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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

Clown do you expect all 11 million people to show up in 1 spot?
Let's see who's the clown. Check this out...

Separatism is restricted to only 5 districts out of 22 in J&K.

Two of the three regions are not Muslim majority areas. 85,000 square km are not…When you talk of separatism, there haven’t been any protests against India in this 85 per cent area till date.

Yasin Malik, Shabbir Shah, Gilani, Asiya Andrabi, Lone etc. Who are these people? They belong to these 5 districts only, out of the 22!

J&K has around 12 per cent Shia Muslims, around 12-14 per cent Gujjar Muslims and around eight per cent Pahadi Rajput Muslims, but none of these communities have any separatist leaders. Nor do they want anything to do with Pakistan.

When Afzal Guru was hanged, the media made it appear as if the entire state was out on the streets. The reality was that out of 22 districts, there was not a single demonstration in 17 districts. Except for those five districts.

So before calling someone a clown, get your facts straight.

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The difference is, Baluch separatists didn't go to the UN and looked for Justice and the right to vote for 7 decades. Baluch separatists are armed militia's worth a few thousand people out of many millions, paid by India through cash, weapons and training to create a separatist Baluchistan. If you were to count how many Baluch want their own state, it'll be like 5%.

If you remember the UN resolutions on Kashmir, 91% wanted to be independent and associate with Pakistan. You suppressed the right to vote, freedom and humanity to over 91% people, but here you are bitc*hing about 5% Baluch separatist, who outside of terrorist training provided by India to damage Pakistan, have no relationship with you?

How about you stop terrorism acts against Pakistan. Ask them to do the same and both of you create peace? Till then, you have no reason to talk as your shi*t stinks just as bad. Oh, not to mention the amount of hard work you have to do internally to calm these crazy Hindu fanatics down before they kill all Christians or Muslims (or convert them to Hidutva, where space shuttles existed 5000 years ago, IPhone was used by every Hindu and every other God drove a Ferrari.....). Btw, does that make Mr. Ferrari a Hindu too?? Damn he's old!
they are even less then 5% who wanted to be seprated Bramdad even if you look at his family is not support his action there are some morons who are doing to be either sardar of Qabila or money.. and the rest who actually fighting on ground either they are druggie or have no support some of even their family living and working in arab on Pakistani passport and are patriotic Pakistani than those who actually living in Pak.
Being a positive is a wonderful thing but keeping ur eyes close on people who been suffering getting killed is not somthing very positive. you wanna understand the reality go to Kashmir you guys made a huge thing when one hindu girl get raped by bunch of animal nature human in New delhi but killing by army and girls get raped by indian army maybe ok for you, u needs to go help them to stay on positive track i dont see any human rights orginization who help them in india and those who try to help them get the label of ISI, its easy to hide your weaknesses by blaiming on Pak
you think india is self defending by sending 700 thousands troops on innocent Kashmiries i think its a oppositive what you are doing..
give Kashmiries right to live and right to chose who they wanna be with..
we all know how good indian minorities is florishing by Hindu's.

I wish i could take you to Kashmir valley to show you the ground reality.
I have lived and traveled for long in Kashmir valley to know whats ground reality. If 1990's where black days 2010's has been shining period of Kashmir. (leave aside natural calamities).

In current era even when a stone is pelted it comes into news, tell me when did you last heard about rape in kashmir by army? By nature kashmiris are very loving, polite and easy going people. There are few tiny pockets which keep beating there drum to get attention, none the less most of them are now ignored, fractured and makes not much sense to common people. There are packets of scumb bag, to whom push in few green cash and they will dance on any music to brainwash commons.
The difference is, Baluch separatists didn't go to the UN and looked for Justice and the right to vote for 7 decades. Baluch separatists are armed militia's worth a few thousand people out of many millions, paid by India through cash, weapons and training to create a separatist Baluchistan. If you were to count how many Baluch want their own state, it'll be like 5%.

If you remember the UN resolutions on Kashmir, 91% wanted to be independent and associate with Pakistan. You suppressed the right to vote, freedom and humanity to over 91% people, but here you are bitc*hing about 5% Baluch separatist, who outside of terrorist training provided by India to damage Pakistan, have no relationship with you?

How about you stop terrorism acts against Pakistan. Ask them to do the same and both of you create peace? Till then, you have no reason to talk as your shi*t stinks just as bad. Oh, not to mention the amount of hard work you have to do internally to calm these crazy Hindu fanatics down before they kill all Christians or Muslims (or convert them to Hidutva, where space shuttles existed 5000 years ago, IPhone was used by every Hindu and every other God drove a Ferrari.....). Btw, does that make Mr. Ferrari a Hindu too?? Damn he's old!

Maybe you should use your right flags.
Ya Sarthak ghair-kashmiri, that is what you wrote. I can post it here if you prefer. If you were lying, then you're LIAR!

Ajai, ''spotted'' like snow leopard? These khawarij don't ware badges. They are more of a threat to Muslims in Kashmir than the occupiers.
Sweet Pakistani Kashmiri. Does not understand not speak a single word of the land. :D
Similarliy there are two types of Kashmirs, one loyal to India and others misguided by ISI. Those misguided by ISI will turn against their masters one day in near future, if not we will throw them into Arabian sea near to pakistan at gwadar port.

Long Live India and Death to its enemies. Miserable one. :cheers:

I guess Pakistan is happy to apply Two nation theory recursively on itself. best of luck..

You mean Gilgit-Baltisan area? They sure must be against you.
:rofl: Kashmiris are fighting with India before the creation of ISI.
There are many many unmarked graves where we send these dogs when we find them.

Khud ki to sambhalti nahi- country going down in flames of economic regression and internal strife, ab Kashmir Jihad hi baki hai.
tu kia unmarked graves banayega, kaddu k chhilkay
The difference is, Baluch separatists didn't go to the UN and looked for Justice and the right to vote for 7 decades. Baluch separatists are armed militia's worth a few thousand people out of many millions, paid by India through cash, weapons and training to create a separatist Baluchistan. If you were to count how many Baluch want their own state, it'll be like 5%.

If you remember the UN resolutions on Kashmir, 91% wanted to be independent and associate with Pakistan. You suppressed the right to vote, freedom and humanity to over 91% people, but here you are bitc*hing about 5% Baluch separatist, who outside of terrorist training provided by India to damage Pakistan, have no relationship with you?

How about you stop terrorism acts against Pakistan. Ask them to do the same and both of you create peace? Till then, you have no reason to talk as your shi*t stinks just as bad. Oh, not to mention the amount of hard work you have to do internally to calm these crazy Hindu fanatics down before they kill all Christians or Muslims (or convert them to Hidutva, where space shuttles existed 5000 years ago, IPhone was used by every Hindu and every other God drove a Ferrari.....). Btw, does that make Mr. Ferrari a Hindu too?? Damn he's old!
read and learn....

Kashmir, Plebiscite and UN security council Resolution
Let's see who's the clown. Check this out...

Separatism is restricted to only 5 districts out of 22 in J&K.

Two of the three regions are not Muslim majority areas. 85,000 square km are not…When you talk of separatism, there haven’t been any protests against India in this 85 per cent area till date.

Yasin Malik, Shabbir Shah, Gilani, Asiya Andrabi, Lone etc. Who are these people? They belong to these 5 districts only, out of the 22!

J&K has around 12 per cent Shia Muslims, around 12-14 per cent Gujjar Muslims and around eight per cent Pahadi Rajput Muslims, but none of these communities have any separatist leaders. Nor do they want anything to do with Pakistan.

When Afzal Guru was hanged, the media made it appear as if the entire state was out on the streets. The reality was that out of 22 districts, there was not a single demonstration in 17 districts. Except for those five districts.

So before calling someone a clown, get your facts straight.


Two of the three regions are not Muslim majority areas. 85,000 square km are not…When you talk of separatism, there haven’t been any protests against India in this 85 per cent area till date.

Land doesn't vote or protest, people do. The bulk of the population is where those protests are happening. So what are you saying if more districts protests then you will get the message?

If you feel so confident that majority of Kashmiris aren't against India then put it up for plebiscite. Otherwise, your argument is invalid and disengenuous. Don't even try and argue numbers here because the numbers definitely aren't on your side. It's a fact that overwhelming majority of Kashmiris hate India.
It's a fact that overwhelming majority of Kashmiris hate India.
Really? So you've lived in Kashmir all your life and interviewed the 11 million residents of J&K to arrive at this conclusion?? Or are you completely smitten by the propaganda of your Establishment and your mullah brigade?

Kashmiris hate Pakistanis! Except of course for he paid yahoos of the lame duck Hurriyat and their miniscule followers who raise the Pakistani flag now and then. I've spent years in Kashmir so I know WTF I'm talking about unlike you sitting hundreds of miles away.

Living in a world of delusions is the new normal for people like you! Get over it.
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Living in a world of delusions is the new normal for people like you!

You know, I know, Indians know, Pakistanis know, and everyone else whose paying attention knows Kashmiris hate India. It's a matter of fact that delusional Indians like yourself will only deny on a Pakistani forum, you are just embarassing yourself by not accepting the reality.



Srinagar protest

The Hindustan times conducted a poll in IOK and asked Kashmiris about independence or union with India. 2/3s voted for independence.

Two thirds in Indian Kashmir want independence: poll - The Express Tribune
I wish i could take you to Kashmir valley to show you the ground reality.
I have lived and traveled for long in Kashmir valley to know whats ground reality. If 1990's where black days 2010's has been shining period of Kashmir. (leave aside natural calamities).

In current era even when a stone is pelted it comes into news, tell me when did you last heard about rape in kashmir by army? By nature kashmiris are very loving, polite and easy going people. There are few tiny pockets which keep beating there drum to get attention, none the less most of them are now ignored, fractured and makes not much sense to common people. There are packets of scumb bag, to whom push in few green cash and they will dance on any music to brainwash commons.

You wrote me this great colorful post about Kashmir and India.....here's a fact check:

1) Since Modi came and even before him being in power, across India, BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS type organizations have been killing Christians, Muslims alike in conflicts. Why portray such a colorful picture when people with power are committing huge amounts of murders because Hindus are a majority and they have the power to do so?

2) Everyone needs to be a Hindu in 2030.....was started by who? Your senior elected government officials backed up by the same religious, intolerant and extremist mentality that existed in neighboring Pakistan. The difference? Extremist Hindus kill within their own country and extremists from Pakistan were going to other places, but either way you look at it, extremists are extremists, whether they fight for Hinduism or Islam. You can't ignore Hindu's killing other people from different religions, but scream terrorist, when a Muslim or a Christian does that!! To me, they are both equally terrorists and they are terrorizing humans which should be punishable by the most severe punishment by law so no one terrorizes innocent civilians across the globe.

3) I know a few Kashmiri families well. I know their stories and I know why they left and how they left.UCLA is one of the most reputable institutes, one of the professors (a white American, not Pakistani or Chinese), published a report a couple of years ago that Kashmiris have been going through mass genocide by the mighty Indian Army. But the world doesn't pay attention as India's a big country and everyone wants to do trade with them. In cities, average civilian to Indian Army's ratio was 1:7!!! That's one civilian vs. 7 Army soldiers. Why is that if the Kashmiris are going through their golden days???? Why would they be raising other country's flags if they were happy with India or treated well????
You wrote me this great colorful post about Kashmir and India.....here's a fact check:

1) Since Modi came and even before him being in power, across India, BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS type organizations have been killing Christians, Muslims alike in conflicts. Why portray such a colorful picture when people with power are committing huge amounts of murders because Hindus are a majority and they have the power to do so?

Can you share some stats to show proof that things has gone worse as compared to past.
In last year i have travelled almost 24 states of the country and I could not see a single religious conflict.
Weather its modi or some xyz person in power, with kind of diversity india has, there will be some or other remote pocket incidence that will happen here and there, there are black sheeps in each society and they will do inhuman activities. Only way to control them is to keep them and rest of the country busy in economic activities. Middle class or rich class has no time to come on street and fight for religion. Its the lower end of society who are manipulated to cause violences, if you can make them busy in economic activity no one will give a hoot to any religious group illogical demands.

Also when you say huge amount of murders are you counting road accidents?
I have not seen any bomblast, suicide attack or gun attack in last one year on religious bases in India.
Countries which are developing fast dont have time to do petty fights. Everyone is busy to improve life and make more money. Empty mind is devils mind, a working mind seeks creativity.

2) Everyone needs to be a Hindu in 2030.....was started by who? Your senior elected government officials backed up by the same religious, intolerant and extremist mentality that existed in neighboring Pakistan. The difference? Extremist Hindus kill within their own country and extremists from Pakistan were going to other places, but either way you look at it, extremists are extremists, whether they fight for Hinduism or Islam. You can't ignore Hindu's killing other people from different religions, but scream terrorist, when a Muslim or a Christian does that!! To me, they are both equally terrorists and they are terrorizing humans which should be punishable by the most severe punishment by law so no one terrorizes innocent civilians across the globe.

Hindu killing others? Where?
If 10-50 people out of 1.25 billion do some bizare stuff and get noticed in media. Then we seriously dont give a shit about them. They could be material for people like you to paint entire india with same color, for us they are rats of gutter and they will die in same gutter. We dont care about them.

3) I know a few Kashmiri families well. I know their stories and I know why they left and how they left.UCLA is one of the most reputable institutes, one of the professors (a white American, not Pakistani or Chinese), published a report a couple of years ago that Kashmiris have been going through mass genocide by the mighty Indian Army. But the world doesn't pay attention as India's a big country and everyone wants to do trade with them. In cities, average civilian to Indian Army's ratio was 1:7!!! That's one civilian vs. 7 Army soldiers. Why is that if the Kashmiris are going through their golden days???? Why would they be raising other country's flags if they were happy with India or treated well????

Kashmiris have to face this because we have and idiot neighbour, who keeps on throwing stones and nation is paying a price to safe guard the kashmiris. I agree Kashmiris had to suffer during late 80's and 90's when army was fighting hard with terrorists. That was a time when it was hard to find who is terrorist and who is not, mode of operandi, sources of information, processing and filtration was not fool proof. And on top of that Pakistan was doing good to push terrorists into the country. But now Army have learned a lot, they have made plans, protocols, networks, engagement methods and many other things. Hence the system is now very well developed and thats why there is so much of peace in the region, tourism has flourished, local cottage industry has developed and got bigger exposure. And once article 370 is ammended or revoked it will open up flood gates to lot of private investment in kashmir and in no time will change the lifestyle of Kashmir valley.

As not entire pakistan is inside lal masjid, nor entire pakistan is like remote village of FATA or baluchistan, similarly entire Kashmir or for that matter entire India is not same.

You know, I know, Indians know, Pakistanis know, and everyone else whose paying attention knows Kashmiris hate India. It's a matter of fact that delusional Indians like yourself will only deny on a Pakistani forum, you are just embarassing yourself by not accepting the reality.



Srinagar protest

The Hindustan times conducted a poll in IOK and asked Kashmiris about independence or union with India. 2/3s voted for independence.

Two thirds in Indian Kashmir want independence: poll - The Express Tribune

Those who have raised those flags, deny it as Pakistan's flag, they say it Star and moon are symbols of Islam and its islamic flag.

And these are the group of people who are waiting to hear modi in Kashmir

Can you share some stats to show proof that things has gone worse as compared to past.
In last year i have travelled almost 24 states of the country and I could not see a single religious conflict.
Instead of writing me a book and defending with a few picture, ask the mods to allow me to post videos.......and THEN you can tell me where the killings are happening in India by Hindu extremists and all. I have no issues in providing you proofs.

Also, posting pictures of a place where 10,000 or 50,000 out of million are gathered to see Modi, means jack in a country of 1.2 billion people. Actually, the Hindu fanatics have killed probably just as many in the past few years. There is a reason why Kashmir had media blackout for decades. Who in their sane minds shuts down media in a state which has the most tourist attraction inside India?? The tourists can't go there for decades, the foreign and even local media is blacked out. The Indian Army to a Civilian ratio in major cities is 7 to 1. Where in a peaceful place this kind of crap happens????

Again, ask permissions from the admin to allow me to post pictures and videos and I will and I'd love to see how you'll come up with few more lies about how those videos of pictures were fabricated, even if they were reports from your own media.

Blind patriotism has no ending, its visible in your posts. When elected government officials of a "so called" secular state tell others openly that they want to see India as a 100% Hindu nation by 2030.....that tells you where these nut cases brains are headed. And its serious trouble for non-Hindus!!! End of the story. Let me NOT start on the crap called the "Vedic Times". I have my "Viper Times" and it won't be pretty if I start to talk about crap with my own crap.
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