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Italy warns India about ship firing detentions

Italy may have to resort to military action if india continues to act like a child. The Italians only ask that their marines be unharmed and treated as 1st class in the indian system. The last thing india wants is for Italy to come down to india and take their marines back with force, and joining them would be a country who has had a long history in dealing with india, the British.


Don't kill them, just imprison them for life. As for consequences, let's not blow this out of proportion - Italy will continue to maintain normal diplomatic relation with India if they want to keep their economy alive and kicking in the coming days.
Initial foul play and later foul display? Italy will prove itself a fool if India remains adamant on its position.
don't you guys have something called "3rd degree special favour(read torture)" or something like that for these trigger happy guys!!!!!!. Italian or no Italian, no one should harm any civilian. These guys just make a living off fishing.
I hope your court sentence them life term to rot in jail and repent for their mistakes.
lolll ahahah italy warned india :bounce:. india has being doing a lot of military exercises these days. if they did send a ship into indian ocean it would just serve as a fair mock drill for our country's forces. this aint the india they once ruled.
That's the difference between you guys and us.We actually are not blind in hatred like you guys.I remember how you guys cheered for Raymond Davis.

But killing of Civilians around the world is always boldly condemned by Indians and we will continue to do so. India always condemns killing of innocents in war or terrorist attacks but we blame the regime we laugh on the regime not the civilians.
Italia is too week to bully India. The Italian racist robber cruelly killed 2 Chinese parent and their 9 month baby on the street of Roma on January 6th 2012. In this case, I'm with Indian those damn racist should get punishment they deserve. Those white treat us like pigs and **** in their guts and bone.
first of all RIP to those fisherman

secondly i appreciate GOI's decision of arresting those Italians despite knowing would be pressure from Italy

hopefully court will give them strict punishment

it would be interesting to see how GOI handles this issue
Don't kill them, just imprison them for life. As for consequences, let's not blow this out of proportion - Italy will continue to maintain normal diplomatic relation with India if they want to keep their economy alive and kicking in the coming days.

They can get a life imprison or just a 5 years of punishment it all depends upon the evidence and motive (acc to the Law)
For example I am driving my car you jumps in front and get killed :hang2: and I don't even know you so a case of killing a person with negligence driving will be put and in that case I will get a 5 year imprisonment but I do know you but don't have a motive so advantage of doubt will be there with me but I knew you had a motive and even evidence are found then no one can save me :butcher:

So if you imply the samething here Marines didn't had any motive as it was an accident the only way they can get a punishment bigger than the 5 year one is if the culprites were racists.And then we know what to do with them :triniti:
Don't kill them, just imprison them for life. As for consequences, let's not blow this out of proportion - Italy will continue to maintain normal diplomatic relation with India if they want to keep their economy alive and kicking in the coming days.

Indian court give death in rarest of rare cases, not for any murder. I am expecting prison term of 8 to 12 years if proven guilty by court, but the case can collapse without witness/ good lawyer etc.
Anyway the poor Italian guards are now in Trivandrum central jail eating jail made chapathi and Veg-Kurma:yahoo:
First day they was lucky to get Italian pasta. The court rejected the plea to grant special privileges to the duo and said Indian law did not permit such special treatment.:tongue:
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