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Molla’s execution: Jamaat-e-Islami to stage Pakistan-wide protests today

Media one

Yeah, which channel?

Media one? Does it air in Blore?

I thought Media One was the channel of Muslim League ...... :what:

Media one.... dono that... You should watch a programme which analyses the news of whole week.... Some time you will feel its a live show of PDF....

Very True ....... There biases and Anti-BJP , Anti-US stands are clearly visible in most of their reporting .
Jamate islami earlier had little support from CPM now i think they dont even have that..... But then lets drop that subject as we might derail this thread...
A mass killer and rapist a hero for Pakistan? Really? Sick mentality. This is one reason why Pakistan lost all its battles with other countries so far. Even lost the most resourceful part of its own land.

Everybody knows (esp. the locals of Mirpur) what he did in Mirpur Slaughter House. This killer is hero for Pakistan and a Shaheed for JI supporters.

Btw, Golum Azam once said the head of the office of JI is still in Pakistan. May be this is the reason why **** JI is protesting against the execution of their party member.

Okay, those who tried or never wanted to save Pakistan from separation in 1971 are "mass killer & rapist" hahahahahahahahaha

Banglai, forget to worry about Pakistan. Worry about your own Bang la Desh. I think its better that Pakistan is seprated from you Begalies. Because your cultures, languages and lots of other things are same as well India. Thats why we call you "Ghaddar Bangalies"

Now you are talking about violation of agreement when pakistan have the best record of violation of agreement against india.:pissed:
Rote raho zari zindagi like..... Mar Gya Pakistan . . . . Mar Gya Pakistan . . . .
Don`t you Indian got anything else to do do than keep singing a song about Pakistan?

These Bangalies & Afhganies are same as well as Indians for us. Because all these 3 country got same culture that you already said. Good that Bangla is no longer part of us. Because Bangalies and Indians cultures are same. Totally agreed with you post Online.
@Anubis If this has got them frothing then Sayedee's execution will probably give them fits. Btw, how's the situation in Dhaka post the swinging?
osama bin laden was a martyr
hakimullah mehsud was a martyr
Abdul Quader Molla was a martyr
kasab was a martyr
afzal guru was a martyr
100s of infiltrators killed in kashmir ..they are all martyrs

looks like only terrorists are treated as martyr in pakistan! sad situation really

according to me a good mollah is a dead mollah :enjoy:

But this same A$$hole Munnawar Hasan said that the PA soldiers who died in service were NOT Martyrs. Funny guy!
Must be still as swinging as before......

I am wondering as to why our own domestic Jamaatis didn't react in a strong manner to this, perhaps we have successfully domesticated them, what say you?
I am wondering as to why our own domestic Jamaatis didn't react in a strong manner to this, perhaps we have successfully domesticated them, what say you?

AFAIK, they do not give a$hit. They are busy lining their pockets.
But this same A$$hole Munnawar Hasan said that the PA soldiers who died in service were NOT Martyrs. Funny guy!
like i said brother , only terrorist are martyrs in pakistan !

in india we remember the sacrifices made by our soldier in kargil , police officers and security forces who fought terrorist bravely during 26/11 and parliament attacks , saving so many life's , for us they are our heroes and martyrs .

these guys have changed the definition of martyr , a martyr is one who fights to defend his countries pride and its people , not someone who kills innocent people and rapes women.

what can you expect from a country that lives on lies and propaganda!

ps: pakistani army did not even accept the dead bodies of its soldiers during the kargil war , just to hide its lies.
Yes just like you Punjabis have same culture, language, bhangra, basant etc as Sikhs and Hindus.

Yes just like Punjabi and Hindu/Sikh culture is same.
Tu muje GEO channel ka lagta hai. Aman ki Asha se toh nahi tu?
How the fck is it our problem?

Let B-Desh do whatever it wants...why invite more unrest and arson in our country?

JI does a protest, road gets blocked (loss of transportation money), strike (again loss to our economy), property gets burnt (again our loss).

Why don't these idiots gets it?

Simply because they are idiots; congenital idiots.
Abdul Qadir Mulla RA did not sacrifice his life for any 'love Pakistan' nationalistic nonsense as he was a true Islamist and Islamist do not believe in any nationalism garbage. He sacrificed his life only and only for the supremacy of Islam and shariah in Bangladesh and this is also what his son said. Please don't pollute and dishonour his shahadat for the sake of Islam with this 'love Pakistan' or similar nationalist nonsense.

He got this punishment because he was against to separate from Pakistan 1971 you idiot. When you don`t know about the facts then STOP crying. Online said it right.
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