakistan will loss interest and accept LoC as IB. The signs are clear, hindu extremist party is thinking of moving fake kashmiri pandits hindus in to valley.
I can see India crying.

They will chant Jevay Pakistan because Kashmir is part of Pakistan not India.
:rofl: Did you know there's a jokes section out here on PDF? Your post rightfully belongs there.
Richard: Batteries were burning… gas cylinders were burning…. Some pigs were sleeping under a truck…. We killed a pig, four or five of us Chharas got together and killed the pig… Then we hung the pig up from the mosque and raised a saffron flag… Eight or 10 of us climbed on top… We tried hard but the masjid didn’t break…

Source -http://archive.tehelka.com/story_main35.asp?filename=Ne031107The_RSS_will.asp

Beaware sons of bi'xes, thousands of hindus live here too.
too can play this game if this continue again ever
My foot respect ,occupying, killing and raping women army is worst than dogs.
'Occupying, killing and raping women'? Right! Read this.... unless you want to live forever in denial.....Balochistan – a human rights free zone - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

But we don't call your army 'dogs'. That's because we're not under the influence of the vile propaganda spewed out by mullahs. We know how to sift the wheat from the chaff unlike kids like you.

By the way read this too, before you open your mouth again with your biased views. You guys aren't lily white as you profess to be........

Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report
You are the one who claimed ,its an agreement of Azad kashmiries with china,now you bring in karachi agreement,you are all over the place.

there is a whole lot of difference between to administer and to give away what as you claim belongs to kashmiries .

Karachi agreement grants Pakistani administration inside Azad Kashmir. Where as some matters like handover of land to china is only after consensus of Azak Kashmir parliament. Understand?
Wanna know where we shoot the ones that come across the border for Jihad? There is a special place where we shoot them.
stop scaring please
all of you lot who want war have not even touched a gun or seen or encountered a potentially fatal /life and death situation
no wonder you guys want war (even nuclear one) as if its a street brawl.

'Occupying, killing and raping women'? Right! Read this.... unless you want to live forever in denial.....Balochistan – a human rights free zone - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

But we don't call your army 'dogs'. That's because we're not under the influence of the vile propaganda spewed out by mullahs. We know how to sift the wheat from the chaff unlike kids like you.

By the way read this too, before you open your mouth again with your biased views. You guys aren't lily white as you profess to be........

Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report
its a given
any biaching thread, started by any one of us ... skip to 4 or 5 pages and it will look something like this.we are so predictable that over centuries we have not changed

and when I read that only 2000 Whitemen ruled the mighty Indian empire of millions (many Soorma's) for over 100 hundred years then I understand how it was possible
we are so predictable that is funny and sad at the same time.
stop scaring please
all of you lot who want war have not even touched a gun or seen or encountered a potentially fatal /life and death situation
no wonder you guys want war (even nuclear one) as if its a street brawl.

its a given
any biaching thread, started by any one of us ... skip to 4 or 5 pages and it will look something like this.we are so predictable that over centuries we have not changed

and when I read that only 2000 Whitemen ruled the mighty Indian empire of millions (many Soorma's) for over 100 hundred years then I understand how it was possible
we are so predictable that is funny and sad at the same time.

Excepting that most of the time it's the Pakistani side that wants war not the Indian side.
This is a fact a person who seen or been in war.

Will never wish for war. Most kids here indian or Pakistani who wish for a war are just wussy behind the screen.

A war is not won with your
vs threadsOr jet number games or your jingo rant.

War is war been in a accident when you fell down and realise Oh shit! Am I gunna. Die?
Imagine living that scene for continuos period of time and for what? Just to satisfy some egos.
Bahut ho gayi insaniyat ki baat. We will soon cut up your country from middle and have direct access to Iran via Sind & Baluchistan.

Even after repeated reminders you guys are poking your nose in Kashmir. Within your lifetime you will keep crying on Kashmir and loose Sind, Baluchistan.

Nice, so you took innocent people's land by force, you kill them, rape their women, destroy their homes as you please, you've suppressed the right to vote and to have a democratic system for over 7 decades, you've said no to multiple UN resolutions asking you to allow freedom and the right to vote to these millions of Kashmiris......so today, when they show another country's flag, you call them traitors? How about you return their homeland to them, walk away and leave the forceful occupation that took place decades ago, give them equal rights like an Ordinary Hindu enjoys in India and then see if they'll raise another country's flag??? When you destroy, kill and abuse millions in their own homeland, you expect them to not even raise a flag?? That's crazy to expect someone to continue to take on abuse for decades against their will. These are human beings too. Let them live with equal rights compared to an Indian citizen outside of Kashmir and they'd start to love India.

Bahut ho gayi insaniyat ki baat. We will soon cut up your country from middle and have direct access to Iran via Sind & Baluchistan.

Even after repeated reminders you guys are poking your nose in Kashmir. Within your lifetime you will keep crying on Kashmir and loose Sind, Baluchistan.

Nice, so you took innocent people's land by force, you kill them, rape their women, destroy their homes as you please, you've suppressed the right to vote and to have a democratic system for over 7 decades, you've said no to multiple UN resolutions asking you to allow freedom and the right to vote to these millions of Kashmiris......so today, when they show another country's flag, you call them traitors? How about you return their homeland to them, walk away and leave the forceful occupation that took place decades ago, give them equal rights like an Ordinary Hindu enjoys in India and then see if they'll raise another country's flag??? When you destroy, kill and abuse millions in their own homeland, you expect them to not even raise a flag?? That's crazy to expect someone to continue to take on abuse for decades against their will. These are human beings too. Let them live with equal rights compared to an Indian citizen outside of Kashmir and they'd start to love India.
Exactily you have to deal with your rapists your mao nexlites poverty list goes one.. your own army cant enter in nagaland right.. i think you have problems too .. Kashmir is uncontroable after 700 thousands army.. what els you can do other than bomb it..
its time for you to look at your problem instead of comming to Pak forum and complaining..

Dear friend, if you would have not been pakistan citizen, you could have got indian visa and I would have loved to take you to any inch of my country. I have traveled to most remote corners of India and I can say very clearly, there is not an inch of land were indian law cannot be applied. It just that govt doesnt not apply pressures, that allows every monkey face to jump and bit his drums. Funny part is person standing next to him will laugh at him once he is done with his drum beating. I am not sure if you have seen Nagaland or not but belive me I have seen nagaland from times when it was as a raw tribal state, people with bow and arrow hunting foods and killing other tribes in same region and thats not way to long. Many area in north eastern states took a lot of time to come in line with current world situations.

You'r killing your own citizens :sniper:, shame!!

Did we had any drone attacks by permission of govt. Did our aircrafts bombed any area killing locals?
Damm we dont even hunt down or bomb naxals..And here my friend tells to feel shame. Yes we are shamed to see people doing suicide attacks, people killing school childrens, small kids being trained for fidayen attacks. Infact its shame to humanity.

you will die with your own curse... killing innocent people wont get your UNO permenant seat.. urdu mein kehawat hai "angoor Khatay hain"

Isnt that's your story ?

it doesnt matter who wave flag question is people are still there and you can clearly hear them saying they want to be with Pak..
i thnk indian sud say that there are Huge speakers on background where they playing these slogans.
Pakistan is supporting Kashmir but this is indignious movement..

If anyone wants to be with Pak, we have no issues, take a pakistani visa and move out.
I wont mind sponsoring those human cannons and providing free launch services to other side of border, if they desire so :)

Its just that we care for human life and respect individuals freedom of speech and expression that scum bags like these are spared other wise any other nation will put up a case of treason and make them meet there destiny.

Writing is on the wall , Kashmiris don't want to be part undina , its only a mater of time that Kashmir will break free from india

Dont you get tired repeating same thing over decades.

Èndians keep crying like always .kashmir will be free and liberated even then eèndians will keep cryin and coming on our forums begging us

As if you rule pakistan.
Get a life, move out of your room and take some fresh air, see your surrounding and realise whats ground reality.
That will help you to figure out where the world is going and where do you stand.
Taking Kashmir by force is almost Impossible , unless the Kashmiri People intensify their struggle , like 100 times more than they are doing today ..
Pakistan cant send its troops and take Kashmir , cause even if Indians are about to lose Kashmir they can easily stop the Conflict by bringing up Nukes into the scene ...
Is it just me or the pic has been purposefully taken from above so that the empty stand aren't visible ?
Nice to see Kashmiris start standing again for their rights " an independent Kashmir " The Strikes/Protests should be continue and same time Pakistan voice it about in UNO to let the world know Kashmir problem and it's solution. Our all moral support for Kashmiri peoples and their struggles:Pakistan
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