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Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

Pita you have a good point but the people as in civilians dont see eye to eye with the army. The people of china wants war for revenge for what the japanese did to them during wwii. The men who serves in chinas army i doubt would want to go to war just for what happened in the past and over some tiny islands. The reality is that if people truly know the results of war they would try to avoid it than start it over some islands or vendettas.

Dont get me wrong, i agree that war is necessary sometimes but not over this trivial matter.
Remember that the army is formed from the people and are made up of each of these individuals. I would not agree with you that Chinese people, in general, want revenge. I believe that to be an inaccurate representation of the Chinese psyche. What is wanted is resolution on social and territorial issues that have persisted for quite sometime. Whether that resolution is justified is certainly in debate and one in which I'm not going to partake in.

From the Chinese people that I've known, believe me, I've known a lot, generally, there is no desire to have a violent confrontation with any country. I will no hide the fact that there is animosity but thoughts of the Chinese public wanting to mass exterminate, via execution style, a whole population is erroneous. People just want to raise families and make a good living. The choice is yours to believe whatever you wish. I have no desire to dissuade anyone against their own convictions.

This will be my last post on this matter. I believe I've stated my position with clarity.
Yes an army is formed from the people, but people change. Some people support war but when they join the army and it's their life on the line, their opinion can easily change. What you say doesn't really match your last reply; you say that people want war to happen but now you say people don't want it?
Yes an army is formed from the people, but people change. Some people support war but when they join the army and it's their life on the line, their opinion can easily change.

Do some people who want war as a civilian not want war a soldier? Sure it happens. But I was arguing your assertion that Chinese people "want war for revenge". If you have statistics to say that Chinese people, "want war for revenge", then hand them over. If you don't then your point is speculative and without any merit whatsoever and speaks more about how you view Chinese people. So, I'm waiting...

What you say doesn't really match your last reply; you say that people want war to happen but now you say people don't want it?

Ok, I'll bite, where did I say, people want war?
I'm aware not all Chinese people want war, but from what I've read on the news I see so many riots and protests against Japan from China and flag burning, even from what I read in the forums here a few people (wont name who) sure likes to make threats of war.

Don't listen to the doves. Everyone wants war. Just think of it as a big game of tag but with ammunition.

Unless you're being sarcastic.
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