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Molla’s execution: Jamaat-e-Islami to stage Pakistan-wide protests today

Very interesting to note that only Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are divided on whether this guy was a criminal served with justice, or a martyr who laid his life for Islam - nothing in-between. The same division that separated East Pakistan from West Pakistan.

One of the eye opening threads it is.
Interesting to see the global Islamists worrying about the "judicial murder" of a fanatic extremist who perpetrated rapine and genocide of innocent civilians.

Good riddance but it is just a start. Many more of these extremists need to follow.
Interesting to see the global Islamists worrying about the "judicial murder" of a fanatic extremist who perpetrated rapine and genocide of innocent civilians.

Good riddance but it is just a start. Many more of these extremists need to follow.

great to see that our Indian posters have same sense for justice well served as the Evangelical born again Bush and Tony Blair with the glaring evidences.
Huh? After being responsible for murdering hundreds of Bangladeshis in his area and raping dozens of women, he's being called a patriot? :pissed: Is patriotism about raping and murdering?

He was called the 'Butcher of Mirpur' and led the infamous Al Badr militia in the Dhaka suburb of Mirpur where he slaughtered hundreds of men women and children, and raped mothers and daughters.

And the JeI calls him a patriot?? WTF? :devil:

There are serious concerns about whether or not the allegations were proved. If there ever was a Kangroo court, the one that sentenced him to death is one.

When law & order break down, a lot of $hit happens. A recent example is the Algeria's civil war in 90s. A lot of mayhem was blamed on Islamist insurgents, but was in fact perpetrated by people settling their personal scores.

Would the same court ever try terrorists who mudered and raped Biharis and West Pakistanis?

It would be best to wait a few years for a change of government in BanglaDesh to see how this verdict is perceived.

Interesting to see the global Islamists worrying about the "judicial murder" of a fanatic extremist who perpetrated rapine and genocide of innocent civilians.

Good riddance but it is just a start. Many more of these extremists need to follow.

Just to even things out a bit, perhaps Indian sponsored 'freedom fighters' who killed & raped Biharis and West Pakistanis should also be contemplated.

Enjoying this thread with beer and chicken tikka . Thank you all dimwits for being such a source of entertainment !! .

Voyeurism personified.
It should have been your personal matter you know.. After all you were giving a detailed note about the plight of Indian Muslims to some guy today before closing a troll thread.. If you think you know more about Indian muslims and their sorrows then why not Jamaat-e-Islami worried about the muslims of Bangladesh??

Please read the same post again, where i have mentioned that 'Indian Muslims are an Indian problem'. Was it not clear enough?

@Irfan Baloch

Irfan bhai, be it a judicial assasination at the behest of the India and its lapdog BD govt, or anything else, we must remain indifferent. What happens in BD is 'their' problem not ours.

If this dehshatgard islamofascist Munawar Hassan is so pissed off, we should transport him to BD to go and protest. Our soil musn't be used for intervention in a foregin country.

As for stranded Pakistanis, that is a shame on our face for not bringing them home.
Please read the same post again, where i have mentioned that 'Indian Muslims are an Indian problem'. Was it not clear enough?


What I not agree is you talking behalf of Indian Muslims and trying to educate a guy who started the thread with a sole intention to troll and then closing the thread with out letting any of us to counter the points you were making.. Have to say cheap antics from you Aero..
So many people have said Kangaroo court, and misplaced judgment etc. However, as of yet none has provided any details on what proofs and witnesses were included.

Care to share, anyone? Or is it just hot air?
Who cares if they killed him. Jamaat nincompoops should stage rallies against terrorists inside Pakistan killing innocent people.
I would rather send PN ships to bring our stranded Pakistanis back.
Nay sir , the hearts of Pakistani public are more than open for Afghans with ever present animosity towards our country and are mostly involved in criminal/terrorist activities rather than their own patriotic countrymen who gave everything for Pakistan and yet refuse to call themselves as Bangladeshis , even today . Sad state of affairs , but well this is Islamic Republic Of Pakistan . :pakistan:

Who cares if they killed him. Jamaat nincompoops should stage rallies against terrorists inside Pakistan killing innocent people.

Why would the terrorist supporters want to protest against the terrorists who have killed 64,000 of our countrymen until now ? They rather host them in their safehouses and Jamiat hostels and declare them martyrs .
@Irfan Baloch

Looks like our Hindutvadasi cyber strike command is having a field day today. It takes a 'special creed' of humans, to 'enjoy death'...whoever it maybe, we all die one day....it should be respected.
You mean the Supreme court of Bangladesh is a lemon? Can anybody be hanged until death without adequate proof? Don't talk rubbish just because you're Khalida's fan boy.

No i am not saying that its a lemon but rather a bloody lemonade. Yes people can be hanged without proof as history is full of such cases.
Lastly just because you are hasinas tout dont tell me what i can or cant say.
Good that they hanged him! Does **** Islamists want to meet the same fate? Cut the protests you dumb fuks!
@Irfan Baloch

Looks like our Hindutvadasi cyber strike command is having a field day today. It takes a 'special creed' of humans, to 'enjoy death'...whoever it maybe, we all die one day....it should be respected.

Keeping that hindutvadasi cyber part of your post aside.... I agree with you that every one of us will die one day....and death should be respected but then one should see who is the deceased.... I am sure you did not have that much respect when OBL or hakimulla got killed (assuming you to be not a sympathiser )
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