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Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

Japan has issued apologies many many times from 50's to 2010's

read this

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you should read this, you are not the first one showing us that link. Copy paste without reading the content isn't enough.


Before you start pointing fingers , you be surprised to know who got the top spot ( in the past 200 yrs) and was responsible for the deaths ( i.e genocides )of million between (30-70 millions) .

Its Chairman Mao Zedong , you still have his portrait hanging in great hall .. he makes Stalin , Hitler and Imperial Japaneses look like saints.

30-70 millions based on what facts?

Great Leap Forward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.5 million people were beaten or tortured to death and 1 to 3 million committed suicide.

Cultural Revolution
The true figure of those who were persecuted or died during the Cultural Revolution may never be known, since many deaths went unreported or were actively covered up by the police or local authorities. The state of Chinese demographics at the time was very poor, and the PRC has been hesitant to allow formal research into the period.[96] In Mao's Last Revolution (2006), Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals assert that in rural China alone some 36 million people were persecuted, of whom between 750,000 and 1.5 million were killed, with roughly the same number permanently injured.[97] In Mao: The Unknown Story, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday claim that as many as 3 million people died in the violence of the Cultural Revolution.[98] Sociologist Daniel Chirot claims that around 100 million people suffered and at least one million people, and perhaps as many as 20 million, died in the Cultural Revolution.

Fact is nobody knows how many had died, but the estimates these researchers have given of deadly casualties are a few to 20 million deaths and the many millions had suffered the prosecution during that time.

Japanese invasion had killed > 20 million Chinese. The difference between Japanese soldiers and Mao responsible for so many deaths are based on different topics. One is an invasion with the intention to murder Chinese while Mao created 2 disastrous policies that was supposed to build up China after the end of WW2.
So China and Korea are the two´s who still await for a "sorry". You both are really bound by the past. Your current policy toward Japan is more or less affected what happened 65 years ago.

For example.
A man raped XXX's wife. then his family think he is a hero and the thing is a feat.

What do you think XXX can do?
you really should learn before talking,Koreans cut off their fingers and stabbed themselves in stomach in protest against Japan.a little learning is a good thing.

Please read Post 96 before commenting

A little Learning and READING first increase your intelligent
Unless 51% of the Korean cut off their finger and stab themselve to protest. Then it does not represent a majority. If that does not represent a majority, then it does not deflect the view to the "GENERAL" public and hence you cannot say Korean have a problem with this.

I can say, i asked 50 Korean about how they think regarding Japanese Apology, and if all of them say they don't care a jack shxt, can i say Korean do not care a jackshxt about it??

Okay, I agree that generalization is a bit wrong, but then how can you said it but I don't?

Many korean believe that the Japanese should at least apologizes for their past crime. I don't give a sh!t about them, but they have the right to protest against Japan.

Nobody in my post does not mean "Nobody" ie. 0 people in the world. This is a generalization of the world. I am not saying there are absolutely no one in this world have problem with Japan.

As i said, there are some people i know in America and Australia did still hold grudges about the Japanese. But when i say nobody in this world, meaning the world opinion are not generally care about the Japanese apology, which is a fact that not really many country in the world care.
Germany apologize on what they done. Germany is a new country break away Nazi.

But Japan is different。
Japan emperor not brought to trial.No apologize for their crimes.

Of course French Vietnam is ally of Japanese militarism.You are friend.

Do you have any idea what would have happened if US/Allies would have done so?

The Emperor belonged to a family which ruled Japan for thousands of years and the Emperor was not less than a God for millions of Japanese.

There would have been no peace had the arrest and trial happened.
you really should learn before talking,Koreans cut off their fingers and stabbed themselves in stomach in protest against Japan.a little learning is a good thing.

Korean protest agaisnt Japan.
The Koreans generally are a weird folk. North Koreans are much more crazy, see uncle Kim.
Where´s the problem? Vietnam produces enough foods to feed the population of both Vietnam and Japan. Food is cheap and abundant in Vietnam.

Now Vietnam produces will 10% - 20% increase in price。

Do you have any idea what would have happened if US/Allies would have done so?

The Emperor belonged to a family which ruled Japan for thousands of years and the Emperor was not less than a God for millions of Japanese.

There would have been no peace had the arrest and trial happened.

:rofl: Douglas MacArthur done the first thing in japan that let The Emperor shout " I am not a god"
You should say "Those Korean" did, not "The Korean" did.........

5 koreans does not make up the opinion of the whole South Korea. Let alone the whole Korea.

a little learning is a good thing

Gallup Poll
Here are the 2012 results compared with 2002 in parenthesis

■ South Korea’s Top 5 Least Favorite Countries
1. Japan – 44.1% (33.4% in 2002)

Okay, so the Japanese and South Koreans don’t get along — what else is new? Japan hit the top of the same list back in 2002 and it shouldn’t be too hard to find a poll in Japan where Korea scores the same.

What is different about this year’s results is how much Korea seems to hate Japan: whereas 19.1% of South Koreans polled said they hold a unfavorable view of runner-up country China, a whopping 44.1% of respondents answered the same of Japan. While K-pop tops Japanese music charts and young Japanese women dream of bagging a Korean boy, nearly half of Korea is telling Japan to shove off.

Of course, the timing of the research was far from ideal: 1,500 male and female Korean adults were polled over 16 days from July 14 to July 29 — a month after right-wing Japanese activist Nobuyuki Suzuki enraged the entire country by setting up a sign reaffirming Japan’s claim disputed islands and denouncing comfort women as prostitutes next to a comfort women memorial statue in Seoul.
Now Vietnam produces will 10% - 20% increase in price。

:rofl: Douglas MacArthur done the first thing in japan that let The Emperor shout " I am not a god"

I know that declaration

still there would have been enormous anger between Japanese elites and loyalists.

There is a reason why many Japanese elites were not brought to justice by US. The reason was to have firm control over Japan they needed the co-operation of Japanese elites.
Back to topic: Japan doesn´t care of what China thinks, it can go ahead with the plans. Once implemented, Japan will change the political and military landscape in Asia.

More fun is coming, thanks to childish foreign policy of China.
And you should read this, you are not the first one showing us that link. Copy paste without reading the content isn't enough.


30-70 millions based on what facts?

Great Leap Forward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.5 million people were beaten or tortured to death and 1 to 3 million committed suicide.

Cultural Revolution
The true figure of those who were persecuted or died during the Cultural Revolution may never be known, since many deaths went unreported or were actively covered up by the police or local authorities. The state of Chinese demographics at the time was very poor, and the PRC has been hesitant to allow formal research into the period.[96] In Mao's Last Revolution (2006), Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals assert that in rural China alone some 36 million people were persecuted, of whom between 750,000 and 1.5 million were killed, with roughly the same number permanently injured.[97] In Mao: The Unknown Story, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday claim that as many as 3 million people died in the violence of the Cultural Revolution.[98] Sociologist Daniel Chirot claims that around 100 million people suffered and at least one million people, and perhaps as many as 20 million, died in the Cultural Revolution.

Fact is nobody knows how many had died, but the estimates these researchers have given of deadly casualties are a few to 20 million deaths and the many millions had suffered the prosecution during that time.

Japanese invasion had killed > 20 million Chinese. The difference between Japanese soldiers and Mao responsible for so many deaths are based on different topics. One is an invasion with the intention to murder Chinese while Mao created 2 disastrous policies that was supposed to build up China after the end of WW2.

yes , I understand Japan's apologies might not be enough for the Chinese , constantly rubbing it just going inflict wound within the Chinese community , I was trying to stop that hence my statement.

its part of history now , however hurtful it might be , no point in talking about it all the time, You got to move on , lot of nations have commited far greater crimes but nations and its people move on

yes its your prerogative to talk about it all the time every time when you see a Japanese but i don't see the point.

As for Mao .. here it is

Mass crimes against humanity and genocide since World War II
Food as a Weapon: The Largest Conspiracy of Mass Murder in World History
Top 5 Worst Genocides in History | Just On Top
Back to topic: Japan doesn´t care of what China thinks, it can go ahead with the plans. Once implemented, Japan will change the political and military landscape in Asia.

More fun is coming, thanks to childish foreign policy of China.

but the truth is no one can stop Japan from diving into downturn spiral further and further,Japan is a spent force,even they themselves know that,you can keep up your hopes,but those hopes will turn to pipedreams.
Back to topic: Japan doesn´t care of what China thinks, it can go ahead with the plans. Once implemented, Japan will change the political and military landscape in Asia.

More fun is coming, thanks to childish foreign policy of China.

:rofl:If you can read japanese ,read it.
??????????? - ??ý
Nobody in my post does not mean "Nobody" ie. 0 people in the world. This is a generalization of the world. I am not saying there are absolutely no one in this world have problem with Japan.

As i said, there are some people i know in America and Australia did still hold grudges about the Japanese. But when i say nobody in this world, meaning the world opinion are not generally care about the Japanese apology, which is a fact that not really many country in the world care.

Okay I know where this is going, so we should stop before we goes nowhere & started throwing insults.

I support the notions that the Japanese should at least formally apologizes to their past crimes & try to make amend. Like started teaching their kids their dark history during WW2 not from their "revised history"

You don't support it because it is irrelevant & that nobody cares. Which are true nobody in the world cares, I could destroy the entire world & the universe won't bat an eyelash. You can say this because you're not affected by it. It's like the Rwandan Genocide. The people of the world watch it, horrified by it & then goes back to eating their dinners. No one cares because it doesn't affect them, but what of those to those who were affected. What do they get?.

Now again you are right because I just don't give Sh!t because it doesn't affect me in anyway. As a Nationalist & Machiavellian I see other country problem as trite compared to my own, but I also believe that the people who were affected whether its directly or indirectly can be angry & even protest about it.

Now that I make my point I will leave silently leave this thread alone.

those western propaganda has been used against China for decades and I went through many sources to try to find evidence to back those claim up,none came up.there is no one single verifiable source to prove the figures.and worst genocide in history?European settler almost complete wiped the whole indeginous Indian population off the surface of North America and that didnt even make to the list...?what a lie..
those western propaganda has been used against China for decades and I went through many sources to try to find evidence to back those claim up,none came up.there is no one single verifiable source to prove the figures.and worst genocide in history?European settler almost complete wiped the whole indeginous Indian population off the surface of North America and that didnt even make to the list...?what a lie..

look , i don't care if you worship Mao or CCP

I don't even care what you think of these article , its your countrymen who died( cause of your leader) in one of the greatest epic sage and tragedy in human history ( apart form wars - WW1 and WW2) ,

Calling it a lie , whom are you trying to fool ?

it says: -

During 1958–1960 China continued to be a substantial net exporter of grain, despite the widespread famine experienced in the countryside, as Mao sought to maintain face and convince the outside world of the success of his plans. Foreign aid was refused. When the Japanese foreign minister told his Chinese counterpart Chen Yi of an offer of 100,000 tonnes of wheat to be shipped out of public view, he was rebuffed. John F Kennedy was also aware that the Chinese were exporting food to Africa and Cuba during the famine and said "we've had no indication from the Chinese Communists that they would welcome any offer of food.

looks like you lot
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