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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

Instead of writing me a book and defending with a few picture, ask the mods to allow me to post videos.......and THEN you can tell me where the killings are happening in India by Hindu extremists and all. I have no issues in providing you proofs.

Kindly PM me those video links, let me see your view points.

Also, posting pictures of a place where 10,000 or 50,000 out of million are gathered to see Modi, means jack in a country of 1.2 billion people. Actually, the Hindu fanatics have killed probably just as many in the past few years.

That pic is was from Srinagar region, where Modi was doing a rally.

There is a reason why Kashmir had media blackout for decades. Who in their sane minds shuts down media in a state which has the most tourist attraction inside India?? The tourists can't go there for decades, the foreign and even local media is blacked out.

Do you know how many local TV channels Jammu & Kashmir has?
Infact DD Kashmir is there from 2000 onwards. And you say there is media blackout? If it was so you would have not seen lal chowk gaterings of huriyats. you would have never seen reportings on army killing few people in car who didnt stop at checkpost. Its not 1980's or for that matter 90's, we have moved a long way and things have improved greatly, Indian media is free to access and share news on Kashmir, infact with presence of internet, its not possible to blackout anything as such.

The Indian Army to a Civilian ratio in major cities is 7 to 1. Where in a peaceful place this kind of crap happens???

Where in a peaceful place neighbour does things like kargil?

Again, ask permissions from the admin to allow me to post pictures and videos and I will and I'd love to see how you'll come up with few more lies about how those videos of pictures were fabricated, even if they were reports from your own media.

I am open to all, you can pm me.
Having said that, let me tell you india is not Heaven where everthing falls right.
But its not as bad as pakistan atleast or as perceived by you.

Blind patriotism has no ending, its visible in your posts. When elected government officials of a "so called" secular state tell others openly that they want to see India as a 100% Hindu nation by 2030.....that tells you where these nut cases brains are headed. And its serious trouble for non-Hindus!!! End of the story. Let me NOT start on the crap called the "Vedic Times". I have my "Viper Times" and it won't be pretty if I start to talk about crap with my own crap.

We have elected government official who supports bangladesh and pakistan too and says he want to see pakistan be part of bigger india. Do you think we give a shit about him? You have to be learned enough to understand what to take from this crappy big mouths and what to live out. If you cannot make things logically clear to yourself, then you will just beat a drum with some news items that supports your vision and understanding, filtering out all other important things thats happening arround.

And let me not speak about kind of fatwa's pakistan has on daily basis.
Still these indians think kashmir is no issue and kashmir is indian my foot

Seeee from your self now
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