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Jamat-e-Islami ready to send its warriors to liberate Palestine

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Could be worse, could have been on donkeys.

You know what's funny, that today You and others make fun of those who ride Donkey's but there was a time when some of the greatest people who ever Walk the earth rode Donkey, Esa Ibn Maryam, Rasool Allah SAW, Umar Ibn Khattab RA.
Don't make fun of Allah's creation, for the least that Donkey is part of the same Species that can say that his kind were once the Sawari of Rasool Allah and Prophets like Esa As. And we despite been Ashraful Makhlooqat (Best of the creation) is behaving worse than the Animals. Also just for Reference Rasool Allah SAW also has a Donkey, who died right after his death by throwing himself in the well because the pain of Rasool Allah death was too much for that poor animal to bear.
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Also just for Reference Rasool Allah SAW also has a Donkey, who died right after his death by throwing himself in the well because the pain of Rasool Allah death was too much for that poor animal to bear.

Ya'fur ?
Everybody scoring point on Palestinians. Another one was saying he will send 5 lakh people. Will the leaders of these groups go first? Will they send their children, siblings, relatives? I say prove it, liberate Afghanistan, Iraq or Kashmir first.
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