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Japan's best strategy to defeat China at sea


@BoQ77 If the Japanese are confident in F35, why would they need to spend more on "Shin Shin" which is going to be a twin engine? LOLOL

Shin shin is not sure thing. F-35 is another matter. Japanese still believe in US experience, because F-22 is a clear example on US experience.
Shin shin is not sure thing. F-35 is another matter. Japanese still believe in US experience, because F-22 is a clear example on US experience.
LOL, It wasn't just ShinShin. All 5th gen from us, Russia, and US's top F22 equip with 2 engines. In fact, the Turkish so called 5th gen program and Korea/Indonesia program also seek 2 engines. All these countries force to buy F35 because that is the only aircraft available to them but it is obvious they want a twin-engine design.

Do you know what's 60% of China GDP composition? let think before state "we could spend 60% of China GDP...."

LOL, It wasn't just ShinShin. All 5th gen from us, Russia, and US's top F22 equip with 2 engines. In fact, the Turkish so called 5th gen program and Korea/Indonesia program also seek 2 engines. All these countries force to buy F35 because that is the only aircraft available to them but it is obvious they want a twin-engine design.

So forget it. Just try to make yourself the vertical landing aircraft.
If choosing between single engine F-35B and twin engine ( RD93 ) J31, I would vote for F-35B
Do you know what's 60% of China GDP composition? let think before state "we could spend 60% of China GDP...."
Mostly investment follow by service sector and then by manufacturing sector. Let not forget the during war time, Germany spent 80-90% of war effort. For us, 60% is around $6 trillion dollar which is a humble number considering the enemy we are fighting against. It is a "good" investment.

So forget it. Just try to make yourself the vertical landing aircraft.
If choosing between single engine F-35B and twin engine ( RD93 ) J31, I would vote for F-35B
What you choose is insignificant. What matter is that F-35 is a junk and questionable strategic aircraft. It can't even supercruise. By 5th gen standard, supercruise is a crucial part of hit and escape.
Mostly investment follow by service sector and then by manufacturing sector. Let not forget the during war time, Germany spent 80-90% of war effort. For us, 60% is around $6 trillion dollar which is a humble number considering the enemy we are fighting against. It is a "good" investment.

You can't spend Iphone, cheap plastic toys ... as your war effort.
Chinese suppliers need my deposit 30% down payment for the deal, the remain paid once the goods delivered. GDP count value of my order.
You can't spend Iphone, cheap plastic toys ... as your war effort.
LOL. But we can make cheap plastic toys factory into ammunition. Again, what is your knowledge about war effort? Do you know what it is? Let me teach you.

During war time, several factors dictate your war effort strength.

1. raw material such as steel and rare earth.
2. energy
3. man power
4. industrial factory
5. machinery

There are the core ingredient for war effort! The rest is not important to consider.
You can't spend Iphone, cheap plastic toys ... as your war effort.
Chinese suppliers need my deposit 30% down payment for the deal, the remain paid once the goods delivered. GDP count value of my order.

China's current potential war machine can also easily outproduce Japan.

This is no brainer.
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Are you going to doubt that Japan is going to be outgunned in an arm race with China?
We have been beating this horse guy to dead. The only one who can compete with us militarily in war situation is USA as we both will put vast amount of resource into war effort that I am afraid a long drag out war that will exhaust both of us with no end in sight. I am also afraid that the US will use nuke to end the conflict because the war effort won't stop on either side if we both going at it, HARD! Similar to the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany except this time it is much larger and more deadly.

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