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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

Why doesn't Defence.PK Just ban these Indians?
Jokes aside were in a state of war and these morons are pretty much the cause of it and all they do here is bull shit us anyways
Dear friend, if you would have not been pakistan citizen, you could have got indian visa and I would have loved to take you to any inch of my country. I have traveled to most remote corners of India and I can say very clearly, there is not an inch of land were indian law cannot be applied. It just that govt doesnt not apply pressures, that allows every monkey face to jump and bit his drums. Funny part is person standing next to him will laugh at him once he is done with his drum beating. I am not sure if you have seen Nagaland or not but belive me I have seen nagaland from times when it was as a raw tribal state, people with bow and arrow hunting foods and killing other tribes in same region and thats not way to long. Many area in north eastern states took a lot of time to come in line with current world situations.

Did we had any drone attacks by permission of govt. Did our aircrafts bombed any area killing locals?
Damm we dont even hunt down or bomb naxals..And here my friend tells to feel shame. Yes we are shamed to see people doing suicide attacks, people killing school childrens, small kids being trained for fidayen attacks. Infact its shame to humanity.

Isnt that's your story ?

If anyone wants to be with Pak, we have no issues, take a pakistani visa and move out.
I wont mind sponsoring those human cannons and providing free launch services to other side of border, if they desire so :)

Its just that we care for human life and respect individuals freedom of speech and expression that scum bags like these are spared other wise any other nation will put up a case of treason and make them meet there destiny.

Dont you get tired repeating same thing over decades.

As if you rule pakistan.
Get a life, move out of your room and take some fresh air, see your surrounding and realise whats ground reality.
That will help you to figure out where the world is going and where do you stand.
I would have been fight to have seprate country under Rss its ur choice to live ...
It would be ok if it was hindustan under muslim rules after East India company change its name dynamic were change.. i suggest u to live in realite than asumptions...
Maybe u were not born to tell me what u saying.. what is gurantee?
....and they use whatever flag they think will get the attention from the media....ISIS flag...Al Qaeda flag...Pakistani flag.....


ISIS and Al Qaeda flags make a debut in Kashmir | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

They're seeking help from ANYONE who will alleviate their sufferings. UN flags have long gone, now step in ISIS, AQ! Treat them with respect (stop RAPES, MURDER, HOSTAGE-TAKING, BURING HOUSES, and list goes on) and may be they'll choose India.
I would have been fight to have seprate country under Rss its ur choice to live ...
It would be ok if it was hindustan under muslim rules after East India company change its name dynamic were change.. i suggest u to live in realite than asumptions...
Maybe u were not born to tell me what u saying.. what is gurantee?

May be you have gone to wrong school.
Best way to know more about india is not by reading paid media websites, but go and read travel logs of Indians (will have all hindus, muslims, punjabis etc). That will help you to understand what India is how does an common Indian feel inside his country.

You reason to say "hindustan under muslim rules after East India" already shows that you are racist, hence its natural to have a skewed opinions from you. None the less world is much bigger than any religion umbrella, so its always wise to look outside the umbrella to see what world is in reality :)

I am very realistic and positive :)

They're seeking help from ANYONE who will alleviate their sufferings. UN flags have long gone, now step in ISIS, AQ! Treat them with respect (stop RAPES, MURDER, HOSTAGE-TAKING, BURING HOUSES, and list goes on) and may be they'll choose India.

Come to Kashmir to see whats the reality.
If you see only what a section of paid media shows to you, then you are fooled by stuffs that sell.
I don't see anyone in picture nothing, no people, no Pakistani flag :undecided:. Can any Indian confirm this too?

It's an old picture. Sensational news - perhaps got confused with the Green flag. Presstitutes.
Jeeway Pakistan, India, World. :coffee: Big deal.

They're seeking help from ANYONE who will alleviate their sufferings. UN flags have long gone, now step in ISIS, AQ! Treat them with respect (stop RAPES, MURDER, HOSTAGE-TAKING, BURING HOUSES, and list goes on) and may be they'll choose India.
Ever met a Kashmiri? :D
We've sent many many of those dogs into the unmarked graves, including those from the other side who dared to come down here. Maybe some day we'll point them out to you.

The next time I hear a Indian talking about ''hospitality'', I'll point them to your post. It's easy to send unarmed civilians to unmarked graves, JUST try that on our side of Kashmir! You ''pussies with guns''!

May be you have gone to wrong school.
Best way to know more about india is not by reading paid media websites, but go and read travel logs of Indians (will have all hindus, muslims, punjabis etc). That will help you to understand what India is how does an common Indian feel inside his country.

You reason to say "hindustan under muslim rules after East India" already shows that you are racist, hence its natural to have a skewed opinions from you. None the less world is much bigger than any religion umbrella, so its always wise to look outside the umbrella to see what world is in reality :)

I am very realistic and positive :)

Come to Kashmir to see whats the reality.
If you see only what a section of paid media shows to you, then you are fooled by stuffs that sell.

Viny, I've already quoted in my past posts UN, HRW, US and Indian media reports on the reality of IOK!
The next time I hear a Indian talking about ''hospitality'', I'll point them to your post. It's easy to send unarmed civilians to unmarked graves, JUST try that on our side of Kashmir! You ''pussies with guns''!
You don't have Kashmir. You got Mirpur and named it Kashmir. We can rename Gujarat to Sindh and claim your Sindh. Would still make no sense.
They're seeking help from ANYONE who will alleviate their sufferings. UN flags have long gone, now step in ISIS, AQ! Treat them with respect (stop RAPES, MURDER, HOSTAGE-TAKING, BURING HOUSES, and list goes on) and may be they'll choose India.

Jus read this book

There are 160 million Muslims in India. Are you saying all the 160 million Muslims are slaves of Hindus?
Pakistanis do think so. Living under a non Muslim Government is tantamount to living under slavery! That's how the logic goes. I have never got the reason behind it. Beats me... :tsk:

Jus read this book

He'll stop at the name itself. :D Or maybe read it with pride. :)
I don't read RAHUL PANDITA's work. Have you read the report by Human Rights Watch on IOK? How about the UN? How about the USHRC?

What about the reports on GB? Dont open my mouth.

BTW, you have any Human Rights Watch report on J&K, then please produce.
Pakistanis do think so. Living under a non Muslim Government is tantamount to living under slavery! That's how the logic goes. I have never got the reason behind it. Beats me... :tsk:

He'll stop at the name itself. :D Or maybe read it with pride. :)

You are the ONE who wrote, ''hating Islam is in the Indian Constituition''. Then yeah, Indian Muslims are not equal to you Hindus. Then again, neither are Christians, they've had a taste of HIndu ''hospitality'' in Orissa, and the Nun enjoyed her encounter from savage Hindu mob that raped her.
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