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Italy recalls ambassador from India over case against marines: AFP

Show me the source were any EU representative officialy said this all they are saying that both nations should solve this through deplomatic means peacefully their is no harsh satement issued by EU even UN GERNAL SEC ban ki monn directed to solve this problem peacefully itlay failed to create any unrest btw india and Eu relations :p:p:p:p:p:p

Italian marines issue halting IndiaEU relationship says German ambassador

Germany threatens India and EU stops all talks about free trade. Italy isolated india on this issue. All decissions on EU in foreign issues must get agree from evry single EU country, Italy will always vote no and stop free trade with india no matter what france and uk say. since germany also on our side we can do this as much we wish. India loses billions through this. You want no good relations with italy, here you have it.
There are faults from both the sides in this case, Italy must understand that their is a General Election coming up in India and even if India wants to solve the matter diplomatically no govt. would dare to take a friendly step before the elections as it will send a wrong message to the public.
Moreover Italy have turn the matter more emotional and sentimental due to their unnecessary babbling about "an act of war and strong response from the EU" just trying to please their people by showing off how deeply the Italian govt.is concerned about the marines. Now if the Indian Govt. is ever pressurized by the media or the public to give a strong reply to the Italians their will be no diplomatic cards left to play.
There are faults from both the sides in this case, Italy must understand that their is a General Election coming up in India and even if India wants to solve the matter diplomatically no govt. would dare to take a friendly step before the elections as it will send a wrong message to the public.
Moreover Italy have turn the matter more emotional and sentimental due to their unnecessary babbling about "an act of war and strong response from the EU" just trying to please their people by showing off how deeply the Italian govt.is concerned about the marines. Now if the Indian Govt. is ever pressurized by the media or the public to give a strong reply to the Italians their will be no diplomatic cards left to play.

Still no proofs whatsoever, not even a charge-sheet. It seems (ballistic tests) that the bullets are incompatible with the guns of the two Italian marines still detained in India? All this is in blatant contravention of UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed by 163 countries, India included). It is not, clearly, a matter for the Indian Judiciary to decide (as if the two Italian marines were private individuals) but a conflict between two States that, legally (international law) can only be settled by bilateral negotiations (between the Governments of India and Italy) or international arbitration (under UNCLOS). The marines (regular soldiers) were in fact on active service for the Italian Government, i.e. the protection of the Enrica Lexie on the most pirates/armed robbers-infested sea route in the world (from Singapore to Egypt) with the agreement of the International Maritime Organisation (UN). The Italian Government is ultimately responsible for their actions. Their continued detention (23 months, without trial) is in contrast with the international law. Is it possible that you are not aware of the massive Indian loss of international credibility in the last 23 months? For instance, during this time, India (formerly a member of BRICS) has been included in the “Fragile Five” grouping, and the Rupee has devalued by more than 11%...

India holds two of our soldiers as hostages. Thats the simple fact.
Italian marines issue halting IndiaEU relationship says German ambassador

Germany threatens India and EU stops all talks about free trade. Italy isolated india on this issue. All decissions on EU in foreign issues must get agree from evry single EU country, Italy will always vote no and stop free trade with india no matter what france and uk say. since germany also on our side we can do this as much we wish. India loses billions through this. You want no good relations with italy, here you have it.
The EU also urged India to find "as a matter of urgency" a mutually satisfactory solution to the case in accordance with international law and UN conventions on the law of the sea saying that the issue had a bearing on the global fight against piracy.

The government has invoked anti-terrorism law SUA (Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf) Act which entails death penalty. The EU has said capital punishment was out of question as there was already a commitment from India to that effect, referring to foreign minister Salman Khurshid's statement in Parliament.

The EU wants India to increase FDI cap in the insurance sector to 49%. India will need an approval from Parliament to do this. The EU also wants considerable duty cuts for its automobiles. India, on its part, has been demanding a data secure nation status which is important for its IT companies.

There is diffrence btw word "URGED" and"THREATEN" YOU SHOULD LEARN THIS FIRST As for creating PRESSURE ON india its IMMOSIBLE TOO THREAT INDIAN WE BEARED ALL THE SACTIONS that was imposed on us when we tested nuclear power Compare to that its Very tiny issue TO US
india star already sinks again. i see this behavior as sign for massive internal chaos, nothing else.
Still no proofs whatsoever, not even a charge-sheet. It seems (ballistic tests) that the bullets are incompatible with the guns of the two Italian marines still detained in India? All this is in blatant contravention of UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed by 163 countries, India included). It is not, clearly, a matter for the Indian Judiciary to decide (as if the two Italian marines were private individuals) but a conflict between two States that, legally (international law) can only be settled by bilateral negotiations (between the Governments of India and Italy) or international arbitration (under UNCLOS). The marines (regular soldiers) were in fact on active service for the Italian Government, i.e. the protection of the Enrica Lexie on the most pirates/armed robbers-infested sea route in the world (from Singapore to Egypt) with the agreement of the International Maritime Organisation (UN). The Italian Government is ultimately responsible for their actions. Their continued detention (23 months, without trial) is in contrast with the international law. Is it possible that you are not aware of the massive Indian loss of international credibility in the last 23 months? For instance, during this time, India (formerly a member of BRICS) has been included in the “Fragile Five” grouping, and the Rupee has devalued by more than 11%...

India holds two of our soldiers as hostages. Thats the simple fact.
Actually italy scared due to fact of change of political regime of our country what will the stand of other govt
A confrontation with the Italians means dragging NATO into it, which evetually brings the US. If the war was Santa's present, India will be the prize.
we don't care about our relations with a THIRD RATE POWER.

If you have guts, better start the war which your govt. is promising since long.

Oh I am sorry, you don't have BALLS to attack India.

It needs BALLS to attack India.........Italy only has a SHOE :lol:
india star already sinks again. i see this behavior as sign for massive internal chaos, nothing else.
I see it as a way to force italy to climb down, unless India hardens its stand italy will simply say it happened in international water and rest all bs.
They are deliberately not providing data and trying to delay the investigation.
There will be bargain which will try to seek a middle ground, and that is only possible if India hardens its own stance.
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india star already sinks again. i see this behavior as sign for massive internal chaos, nothing else.
Keep dreaming its a other thing you italians are good at other tan making pizzas;););)
A confrontation with the Italians means dragging NATO into it, which evetually brings the US. If the war was Santa's present, India will be the prize.
if it was so easy to fight war against any country you wish, syria wont be still ruled by al asad.
so much for fair trial. thanks for admitting to be an unjust banana republic

you are wrong, germany backs italy 100% and so does EU. German ambassador in india already said this case is treated from germany as highest intererest.

our fishermen know maritime rights and do not start a raid against an oil tanker. Lets face reality, india does not fight terrorism and pirates. our sailors would fall victim to pirates and india would not help, like what happened in mumbai. sorry but our soldiers will always defend our ships.

Dude you know jack shit for sure . U have no clue what are you talking about. And how the hell fishermen with their small ship attack ur ship without any arms?

India Takes Fight to Pirates | The Diplomat

India leads fight against Somali pirates - CSMonitor.com

Few links to show India's commitment towards fight against Pirates.

And don't even talk about terrorism , India is one nation which has been fight these lunatic mullhas and terrorists for decades.
Keep dreaming its a other thing you italians are good at other tan making pizzas;););)

easy question, if i rent a car in india and make an accident, could i as an italian expect a fair trial there?
A confrontation with the Italians means dragging NATO into it, which evetually brings the US. If the war was Santa's present, India will be the prize.
Hahahaha only in dreams we have russians to protect are back and china also (if us involves) russia will activate all its ICBM THEN EU AND USA WILL PISS IN THEIR PANTS OR THEY WILL BE RESPONCOBLE FOR WORLD END;);););):mad:;):mad::D:D:D:D:D
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