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Japan's best strategy to defeat China at sea

Less that 15 ships took part in the engagement , it was not the combined fleet but a cruiser contingent of the Western Fleet of the Imperial Navy.

Sending the entire Imperial Navy would have been a wee bit overkill , lol.

So the fact, everywhere says that it is the combined fleet is a lie then.
Modernization was the cornerstone of the national plan during the reign of His Imperial Majesty, the Meiji Emperor. Under his visage, Japan transformed from a feudal state to the first industrialized , independent power in Asia-Pacific. In less than 30 years.

Japan was a Parliamentary , representative democracy, constitutional monarchy with Japanese characteristics . Much similar to Japan of the present.


Your modernization was based on the sufferance of the other Asian people, while PRC's modernization was based on the hard work of the Chinese people.

You keep insisting your Yamato race is superior, while can you see the difference here?
Your modernization was based on the sufferance of the other Asian people, while PRC's modernization was based on the hard work of the Chinese people.

You keep insisting your Yamato race is superior, while can you see the difference here?

Are you purposely lying? When did i say the 'Yamato' race is superior to race a, b, c...n ?

Look here sweetcakes, there's no such thing as a 'Yamato' Race. And to inform you, Japanese are of the same race as Chinese, Koreans -- of the Mongoloid Race. As i told you in another engagement, Japanese people's ancestors came from Zhejiang region of China. We are kin. No Japanese person would deny that or refute that anthropological reality.

Let's get back to the subject matter. Anyways, i have work to do, i'll get back to this later.
Are you purposely lying? When did i say the 'Yamato' race is superior to race a, b, c...n ?

Look here sweetcakes, there's no such thing as a 'Yamato' Race. And to inform you, Japanese are of the same race as Chinese, Koreans -- of the Mongoloid Race. As i told you in another engagement, Japanese people's ancestors came from Zhejiang region of China. We are kin. No Japanese person would deny that or refute that anthropological reality.

Let's get back to the subject matter. Anyways, i have work to do, i'll get back to this later.

No need to hide, you looked down on Chinese when we were weak and calling us '支那人', and you people keep calling us in such way openly even in nowadays.

No need to hide, you looked down on Chinese when we were weak and calling us '支那人', and you people keep calling us in such way openly even in nowadays.

Listen, I shan't engage with you further if you keep on alluding to some kind of paranoia that is not only a lie, but a nefarious one. To reiterate my last post, there is no such thing as a Yamato Race, there is however a Yamato civilization, but the inhabitants of that ancient civilization were made up of the same stock as those from ancient Zhejiang. So , please, do us (and especially me) a favor -- and quit with the false assumptions.
Listen, I shan't engage with you further if you keep on alluding to some kind of paranoia that is not only a lie, but a nefarious one. To reiterate my last post, there is no such thing as a Yamato Race, there is however a Yamato civilization, but the inhabitants of that ancient civilization were made up of the same stock as those from ancient Zhejiang. So , please, do us (and especially me) a favor -- and quit with the false assumptions.

So this old man is not Japanese? lol.

Shintaro Ishihara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By the time that the JMSDF has finished modernizing their fleet, they are going to face a PLAN with 30+ Aegis warships and 30+ nuclear subs, perhaps with an additional of 3 carrier battlegroups.

1. You should use your own term of technology, don't derive "Aegis" as US, while they're not.
2. It's no surprise to see the trial of F35B started the same week with Izumo-class. Japan would have their first functional aircraft carrier group before Chinese could build and operate their 1st A/C group.
I heard that China plan to use some floating hotels ( based on old A/C bought from Russia ) as their 3 first of A/C groups.
3. How many modern nuclear subs China has right now?

- All they have is F-15J, it is even questionable if it can beat the early model of J-11.

China has more than 150 J-11B with the modern AESA radar and the new domestic engine.

- Soryu is freaking overrated. Not mentioning that they are a joke in front of the modern nuclear subs, and China's latest AIP subs are now fuel cell, not the 1990s Stirling.

- The Type 052D is slightly smaller, but it equips with the much more powerful AESA radars and the versatile VLS, and it is going to sink the Atago/Kongo with the more powerful AS missiles before the Japanese vessels can even discover it.

4. Tell me how many J-11 China could use to confront Japanese at the same time? while provide air protection for their whole country ?
5. Will China would use their strategic nuclear subs ( similar to Ohio-class ) to attack Japan ? So what's their advantages to Soryu ?
6. Atago/Kongo is unable to detect 052D ? it's magical, isn't it ?
1. You should use your own term of technology, don't derive "Aegis" as US, while they're not.
2. It's no surprise to see the trial of F35B started the same week with Izumo-class. Japan would have their first functional aircraft carrier group before Chinese could build and operate their 1st A/C group.
I heard that China plan to use some floating hotels ( based on old A/C bought from Russia ) as their 3 first of A/C groups.
3. How many modern nuclear subs China has right now?

4. Tell me how many J-11 China could use to confront Japanese at the same time? while provide air protection for their whole country ?
5. Will China would use their strategic nuclear subs ( similar to Ohio-class ) to attack Japan ? So what's their advantages to Soryu ?
6. Atago/Kongo is unable to detect 052D ? it's magical, isn't it ?

China's second artillery is the untouchable advantage here.

When the PLA feels the need, they can blow out all the airports and docks.
China's second artillery is the untouchable advantage here.

When the PLA feels the need, they can blow out all the airports and docks.

And they would realize Artillery 2 is less effective as they lied to themselves. Soon.
Japan has similar ability too.

Steal more advanced Tomahawk cruise missiles and improve your missile for precise attacks.
Anyway, it can't give you the same effect as B-52, B-1 , B-2 bombing raids.
And they would realize Artillery 2 is less effective as they lied to themselves. Soon.
Japan has similar ability too.

Steal more advanced Tomahawk cruise missiles and improve your missile for precise attacks.
Anyway, it can't give you the same effect as B-52, B-1 , B-2 bombing raids.

Not true, Japan has not fully amended the constitution yet.

And China has built up its massive second artillery corps for over 3 decades, and it will also take Japan a lot of time to build up a such huge missile troop.
Not true, Japan has not fully amended the constitution yet.

And China has built up its massive second artillery corps for over 3 decades, and it will also take Japan a lot of time to build up a such huge missile troop.

so to you, the constitution is the only limit to them, not the tech, right?
I think Abe agreed with you. So he would continue retranslating the Constitution to anything he need.

to be frank, I can't estimate what under the surface, I mean Japanese submarines , and any SLBM inside of them.
And Japanese talk less do much, they are very dangerous.
Better stay in your daydream.
It is not about daydream. It is a reality. There is no way we will surrender without completely destroying us. By that I mean, nuke. We will be fighting for our life such as the Soviet Union fighting for their life against the Nazi and completely annihilate the Nazi army in biggest and most bloodiest modern war in history. I anticipate nothing less than complete destruction of Japan as a race, culture, and land due to the amount of hatre we have for you. We despair and wish nothing but dead to you if a war break out so I am confident to say that either you are finish or we are finish. As that, we are going all out, using whatever meant necessary to destroy you. As I said, CCP is not fighting for us but themselves as well. Here I will provide you some idea of what we have in stock for you.

1. Massive electronic jam, EMP, cyberattack, sattlite knock down
2. Massive missile raining down on you
3. Complete block all supply to you
4. We will utilize our industrial prowess into war effort. No more playing around. We will spend at least 60% of GDP on war effort.
5. Lastly we might tsar bomba you before you even attempt at making a nuke.
Not the same steel made deck, since the deck of the Nimitz class was made by much stronger steel material which was designed to withstand the heat of the fixed-wing aircraft's engine and the landing impact.

The Nimitz class displaces around 100,000 tons, while the Izumo class is only 1/4 or 1/5.


And USS Wasp about the same size with Izumo. And they successfully STOVL F-35B on USS Wasp. Oct 2011

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