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Japan's best strategy to defeat China at sea

It is not about daydream. It is a reality. There is no way we will surrender without completely destroying us. By that I mean, nuke. We will be fighting for our life such as the Soviet Union fighting for their life against the Nazi and completely annihilate the Nazi army in biggest and most bloodiest modern war in history. I anticipate nothing less than complete destruction of Japan as a race, culture, and land due to the amount of hatre we have for you. We despair and wish nothing but dead to you if a war break out so I am confident to say that either you are finish or we are finish. As that, we are going all out, using whatever meant necessary to destroy you. As I said, CCP is not fighting for us but themselves as well. Here I will provide you some idea of what we have in stock for you.

1. Massive electronic jam, EMP, cyberattack, sattlite knock down
2. Massive missile raining down on you
3. Complete block all supply to you
4. We will utilize our industrial prowess into war effort. No more playing around. We will spend at least 60% of GDP on war effort.
5. Lastly we might tsar bomba you before you even attempt at making a nuke.
It is not about daydream. It is a reality. There is no way we will surrender without completely destroying us. By that I mean, nuke. We will be fighting for our life such as the Soviet Union fighting for their life against the Nazi and completely annihilate the Nazi army in biggest and most bloodiest modern war in history. I anticipate nothing less than complete destruction of Japan as a race, culture, and land due to the amount of hatre we have for you. We despair and wish nothing but dead to you if a war break out so I am confident to say that either you are finish or we are finish. As that, we are going all out, using whatever meant necessary to destroy you. As I said, CCP is not fighting for us but themselves as well. Here I will provide you some idea of what we have in stock for you.

1. Massive electronic jam, EMP, cyberattack, sattlite knock down
2. Massive missile raining down on you
3. Complete block all supply to you
4. We will utilize our industrial prowess into war effort. No more playing around. We will spend at least 60% of GDP on war effort.
5. Lastly we might tsar bomba you before you even attempt at making a nuke.
It is not about daydream. It is a reality. There is no way we will surrender without completely destroying us. By that I mean, nuke. We will be fighting for our life such as the Soviet Union fighting for their life against the Nazi and completely annihilate the Nazi army in biggest and most bloodiest modern war in history. I anticipate nothing less than complete destruction of Japan as a race, culture, and land due to the amount of hatre we have for you. We despair and wish nothing but dead to you if a war break out so I am confident to say that either you are finish or we are finish. As that, we are going all out, using whatever meant necessary to destroy you. As I said, CCP is not fighting for us but themselves as well. Here I will provide you some idea of what we have in stock for you.

1. Massive electronic jam, EMP, cyberattack, sattlite knock down
2. Massive missile raining down on you
3. Complete block all supply to you
4. We will utilize our industrial prowess into war effort. No more playing around. We will spend at least 60% of GDP on war effort.
5. Lastly we might tsar bomba you before you even attempt at making a nuke.

if there is a total war, according to chinese military expert and rear admiral yin zhuo and col. du wenlong, china can wipe out all of japanese ports, airfeilds, surface ships within an hour.
We will spend at least 60% of GDP on war effort.

You can't spend what not belong to you.

Same length, more than enough for F-35B to take off.
Next Izumo would be at larger size. And buy USS Wasp is also another choice of Japan.
You can't spend what not belong to you.

Same length, more than enough for F-35B to take off.
Next Izumo would be at larger size. And buy USS Wasp is also another choice of Japan.

Izumo has to redesign its flight deck, since initially it wasn't considered to takeoff/land the F-35B.
Izumo has to redesign its flight deck, since initially it wasn't considered to takeoff/land the F-35B.

This is cool too. Showing the ability of Vertical landing enabled aircraft.

Emergency Landing on cargo ship ( on a container and a 9 seaters van )
This is cool too. Showing the ability of Vertical landing enabled aircraft.

Emergency Landing on cargo ship ( on a container and a 9 seaters van )

It is for the emergency situation, but overall it is not that safe to takeoff/land the V/STOL aircraft.
It is for the emergency situation, but overall it is not that safe to takeoff/land the V/STOL aircraft.

It must be safer on a flat-top.
I doubt about design of Izumo, let check the schedule of Izumo and F-35B. Same week.
F-35B doesn't suddenly appear, but as planned and Izumo too. It's not coincidence.
You can't spend what not belong to you.
Do you know how much Nazi Germany and Soviet Union spend during the war?

if there is a total war, according to chinese military expert and rear admiral yin zhuo and col. du wenlong, china can wipe out all of japanese ports, airfeilds, surface ships within an hour.
In my eyes, Japanese are just a bunch of faker who like to asskissing the West for protection. You never know a Japanese heart until you split it open because they are the best of hiding their fascism.
Do you know how much Nazi Germany and Soviet Union spend during the war?

I just want to say 60% of China GDP is made by oversea orders, deposit,... so China can't spend them for their own purpose.

In my eyes, Japanese are just a bunch of faker who like to asskissing the West for protection. You never know a Japanese heart until you split it open because they are the best of hiding their fascism.

So save us, be our friends, don't give the chance to Japanese to do so to us. They are doing that better than China.
he probably watched too much japanese animes that now he is living in this fatasy world of his that japan can magically make all the weapons and capabilities appear out of thin air.

Yeah, overall what the most important warships for Japan is like 6 Kongo/Atago destroyers and 7 Soryu subs.

And I don't know it can pose a serious challenge to the PLAN.
Anyway, be cool to admit that F-35 is a capable multi role aircraft with single engine
the unit cost decreased 57% since 2010 and Japan may buy additional F35 if price fall, Onodera said.

85million for F-35A is not so expensive.

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